who or what created god?

Neville--to nose in on your question

but something cant exist forever, it just cant!! (I do understand how us being mortal causes us to assume everything is finite but it is a stretch i.e. we cannot know things from beyond our timeline so imagining that something is Infinite is not easy).
The secret to working around this natural conundrum is to stop thinking of God as a thing.

God is, on one hand, an idea. This idea encompasses the whole of reality. To the other, though, that God is an idea does not go far enough, as ideas depend on brains--minds--to have them.

So if God is merely an idea, then God cannot be said to have existed forever, except in the ideological conception. However, if we look at what the idea represents--that, perhaps, can be said to be eternal.

If the whole of the Universe was a purple plastic triangle, would it always be a purple plastic triangle? If the idea of God represents the whole of reality, then we can say that the condition represented by the idea of God is eternal. Regardless of what changes take place in the Universe through the course of time, the whole condition of reality can be speculated to exist inasmuch as any reality actually exists. This condition has always been; pick a moment in the Universe and try to imagine the smaller space, the younger stars, the lack of life in this sector. At that moment, that was the whole of reality, the state of God's creation.

Gods are merely anthropomorphizations of ignorance; this is why the more limited a God is, the less its value over time as human knowledge grows. Wood sprites? Faeries? These are long relegated to the backroom fancies of the pagan revival, and nowadays represent almost arbitrary designations for a certain class of localized perceptual phenomena. God? Father-Son-Holy Ghost? We see the twentieth century brought Christianity into conflict with some of its primary assumptions about the Universe; the relevance of Christian faith is in decline. Allah? Do there not presently exist serious questions about the state of Islamic faith in relation to basic presumptions about the Universe?

But the actual idea that God represents to people is not a thing, but perhaps a condition or state of being. Sufis often assert that Sufism is the core, and the balance of the remainder is "religion". Sparing the detailed part of that, what it implies is that the vague and dynamic spiritual core the Sufis pursue is essentially God, and the rest is just dressings. There are a few disclaimers that come with that, including the fact that Sufis claim to admit when they're wrong about things, but it's the division between the idea of God and the gods of religions I'm actually chasing after.

Prehistorically, I would assert that fire and rain gods held sway long before any omniscient, omnipotent all-creator arose. The Universal potentates signify a chapter in human thought development--the ability to consider abstract origins. The origin of fire is easy enough to question, but the origin of life to the degree of an all-creator requires certain presuppositions, such as the range of what qualifies as life. This is, when you compare it to eating, sleeping, reproducing, and warding off predatory animals, a consideration for luxury. How to deal with fire, for instance, seems considerably more relevant to a prehistoric individual than the origin of the Universe.

I've always tended toward seeking a condition which makes the religious assertion true. For some people, this seems circular. But for me, that's the point. What that circle equals determines the value of the idea. Based on what people assert about God, considering as much of the human endeavor's regard for God as I have fit into my brain so far, this is what I come up with. And, frankly, I'm impressed. Not with myself, but with the idea that a possible solution to the God problem lies so close to our grasp. If I could communicate the idea better, and "sell the Bible to the Devil" by convincing Christians and others that my vision still works within their template as long as they realize the template is a result and not a presupposition ..... Well, if I could pull it off, I would. And someday, maybe I might.

But here I offer the seeds of the idea.

Tiassa :cool:

Think of infinity not as a numerical quantity but as something that doesn't have any boundaries. Infinite time would then be something that had no beginning or no end, or neither.

I'd also point out that something infinite must exist or have existed in the past since if there were a time in the past when there was nothing then it would have been impossible for anything to begin.

Some might say that quantum events can cause matter to appear from empty space, but that means that empty space must have existed beforehand. It would be something nevertheless.

If the universe is not infinite then there must have been something before that to cause it to appear and if that thing is not infinite then there must have been something before that, etc., to past infinity.

And we should really stop thinking of the big bang as the beginning of the universe. The BB is just a limit of our current ability to observe any further. Much like early man considered the Earth as the universe with a few things in the sky going round the earth. We don't know what caused the BB to begin and we don't know if this is the only BB or whether there are an infinite number of BBs in a much larger universe than we currently perceive.

There is of course the idea that the BB explodes and then collapses and explodes again in an infinite cycle.

None of this of course precludes the existence of a god but then neither does it require that one must exist.
Heres an idea....


If God always existed and nothing created it, then how do you explain the origins of our universe beyond the big bang? If you say god always existed, that would mean it was here BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF TIME. And since time cannot exist without a universe to measure it in, nothing existed( superoxymoron). Basically no beginning.

The roots of religions and mythologies explain the birth of our reality, our universe, our timeline, not the rest of the universe. You have to remember that there are billions of other galaxies with other solar systems who have planets circling around it. Furthermore, if you assume that stars with planets orbiting around them is a natural phenomenom and always has been, then you could say at the advent of our universe origins, that there were others already in existence, moving through its own timeline or reality.

So the oxymoron can be eliminated if we put outside the idea that a Supernatural natural being brought the universe into existence and look at it with a free mind. By this, I mean that if we put the supernatural creation aside for a minute, we can say that their was existence. Space. Infinite Space without Time. Eternal Infinity. And within this timeless space existed all the elements that would produce a new solar system. What were those elements and what generated them is hard to say. But human beings say God, Brahma, the Great Spirit, the Tao, brought everything into existence simitanously or gradually like a ladder. I tend to believe that all spiritual systems have a grain of truth within them, if you can peel away the dogma and look at the root. So does Science. Self-Consiouness, Intelligence, and Imagination produce a spiritual sense in Human beings that I believe is a natural quality inside us all since we wonder about the reason for our existence and how everything came together to produce us. Science looks for the what and how or things. Philosophy and Religion seeks the Why or things. In all these disciplines and beliefs, Human beings communicate this natural urge to Understand ourselves and the reality we exist in. Religions merely try to explain the incomprehensible with the comprehensible. We do this by endowing human qualities to Gods and giving nature supernatural qualities since we are limited by the perception of our own finite minds. I tend to believe that there is something behind the way of things. All I know is that it is complex and that the truth behind our origins and the ways of the total universe is weirder than all the science fiction and religion books we have read.
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Thinking of the Universe and Space as something that has always existed before the emergence of our present reality, would make these questions easier to answer.

--- Hinduism believes that the Universe we live in exists in a perpetual state of creation and destruction. Which means nothing is has permenant in the Universe as Change. Change and observation of this Change in things that exist in the Universe creates what we call Time.

Think before the BIG BANG or before GOD