who or what created god?

wow.. it is 100 % atheist thread.. love to watch how atheists differ with themselves (though i doubt).. like various religious zelots fight with each other... very creative idea.. congrats :)
Originally posted by On Radioactive Waves
Did god evolve, spontainiously appear, or was he created? I've never heard religious people address this issue.
The theory would be that God has always existed, and therefore, was never created....
For the non religious people here how was the universe created asuming it was created and if it was never was created than it must have allways been there but how is something allways there. How do you not have a starting point?
If there was a starting point: the answer isn't in yet. That's honest science. The Big Bang is the best theory thus for to incorporate a beginning point and what happened afterwards.

If the universe always has been: I suppose it's as likely as a god who has always existed. If one can't happen, the other is out as well for the same reasons. Certainly more likely than a god who creates himself first, then the universe. Frankly, I find it easier to think of a persistant universe than the Big Bang, and I don't see the necessity to drag some supra being into the picture as well.
Originally posted by yumyum
For the non religious people here how was the universe created asuming it was created and if it was never was created than it must have allways been there but how is something allways there. How do you not have a starting point?
That's something I have wondered also. Check out this thread, they were alot of theories on it here. http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=9775
(Insert title here)

I'm one of those who says humans invent "gods". However, that answer does nothing to serve the present topic, imho. Those who know my longer-winded posts on the nature of God know that I recognize the word as describing an ineffable condition or totality.

Here's the problem--whatever invented God is God. That's not some circular defense of God, but a metaphysical consideration. It's why I agree with the notion that there is no real polytheism; whatever necessitates the division of labor among deities becomes God.

What if God is a mathematical formula? Bear in mind that Hebrew was a mathematical language. The movie Pi barely touched on the possibilities, but anything more would have been obvious, pointed, and wrongly-aimed. Think of the Big Bang--what caused it to destabilize? To describe that condition would be tantamount to writing the equation that determined the whole of reality; in essence, it would be to stand in the presence of the Creating Idea. In other words--Boom! and a Universe settles. What if the numbers weren't just so? What if the variables were constants and the constants variables? Would we have seen the same result? Could God have made the Universe any differently? Why not?

What, in other words, is the limit of God's authority?

We might ask what there was before the Big Bang, and how that object or condition originated. It would seem, at least, that we must identify God in reality and not in theory before we can determine anything of God's true nature, and thus speculate on whence came God.

The fact that there exists a question without an answer is at least part of the reason religions exist in the first place.

Tiassa :cool:
Originally posted by On Radioactive Waves
Did god evolve, spontainiously appear, or was he created? I've never heard religious people address this issue.

If God is not a physical entity, would it be necessary for God to evolve, spontaneously appear or be created? What do we know about non-physical entities?
thats the essence of religion

when u ask how God was created u want 2 have the knowledge of everythin.......the essence of blivin is quite the opposite 2 this approach coz the Being Of God is HimSelf the Creator.....that God is the beginning n the Creator n evrythin else a creation is what religion is bout....n 1 thing that all religions do agree upon is that God knows that which u do n that which u know not.....2 subscribe 2 ne scientific theory wld b 2 accept that whatevr brought bout the beginning of time n space is itself the cause n also the creator.....as such this is not plausible coz then 2 somethin 2 b a cause it has 2 b within the dimensions of time n space....which again brings u back 2 square 1.....thus God is independent of time n space n as such of a startin point!
Or that the beginning of the Big Bang isn't necessarily the beginning of the cosmos, but just be the beginning of our particular reality. You can't solve the problem by throwing a deity explanation into it, you just wipe your hands of the problem. The simplest solution is a constant universe needing no creation, whether that be our universe we see now, or a higher form of cosmos that our reality resides in.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

1. Say: He is Allah, the One;

2. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;

3. He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;

4. And there is none like unto Him.
The theory would be that God has always existed, and therefore, was never created....
but something cant exist forever, it just cant!! (I do understand how us being mortal causes us to assume everything is finite but it is a stretch i.e. we cannot know things from beyond our timeline so imagining that something is Infinite is not easy).

Good post Tiassa! I tend to think along the lines of God being impersonal.

By SpuriousMonkey: if time would be a circle you wouldn't have a starting point
but it still must have some starting point! It has to go around once for the first time before it starts again. this is the starting point which surely must mean that there is an end.
but something cant exist forever, it just cant!!

not god!
god is the first . never been created!
and he always exist coz he is god! not like anything else that has a begining
Originally posted by Neville
but it still must have some starting point! It has to go around once for the first time before it starts again. this is the starting point which surely must mean that there is an end.

you are just thinking linear. That's how we are brought up. If I am not mistaken the ancient greek philosophers thought in circles. The idea of a beginning then becomes unnecessary.
It is true that if you pick a single point on a circle as the beginning of time you have a starting point. But if you state time is a circle then there is no point in picking a single point as a starting point, because there is no starting point. It is just a completely different way to approach time. If you say there is a beginning in a circle you basically cut the circle into a line. And hence isn't a circle anymore.

It would be a miracle if I didn't confuse anyone with this explanation.
The question cannot be answered, unless anybody happens to have a time machine handy??

Religious folk will tell you he/she it is eternal.......but I don't think the human brain deal with the idea of eternity....as our own lives have a clearly defined start and stop line.
It would be a miracle if I didn't confuse anyone with this explanation.
Yes it would :D lol. I think i can see what your getting at though (but im not sure if i agree with it.) Maybe something doesnt have to have an end, i can see how that could work (like the circle example i gave before) but it must still have a beginning (IMO).Ooh its all too complicated for me.

The question cannot be answered, unless anybody happens to have a time machine handy??
Maybe it can! ;)
do numbers end? do it have a beginnig if w ecount from negative!
so is too hard for god to be always exists