Who killed more people in the Bible?

If gohadnt killed all those people you would have over-population, thats what you would have. Regardless of how you look at it, Plauges and epimdemics are critical to the survival of the planet. They have to happen or we all grow out of control and die.

M*W: You're full of it. This planet is plenty big for our current and future population. Civilization is distributed unevenly as far as land space. Civilization sprung up around water sources, rivers, creeks, streams, lakes, etc. Then farther out into the open territories, population is sparse. Cities are crowded, the the whole planet is not. That is not to say that most of the open land is agriculturally viable, but with modern technology, food will never be scarce for the world's growing population, and who knows, it might be more healthy for all of us.

BTW, there have been no known human deaths caused by outbreaks of any "plauges" or other "epimdemics" during the entire history of this planet. Where are you from?
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But, as YOU say, according to the bible, your god created Satan, Adam and Eve to rebel against him. Your god does control the destiny of everything and everyone, does he not?

No he does not, nor do the scriptures support such a notion. He holds all accountable for his or her behavior.

He created Adam and Eve perfect devoid of imperfection, with a free will. our actions as human beings define who we are. If we practice badness we are bad, if we practice what is good we are good.

Adam and Eve made a choice to defy God, Satan made a choice to mislead him. Not because he was imperfect, but because all of them were unsatisified with what they were given.

Satan obviously wanted to be worshiped. Adam and Eve wanted what wasn't theres. Not a piece of fruit but what that fruit represented...the knoweledge of Good and Bad. They didn't know what they were asking for. The bible shows this trend with the Angels and with Jesus.

Jesus being the the only perfect man to choose correctly. But many angels also chose correctly. Destiny had nothing to do with it....It was about choice.

No he does not, nor do the scriptures support such a notion. He holds all accountable for his or her behavior.

Your gods complete control over nature:

"God “maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and unjust” (Matt. 5:45). “He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth” (Psalm 104:14). And “by the breath of God frost is given . . . also by watering he wearieth the thick cloud . . . and it is turned round about by His counsels: that they may do whatsoever He commandeth them upon the face of the world in the earth” (Job 37:10,12)."

Your gods complete control over people:

"the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men” (Dan. 4:25). “He changeth the times and seasons: he removeth kings and setteth up kings” (Dan. 2:21). So we see it is not “chance” or “fate” that is behind the way things work out. It is the Lord that is behind the “wheel of human history”. It is the Lord, who has “determined the times before appointed” and it is He who rules “the bounds of their habitation” (Acts 17:26)."

Your gods complete control over the individual:

"The Lord killeth and maketh alive . . . He bringeth low and lifteth up. He raiseth up poor out of the . . . dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the Lord's and He hath set the world upon them” (1 Samuel 2:6-8). Just as God governs the little sparrow, and its life and death depends upon the providence of God, so man too depends upon God in all things whether he believes it or not."

Your gods complete control over so-called 'free will':

"The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the Lord” (Proverbs 16:1). “It is God which worketh in you, both to will and to do of His good pleasure” (Phil. 2:13). When we determine in our heart what we will do it is because God also determined. It is so even in the case of unbelievers. For “surely the wrath of man shall praise thee, the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain” (Psalm 76:10)."

He created Adam and Eve perfect devoid of imperfection, with a free will. our actions as human beings define who we are. If we practice badness we are bad, if we practice what is good we are good.

Adam and Eve made a choice to defy God, Satan made a choice to mislead him. Not because he was imperfect, but because all of them were unsatisified with what they were given.

That's 'free will' - the ability to make choices. Your gods version of free will is not that at all. One isn't created perfect with free will only to be condemned for an eternity, simply because one made a choice, of their own free will.

It's a patently wrong argument many theists don't understand, but will attempt to spin anyways.

Satan obviously wanted to be worshiped.

Please remember that your Satan was created by your god.

Adam and Eve wanted what wasn't theres. Not a piece of fruit but what that fruit represented...the knoweledge of Good and Bad. They didn't know what they were asking for.

They were simply exercising their right to free will, a property YOUR god gave them. Yet, mankind was condemned for utilizing that property. Hence, no free will.
Interesting point. Although it does not take away from the meaning of what you said, Jupiter is mostly gas, possibly with a solid center much smaller than earth. I don't have time to look it up, but i'm pretty sure Earth is the largest Solid planet in our solar system. Still though, i suppose you bring up something interesting. I'll have to meditate on it for a little while.

While this may be true, can you not imagine Earth sized at Jupiter's surface area, with all land masses increased through the proper ratio?
M*W: You're full of it. This planet is plenty big for our current and future population. Civilization is distributed unevenly as far as land space. Civilization sprung up around water sources, rivers, creeks, streams, lakes, etc. Then farther out into the open territories, population is sparse. Cities are crowded, the the whole planet is not. That is not to say that most of the open land is agriculturally viable, but with modern technology, food will never be scarce for the world's growing population, and who knows, it might be more healthy for all of us.

BTW, there have been no known human deaths caused by outbreaks of any "plauges" or other "epimdemics" during the entire history of this planet. Where are you from?

It is plenty big enough for our current population yes, But future? YOur ignoarnce is astounding. The earths carrying capacity is around 8.3 billion. Current population is about 6.6 billion.


as you can plainly see, it took till the year 1900 to get to the first billion, so starting from A.D. it took 1,900 years to get to 1 billion then it took ONLY about 50 years to get to 2 billion then about 15 years after that to get to 3 billion, then about 8-10 to get to 4 billion, then we hit 5 billion even before the year 2000, 5 billion was hit right around the year 2000 6 billion was hit and even shorter amount of time after that, about 3 years. SO we went from taking 1,900 years to reach 1 billion, to getting it every 3 years. You think there isnt a problem!? Did you even reasearch any of this!? If anything we NEED a massive epidemic again!

As for no epidemics? That was just a stupid pointless comment. outbreak of 1918-1919 killed 675,000 americans.http://virus.stanford.edu/uda/
The Bubonic plauge killed approximatley 4.2 million Europeanshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bubonic_plague.
smallpox kill alltogether 300 million people throught the world during the 20th century alone!http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761578931/Smallpox.html

Or just read this whole article on wikipedia

You really need to open your eyes and see the problem. I don't mind you contering what I say, but when you make outrageous claims without any evidence whatsoever other thawn your own misconceptions all you do is make yourself look like an idiot and make me angry.

While this may be true, can you not imagine Earth sized at Jupiter's surface area, with all land masses increased through the proper ratio?

I can, and I see that it would certainly be much better, but no matter how large the planet is, eventually it WILL reach carrying capacity or run out resources and die.
Having know all this in advance what would seem more pertinent a choice.. Kill people, (including children), with the most disgusting diseases imaginable or..... create a bigger planet?

C'mon, he created Jupiter for no good reason whatsoever and yet it vastly outsizes the earth. It doesn't do anything, it just kinda sits in space looking stupid. Why, given the way mankind procreates, is the earth so damn small? And here you are justifying disease/plague etc on the basis that there isn't enough room? Do me a lemon.

POWERFUL STATEMENT. god has killed more than satan by the way, lmao. God is the biggest serial killer the world has ever seen.
YOur ignoarnce is astounding.

M*W: Your spelling sucks!

If anything we NEED a massive epidemic again!

M*W: You're sick.

As for no epidemics? That was just a stupid pointless comment.

M*W: I didn't say there were no epidemics. I'm quite familiar with "plagues" and "epidemics" that have interrupted humanity's progress, but I've never heard of any "plauges" or "epimdemics" during the entire history of this planet.

Never mind. I can see you can't read either.

You really need to open your eyes and see the problem.

M*W: If you are going to make a point so people will think you know what you're talking about, learn to spell, then learn to read. It works so much better that way.

I don't mind you contering what I say, but when you make outrageous claims without any evidence whatsoever other thawn your own misconceptions all you do is make yourself look like an idiot and make me angry.

I can, and I see that it would certainly be much better, but no matter how large the planet is, eventually it WILL reach carrying capacity or run out resources and die.

M*W: Eventually, it may, but I don't think we need to worry about it in our lifetime. We should be aware of how our eco-behavior could affect our future. There will always be new strains of virus and bacteria that defy known treatments.

BTW, I've bolded all your incorrect spelling/typos. I hope you get my point.
My spelling is not the issue. You just disregarded everything I said. I still dont see any evidence from YOU.

In your first post on this page you said that you didn't know of any epidemics killing people and I gave you a few. your response in that area didn't even make any sense. elaborate.

As for an epidemic required to keep this planet stable, it's not "sick" it's necessary. Nature is constantly keeping it down with predation and limited resources. I guess nature is sick then

Go ahead and critique my spelling and grammar and ignore the point that you were wrong, as for me, i'm off this thread, I refuse to continue an argument with an obvious imbecile who has a blatant disregard for any factual information.

Go play in traffic and rid us of your idiocy.
Ahum, isn't the "epidemic" called Christianity, in the west?
It's been raging for centuries now.

Billions upon billions of brain-dead corpses hoping to be reborn better than before.

Tough luck!!! Nature is so cruel, idiots!!!
Sadly many more will perish during Armaggedon. .

Sadly? Crocodile tears.
Is God making a mistake?
What could be sad about putting them in their right place? They are evil, right? They belong dead and in hell for all time.
Your pathetic God who blames us for his own crimes.
No loving god would torture people forever whatever mental gymnastics you do to justify this to yourself.
god has killed more than satan by the way, lmao. God is the biggest serial killer the world has ever seen.

Indeed. Satan, (the snake), gave mankind morals and the ability to realise when we're naked, (something that differs us from animals). god on the other hand clearly wanted us to stay as animals but when the snake got the better of him, he decided to make up for it by doing his utmost to annihilate mankind. Drowning, earthquakes, sulphur bombs etc etc. The guy's a lunatic.
My spelling is not the issue.

Your spelling becomes an issue, when one calls someone an idiot, ignorant..etc..The opponent then comes and corrects your misspellings, grammar, etc.. to prove a point! ;)

So carefully type correctly at least when calling some one ignorant, or idiotic, or
any other derogatory comment, so that it does not come back and bite you on your ass! Let this be a lesson learned!:m:
But, as YOU say, according to the bible, your god created Satan, Adam and Eve to rebel against him. Your god does control the destiny of everything and everyone, does he not?

no he doesnot control the destiny of humans. people have a choice between right and wrong. otherwise prosecutors would have hard time to convince jury
the subject of religion and existence of God have been discussed since the beginning, with no end in sight. i believe we should respect eachother's beliefs, even if we dont agree.
no he doesnot control the destiny of humans. people have a choice between right and wrong. otherwise prosecutors would have hard time to convince jury

Those who follow their religions have a choice between right and wrong defined by their religion, which is meaningless in reality.

the subject of religion and existence of God have been discussed since the beginning, with no end in sight. i believe we should respect eachother's beliefs, even if we dont agree.

Why would the delusional deserve respect?