Who killed more people in the Bible?

god kicks ass!!!!!!!!
woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo biatches!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
yes, so to speak...however if you actually want to go according to the Bible...which calls Satan a manslayer for his act of turning mankind away from God, then, all deaths are acounted to Satan the Devil and Adam and Eve for rebelling against god.

Sadly many more will perish during Armaggedon. But have no doubt that God is not partial, justice will be carried out on Earth. Wickedness will be done spared for the sake of the love God has for mankind. He as the sense of Justice to do away with them forever and the love to offer a resurrection of life to even the unrighteous that never had a chance to learn about him.

Who that will include? Who knows, we can only theorize...However once once Satan is destroyed he won't be coming back. He and adam and Eve the original rebels against God will remain dead forever. But the rest of us...who knows? The bible tells us he can forgive any act but one...acting against his active force in full knowledge of his will and purpose.
God created cancer,aids and all manner of fatal illnesses.Drought,earthquakes,hurricanes,floods etc.I am thankful he loves us and doesn't hate us.
According to the New Testament Yahweh does much worse than simply killing the vast majority of humanity - he has them burn in hell for all eternity, in the "fires that can never be quenched".

Torture as a form of punishment is something most christians would find immoral, even in war time, and yet this is the ethical standard they apply to their own deity.
God created cancer,aids and all manner of fatal illnesses.Drought,earthquakes,hurricanes,floods etc.I am thankful he loves us and doesn't hate us.

Yea! that's true, I only wish the damn dude get a freaking job! so his leaders don't keep asking us for money every damn Sunday! :rolleyes:
yes, so to speak...however if you actually want to go according to the Bible...which calls Satan a manslayer for his act of turning mankind away from God, then, all deaths are acounted to Satan the Devil and Adam and Eve for rebelling against god.

But, as YOU say, according to the bible, your god created Satan, Adam and Eve to rebel against him. Your god does control the destiny of everything and everyone, does he not?
Who were the 10 people Satan killed? Didn't he kill 10 of Jobs daughters? Was that it?
Don't forget of course that the only reason any of you have morals, (i.e understanding good and evil/right and wrong), is because of the snake - [satan]. If it wasn't for him you'd still be walking around unaware that you were nude and unaware of morals.. you'd be an animal as god wanted you to be. I think every human should say thanks to the snake for making you human.
Who were the 10 people Satan killed? Didn't he kill 10 of Jobs daughters? Was that it?

M*W: As I understand it, the book of Job is the oldest text in the bible. It was written as a Hebrew play. That is not so extraordinary since the Greeks produced a lot of comedy and tragedy. Being that it was written as a drama, nothing in the book of Job is factual unless it was written about something historic. No one will ever know, I guess.
If gohadnt killed all those people you would have over-population, thats what you would have. Regardless of how you look at it, Plauges and epimdemics are critical to the survival of the planet. They have to happen or we all grow out of control and die.
Having know all this in advance what would seem more pertinent a choice.. Kill people, (including children), with the most disgusting diseases imaginable or..... create a bigger planet?

C'mon, he created Jupiter for no good reason whatsoever and yet it vastly outsizes the earth. It doesn't do anything, it just kinda sits in space looking stupid. Why, given the way mankind procreates, is the earth so damn small? And here you are justifying disease/plague etc on the basis that there isn't enough room? Do me a lemon.
Having know all this in advance what would seem more pertinent a choice.. Kill people, (including children), with the most disgusting diseases imaginable or..... create a bigger planet?

C'mon, he created Jupiter for no good reason whatsoever and yet it vastly outsizes the earth. It doesn't do anything, it just kinda sits in space looking stupid. Why, given the way mankind procreates, is the earth so damn small? And here you are justifying disease/plague etc on the basis that there isn't enough room? Do me a lemon.

Interesting point. Although it does not take away from the meaning of what you said, Jupiter is mostly gas, possibly with a solid center much smaller than earth. I don't have time to look it up, but i'm pretty sure Earth is the largest Solid planet in our solar system. Still though, i suppose you bring up something interesting. I'll have to meditate on it for a little while.