Who Killed Jesus ?


Encephaloid Martini
Valued Senior Member
Despite all the efforts to make the Jews look primarily responsible and to cast the Roman procurator in the role of an unwitting instrument . . . the biblical accounts make it quite clear that Pontius Pilate pronounced the death sentence . . . which was carried out by his legionnaires.
The most likely story is that Jesus was sent to Pilate by Caiaphas, flogged and briefly interrogated. Then, when Jesus' answers were not completely satisfactory, Pilate had him crucified without a second thought.

Jesus was killed because the Roman empire mercilessly put down any possible source of rebellion or riot. The empire's agents included the Roman prefect Pilate who ordered the execution, and the Jewish high priest Caiaphus and his council who initiated the process. Assigning responsibility to an entire group of people, whether the Jews or the Romans, is stereotyping, oversimplifying, and false.

Assigning responsibility to an entire group of people, whether the Jews or the Romans, is stereotyping, oversimplifying, and false

Of course it is.

The Eternal Son is a grand and glorious personality. Although it is beyond the powers of the mortal and material mind to grasp the actuality of the personality of such an infinite being, doubt not, he is a person. I know whereof I speak. Times almost without number I have stood in the divine presence of this Eternal Son and then journeyed forth in the universe to execute his gracious bidding.

Never have I read so much crap in one place completely based on the rants of a few fanatics. The above quote sums it up nicely. Thanks for the chuckle. :)
THE Paradise Trinity of eternal Deities facilitates the Father's escape from personality absolutism. The Trinity perfectly associates the limitless expression of God's infinite personal will with the absoluteness of Deity. The Eternal Son and the various Sons of divine origin, together with the Conjoint Actor and his universe children, effectively provide for the Father's liberation from the limitations otherwise inherent in primacy, perfection, changelessness, eternity, universality, absoluteness, and infinity.

I hope to drop acid one day too. :)


Adam killed Jesus.

The pages you've outlined:

It is highly probable, though we cannot offer definite proof, that the Master Spirit of Orvonton exerts a decided influence in the following spheres of activity:1. The life-initiation procedures of the local universe Life Carriers.
2. The life activations of the adjutant mind-spirits bestowed upon the worlds by a local universe Creative Spirit.
3. The fluctuations in energy manifestations exhibited by the linear-gravity-responding units of organized matter.
4. The behavior of emergent energy when fully liberated from the grasp of the Unqualified Absolute, thus becoming responsive to the direct influence of linear gravity and to the manipulations of the Universe Power Directors and their associates.
5. The bestowal of the ministry spirit of a local universe Creative Spirit, known on Urantia as the Holy Spirit.
6. The subsequent bestowal of the spirit of the bestowal Sons, on Urantia called the Comforter or the Spirit of Truth.
7. The reflectivity mechanism of the local universes and the superuniverse. Many features connected with this extraordinary phenomenon can hardly be reasonably explained or rationally understood without postulating the activity of the Master Spirits in association with the Conjoint Actor and the Supreme Being.

So much gibberish, so little substance.
Read what I said.

I wrote Paper #s not page #s. If you want page #s Pages 1971-1996

This is from the Ubook, something atheist ask often (atheist - a theist)

The Gods cannot--at least they do not--transform a creature of gross animal nature into a perfected spirit by some mysterious act of creative magic. When the Creators desire to produce perfect beings, they do so by direct and original creation, but they never undertake to convert animal-origin and material creatures into beings of perfection in a single step.

The morontia life, extending as it does over the various stages of the local universe career, is the only possible approach whereby material mortals could attain the threshold of the spirit world. What magic could death, the natural dissolution of the material body, hold that such a simple step should instantly transform the mortal and material mind into an immortal and perfected spirit? Such beliefs are but ignorant superstitions and pleasing fables.
sorry everyone who thinks different , but I concluded tht u-book is crap, a fantasy. Fantasy of our age as much as christianity was and unfortunately still is a fantasy of 2000 year old history.
there I did a honest test. I took a random quote from the u-book. here it is->
On upper Paradise there are three grand spheres of activity, the Deity presence, the Most Holy Sphere, and the Holy Area. The vast region immediately surrounding the presence of the Deities is set aside as the Most Holy Sphere and is reserved for the functions of worship, trinitization, and high spiritual attainment. There are no material structures nor purely intellectual creations in this zone; they could not exist there. It is useless for me to undertake to portray to the human mind the divine nature and the beauteous grandeur of the Most Holy Sphere of Paradise. This realm is wholly spiritual, and you are almost wholly material. A purely spiritual reality is, to a purely material being, apparently nonexistent.
Who was the wiz guy who has travelled to "upper paradise" and even researched its geography?
There are no material structures nor purely intellectual creations in this zone; they could not exist there.
why couldn't. I say tht there can and I have as much evidence as you.

I have never seen so much crap in one place. Even bible is better. I can learn some history and cultural facts, but your "u-book" is pure imagination and under heavy doses of weed I suppose.
Trinitization? I think the car salesman added that when I bought my last car... it keeps the undercarriage from rusting or something like that.


sorry everyone who thinks different , but I concluded tht u-book is crap, a fantasy. Fantasy of our age as much as christianity was and unfortunately still is a fantasy of 2000 year old history.

Perhaps we should open a thread about the Ubook...
Amp seems to know a lot about it... he (or she...) should open it...

About the book... well... I once read that things like Black Holes and Gravastars are described in the book... so it might not be fantasy. Like your quote:

On upper Paradise there are three grand spheres of activity, the Deity presence, the Most Holy Sphere, and the Holy Area. The vast region immediately surrounding the presence of the Deities is set aside as the Most Holy Sphere and is reserved for the functions of worship, trinitization, and high spiritual attainment. There are no material structures nor purely intellectual creations in this zone; they could not exist there. It is useless for me to undertake to portray to the human mind the divine nature and the beauteous grandeur of the Most Holy Sphere of Paradise. This realm is wholly spiritual, and you are almost wholly material. A purely spiritual reality is, to a purely material being, apparently nonexistent.

Who know this might be inside a Gravastar or another dimension?
And the last part of the quote...:
A purely spiritual reality is, to a purely material being, apparently nonexistent.
This proves your point of view...!:bugeye: :p :eek:
About the book... well... I once read that things like Black Holes and Gravastars are described in the book... so it might not be fantasy.
Seeker , be real. I can talk total bs about black holes tht sounds "smart", like from a physics book, mess in some unknown or self made words even. And it would purely my own fantasy.
Perhaps we should open a thread about the Ubook...
Amp seems to know a lot about it... he (or she...) should open it...
good idea, but doomed to failure. It seems tht Amp is quite into this and I have no time or will to pull him/her out of this.
Who know this might be inside a Gravastar or another dimension
be real. "Third level of paradise", "the Most Holy Sphere" - it is pure crap, like from a very bad christian sci/fi book.
This realm is wholly spiritual
If it has a material black hole it is not spiritual.

Seeker , be real. I can talk total bs about black holes tht sounds "smart", like from a physics book, mess in some unknown or self made words even. And it would purely my own fantasy.
It is described in details...

good idea, but doomed to failure. It seems tht Amp is quite into this and I have no time or will to pull him/her out of this.

Why put him/her out of this? Just listen to what him/her have to say. You don't hold the Truth. He/She doesn't either... so respect his/her view, otherwise yours won't be respected either.

be real. "Third level of paradise", "the Most Holy Sphere" - it is pure crap, like from a very bad christian sci/fi book.

Names are just names...

If it has a material black hole it is not spiritual.

Other dimension, for sure...
It is described in details...
so it would take me a little longer time, but it can be done.
You don't hold the Truth. He/She doesn't either... so respect his/her view, otherwise yours won't be respected either.
I don't want to put anyone out of anything. But I have not decleared any book tht I think holds the ultimate universal truth.
Names are just names...
the question you've got to ask - from where comes these names, on what evidence do they stand on, names are just names, but they have to mean smth , describe smth. In this book there is described "The third level of paradise", again, who was the wiz kid tht was there and saw it, what measurements or experiments or atleast indirrect evidence backup this. There is not even an indirect evidence. And I don't buy pure fantasies
Other dimension, for sure...
you want to say you understand string theory?

I don't want to put anyone out of anything. But I have not decleared any book tht I think holds the ultimate universal truth.

It is his/hers opinion. You believe it or not - it's your option. Anyone will impose this to you. You hold the power to believe it or not, so don't try to defend yourself. It's not necessary and it even prevents you to see his/hers point of view. The best you can do is to listen to what he/she has to say about it... as open-minded as you can...

the question you've got to ask - from where comes these names, on what evidence do they stand on, names are just names, but they have to mean smth , describe smth. In this book there is described "The third level of paradise", again, who was the wiz kid tht was there and saw it, what measurements or experiments or atleast indirrect evidence backup this. There is not even an indirect evidence. And I don't buy pure fantasies

My name is Nelson. What's the meaning of my name?

Names are just names. If you say "cu" in France, people will understand "neck" ("cou"). If you say "cu" in Brasil, people will understand "asshole" ("cu")... :D:D:D
The name is the same, but it holds completly different meanings for different people.

you want to say you understand string theory?

I don't believe in string theory...
It is his/hers opinion. You believe it or not - it's your option. Anyone will impose this to you. You hold the power to believe it or not, so don't try to defend yourself. It's not necessary and it even prevents you to see his/hers point of view. The best you can do is to listen to what he/she has to say about it... as open-minded as you can...
I don't believe in anything, it is stupid. I either suppose or know. And how can I listen if he has not said anything.

have you ever really discussed string theory, havbe you spent weeks (it's notmuch) of studiing it , so you can say you don't believe in it.
Names are just names. If you say "cu" in France, people will understand "neck" ("cou"). If you say "cu" in Brasil, people will understand "asshole" ("cu")...
The name is the same, but it holds completly different meanings for different people.
cabalists (sp) wouldn't agree with you

hehe. I had no idea you were serious abut the Ubook. I thought you were posting the link as a cruel and unusual joke. Sorry pal, but if you believe in this nonsense, you're one major wing nut. Of course, Truthseeker believes anything that has to do with fantasy, so it looks like you two will get along swimmingly.

Amp will say something... mainly if you ask...

cabalists (sp) wouldn't agree with you

So what? My example was an evidence anyways... The cabalists might be wrong then... unless you misinterpreted them...

It's actually very hard for me to believe in something...
My name is Nelson. What's the meaning of my name?

It is the name of the small town in which you reside. Baker street is the main street that runs in a north-south direction. If you follow it north, it curls through a residential area and then makes a turn near Notre Dame school, follow it further and it goes over a bridge and on towards a small ferry and further up towards Ainsworth Hot Springs. The water in the caves at Ainsworth comes from underground mineral springs and feeds the pool. The view is spectacular across the lake.

Going south on Baker, you need to turn left to get on to the highway which splits, one way towards Trail and the other towards Castlegar. At Shoreacres, the road goes over a bridge, alongside the bridge is a train bridge in which one can dive off or go underneath and swing from a long rope out into the Slocan River.

What else would you like to know about Nelson ?