Who killed Jesus ?


Registered Senior Member
Pilate washed his hand, yielding to the demand of the Majority.

Jesus had a considerable following, which was strangely absent during his trial. Even Peter did not dare to come out openly in support of his Lord.

Whom they were afraid of ?

Jewish clergy ? Hardly. They openly defied the clergy while following Jesus in hey days.

The Roman rulers ? Probably. But that is not apparent from bible accounts, ofcourse!. Herod was not there hence Pilate tried Jesus. Pilate played innocent after the sentence. Does not it look convenient for finishing off the potential threat (who was fast accumulating mainly jews as his followers) to Roman rule, and put the blame on their own folks, thereby creating a permanent division among the jews that would ultimately benefit the rulers? Looks like 2 birds with a single shot.
Jesus was killed by the Roman Authorities after they had successfully held our until the Jewish religious Authorities had publicly taken responsibility for the execution. The Jewish Authorities hated Jesus but the bulk of the common Jews looked upon Him as a prophet or a great holy man. So the religious Authorities needed to get rid of Him. The best way to do this was get the Romans to do it. If they had succeeded in this then all the popular anger and blame would have been directed at the Roman Authorities and the Jewish Religious Authorities would have been clean. But unfortunately for them Pilate was a smart politician and knew when He was being used.

Pilate could not care less about Jesus to him Jesus was just another potential trouble maker. Pilate would have known about the popularity of Jesus with the common heard. The Romans did not spend their time with their ears plugged and their heads in the sand. Like any good occupying force they kept a close eye on what was happening in the provinces of their empire and Israel was no exception in fact it was known as a unstable rebellious province.

So Pilate knew he was being set up, if you read the account you will see him delaying and thinking up schemes trying to avoid executing Jesus up until the Jews present outside his seat publicly shouted:

Matthew 27
25And all the people answered and said, "His blood be on us and on our children."

In context:
Matthew 27
22Pilate said to them, "What then shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?"
They all said to him, "Let Him be crucified!"
23Then the governor said, "Why, what evil has He done?"
But they cried out all the more, saying, "Let Him be crucified!"
24When Pilate saw that he could not prevail at all, but rather that a tumult was rising, he took water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, "I am innocent of the blood of this just Person. You see to it."
25And all the people answered and said, "His blood be on us and on our children."

9But Pilate answered them, saying, "Do you want me to release to you the King of the Jews?" 10For he knew that the chief priests had handed Him over because of envy. 11But the chief priests stirred up the crowd, so that he should rather release Barabbas to them. 12Pilate answered and said to them again, "What then do you want me to do with Him whom you call the King of the Jews?" 13So they cried out again, "Crucify Him!"
14Then Pilate said to them, "Why, what evil has He done?"
But they cried out all the more, "Crucify Him!"

As soon as Pilate got this chief priest prompted mob acceptance of responsibility all his resistance and foot dragging disappears and He immediately got his men to do the dirty deed.

All praise The Ancient of Days
Yes, all that you say is true... But the question was "Who killed Jesus?"

I think the answer is: No One - Jesus voluntarily gave up the ghost. I suspect that he could not die by the hands of man. (Note that Pilate was actually surprised that Jesus died so quickly).

Yes, ALL PRAISE the Ancient of Days
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In a program called, Ancient Evidence, which was aired on the Discovery Channel, the reporter said there were only three suspects to answer the question "Who killed Jesus?" They highlighted each suspect and their reasons for the death of Jesus, and left it up to the viewer to decide. The three suspects were Pontius Pilate, the high priest Caiaphas, and Jesus of Nazareth.
Well, techincally you'd all be wrong. Let me answer the question with another question:

Is jesus dead?

From what I can gather, it was a mere 3 day magic trick, after which time jesus stood up and went on his merry way. Regardless to that, if he was indeed god, then to say he's dead would surely mean an end to religion, so it can only be stated that god/jesus is not dead, never did die and never will die.

He might have made it appear to witless humans that he died, but he didn't really.
David F. said:
Yes, all that you say is true... But the question was "Who killed Jesus?"

I think the answer is: No One - Jesus voluntarily gave up the ghost. I suspect that he could not die by the hands of man. (Note that Pilate was actually surprised that Jesus died so quickly).

Yes, ALL PRAISE the Ancient of Days

Yes David i know Jesus allowed himself to be killed and it was the plan from the very start. But those who killed Him did so by their own free will and by their own manipulative cunning. But as we also know God catches conspirators in their own conspiracies.

Job 5:13
He catches the wise in their own craftiness, And the counsel of the cunning comes quickly upon them.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Quote Adstar:
"Yes David i know Jesus allowed himself to be killed and it was the plan from the very start. But those who killed Him did so by their own free will and by their own manipulative cunning. But as we also know God catches conspirators in their own conspiracies."

Do you understand the sad logic of your statement?

stretched said:

Quote Adstar:
"Yes David i know Jesus allowed himself to be killed and it was the plan from the very start. But those who killed Him did so by their own free will and by their own manipulative cunning. But as we also know God catches conspirators in their own conspiracies."

Do you understand the sad logic of your statement?


Good eye there stretched.
Eeek.. I'd rather say blatant lack of logic.
Ah well.. it fits in with the whole religion theme... :)
"First, Jesus experienced loss in blood volume both from perspiration and from the sweating of blood, due to his mental anguish. After being arrested, he was scourged with a leather whip that had metal weights or bone chips at the ends. As the tips penetrated the skin, the nerves, muscles and skin were traumatized. Exhaustion with shivering, severe sweating, and seizures would follow. Much body fluid would be lost. Even before being hung on the cross, Jesus may have already entered a state of shock, due to the scourging, the irritation of the nerves of the scalp due to the crown of thorns, and by being struck several times. Finally, he was nailed to the cross by large, square iron nails driven through both hands, as well as his feet. The damage to the nerves brought incredible pain, adding to the shock and loss of water. Over a period of three hours, every slight move would have brought excruciating pain. Death would result from extreme shock due to a combination of exhaustion, pain and loss of blood." (Quoted from http://www.freeminds.org/doctrine/cross.htm)
SVRP: Jesus didn't have to go throught that kind of punishment. He was spared. Pontius Pilate chose Bar Abbas to die for Jesus. Barabbas was Jesus' replacement. Pilate let Jesus go. Jesus didn't die on the cross, he was saved by Pilate. MM was the one who told Pilate about Jesus' life. Jesus was saved. Pilate let Jesus go. He was MM's husband. Jesus didn't bleed because he may have already been dead. The fact that Jesus didn't bleed was a sure sign he was dead. But, Jesus wasn't dead. He bled. her whip that had metal weights or bone chips at the ends. As the tips penetrated the skin, the nerves, muscles and skin were traumatized. Pilate let Jesus go. Exhaustion with shivering, severe sweating, and seizures would follow. Much body fluid would be lost. Even before being hung on the cross, Jesus may have already entered a state of shock, due to the scourging, the irritation of the nerves of the scalp due to the crown of thorns, and by being struck several times. Pilate let Jesus go. Finally, he was nailed to the cross by large, square iron nails driven through both hands, as well as his feet. The damage to the nerves brought incredible pain, adding to the shock and loss of water. Over a period of three hours, every slight move would have brought excruciating pain. Death would result from extreme shock due to a combination of exhaustion, pain and loss of blood."
Ultimately, God killed Jesus, didn't he? Why was Jesus put on this Earth? To live happily ever after? It's not as if the evil Jewish priests and heathenistic Romans subverted God's plan. If anything, they did a huge favour to everybody because after Jesus died, everybody was cleansed of all sins. That's why the whole "The Jews killed Jesus!" argument is so mind-boggling. Hey, isn't that what God intended?
Medicine Woman said:
SVRP: Jesus didn't have to go throught that kind of punishment. He was spared. Pontius Pilate chose Bar Abbas to die for Jesus. Barabbas was Jesus' replacement. Pilate let Jesus go. Jesus didn't die on the cross, he was saved by Pilate. MM was the one who told Pilate about Jesus' life. Jesus was saved. Pilate let Jesus go. He was MM's husband. Jesus didn't bleed because he may have already been dead. The fact that Jesus didn't bleed was a sure sign he was dead. But, Jesus wasn't dead. He bled. her whip that had metal weights or bone chips at the ends. As the tips penetrated the skin, the nerves, muscles and skin were traumatized. Pilate let Jesus go. Exhaustion with shivering, severe sweating, and seizures would follow. Much body fluid would be lost. Even before being hung on the cross, Jesus may have already entered a state of shock, due to the scourging, the irritation of the nerves of the scalp due to the crown of thorns, and by being struck several times. Pilate let Jesus go. Finally, he was nailed to the cross by large, square iron nails driven through both hands, as well as his feet. The damage to the nerves brought incredible pain, adding to the shock and loss of water. Over a period of three hours, every slight move would have brought excruciating pain. Death would result from extreme shock due to a combination of exhaustion, pain and loss of blood."

Satan probably wishes Pilate let Jesus go now but lets face it Jesus didnt need anyone to 'let Him go' did he. That was the whole point. Jesus submitted to no one but God Almighty. And God Almighty was telling Him to turn the other cheek. Even though it caused the man Jesus great humiliation, he surrendered unto His Father's will after much pleading but realising that the prophecies about Him must be fulfilled. Jesus was totally innocent of wrong doing when he suffered the things you mention. It is a terrible wickedness that you mock Jesus' suffering. Does it not seem wicked to you?
nicoman: Jesus was spared. Jesus didn't die on that cross. Bar Abbas died for him. In name only. There is no such thing as 'Christianity!' That is the fool's belief. Al-Queda rules.
nicoman said:
I killed Jesus. Who you gonna call?

No need to call anyone. He rose from the dead at God's command. Now who you gonna call? - muhahahahaha
That is all assuming the Synoptics were written by first-hand witnesses...

A most foolish assumption.
§outh§tar said:
That is all assuming the Synoptics were written by first-hand witnesses...

A most foolish assumption.
you killed jesus southstar, you are the one to blame. it's allyour fault.