Who is your higher authority?

I hate it when ignoramuses attempt to teach me my religion. Please read 2:177
This is the problem of discussing morality and religion with atheists. Go back and read my responses again.
Then you must be a fence sitter. However, you could try to follow the conversation a little more closely.
What if your peers are all criminals?

Then you are hanging with the wrong crowd. Peer's can be entire countries of people or in fact everyone on the planet. Not all of them would be criminals. Some I grant you but not all.
I call it keeping both feet in one boat. Its based on an old Lucknowi paradigm

"Janab, pehele aap, pehele aap mein gaadi choot jayegi!"

"Sir, if we both keep saying after you, after you, both of us will miss the train!"
Then you are hanging with the wrong crowd.
Theres always a spectrum of ethics in any crowd. Even in the mafia there were characters who couldnt conform to its own laws...never mind society's laws.
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Satan would drowned...in your scenario.

Fire and brimstone = hydrocarbon combustion and sulfur. Oil is called sour based upon it's sulfur content. Thus solfataric volcanoes, the true origin of hydrocarbons.

"All the petroleum, natural gas, and bituminous fields or deposits cannot be regarded as anything else but the products of solfotaric volcanic emanations condensed and held in their passage upward in the porous tanks of all ages of the crust of the earth from the Archaean rocks to the Quaternary. Nothing is so simple and therefore nothing so natural as this origin, and we will see that it can be abundantly proven." -- Eugene Coste, 1903

"Petroleum is the product of a distillation from great depth and issues from the primitive rocks beneath which the forces of all volcanic action lie." -- Alexander Von Humboldt, 1804

On Earth you can't see it because the hydrocarbons are inflammable. On Titan however the volcanoes are frozen so you can see it as clear as day: http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn7489
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Dont you ever have any quotes from the last century...at least?

You know very well I do. Biogenic hypothesis is from the 18th century. Modern abiotic theory is from the 20th century. So based upon age, biogenic theory must be false according to you.