Who is your higher authority?


Valued Senior Member
Today I watched the Larry King interview with Bill Maher about his new film called...Religulous.

Larry told him Rick Warren could never accept an atheist president, because such a president could not govern without believing in a higher authority.

Do you have a higher authority?

If this higher authority is interpreted as whatever you want it to be, then the REAL authority is YOU!

And if not, you are living in contradiction...conforming only under threat of eternal torment.

I was about to answer the question before reading the other half of the post and say, "my higher authority is my own intuition".

Just used this quote in another religion thread:

"I have gained this by philosophy: that I do without being commanded what others do only from fear of the law."
- Aristotle

Probably why Plato thought the Philosopher King would make the best ruler...
the majority of people do whats right because they know its right without being forced by the law.
Take a guess...based on your own observation.

Well you asked who MY higher authority is. I can't speak for everyone. Certainly there are some people whom need laws to prosecute others for. You know the accounting types in society. Society in general I guess. I'm not going to go against society(Canadian) just yet, it's still agreeable to be. The "Laws" are still generally in line with my own moral compass. The laws for my own safety are someday going to break me, I think though.

Bottom line, I can do what is Moral, without being told.
If I ever run for President, I'm whatever the fuck the voters want me to be.

Edit: But I can't because from years 0-.5 I lived in Canada. What bullshit.
Anyways, back to your original question. There is a problem, I think the Pres has to swear and oath to the constitution or something. There's his higher authority.
Im not sure what the difference is, But I guess that Instinct is more of a split second feeling/reaction, where as intuition is a thought process that takes pre-meditation. Could your intuition not go against your instinct?.

My conscience. If its against my beliefs and moral compass, I won't do it.

This principle frequently gets me into shit loads of trouble.
Im not sure what the difference is, But I guess that Instinct is more of a split second feeling/reaction, where as intuition is a thought process that takes pre-meditation. Could your intuition not go against your instinct?.
When using the word 'instinct' people are usually talking about the kind of thinking reptiles have. Reptiles have a sex drive, they fight back when provoked, they escape when faced with a bigger predator, and so on.

Intuition might be used to describe Freud's concept of the superego, or it might describe a sixth sense, or an artistic inspiration...an unconscious phenomena that is nevertheless higher than basic instinctive reactions.

Theists usually say that without the higher ethical authority of God humans have no reason to be anything other than what evolution says they are...animals.

A person who believes they are nothing other than a complex reptile has no claim to anything other than reptile values.

This is why theists could never accept an atheist president.
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My higher authority is my Mom.
I'm fearful of her, yet I love her. I want to please her. I want her to be proud of what I do. Yep, my Mom
A higher authority would be your Peers.

Simply all Men (and Women) are posed equal, however when two (or more) equals conspire against one, it unbalances the equation.

When it's stated "It's wrong to kill", it's not just Law that enforces people not to kill, or a persons own beliefs, but the reasoning they would be socially ostracised from their peers.