Who is this God that people are talking about?


Registered Member
Who is this God people are speaking of? Is he the God of the Bible? or the God of evolutionism, or the God of our imaginations...

A good place to start with is "the cause of all causes" - from there you can start separating the meatballs from the real thing

You don't say...
A good place to start with is "the cause of all causes" - from there you can start separating the meatballs from the real thing

"So, what's a car?"

"The thing that takes you places"

"But there are lots of things that take you places, can you be more specific?"
once again we have another atheist making positive claims of god's non-existence.

MW, aside from your personal bitterness on the topic, what do you hold as the foundation for your belief that god is an imagination?
M*W: Why is it that you people (theists) think that the only way someone could possibly be an atheist is that they must be bitter? You've just made a positive claim that I am bitter! You don't know me, and you surely don't know my feelings about anything. Your false assumption proves your ignorance.

I know that no deity exists just like you know that it does. That's why you are totally wrong about my being bitter. Why would anyone be bitter because there is no god? That doesn't make sense. You, OTOH, believe there is a god, and it is obvious that you are the bitter one in your exhaustive quest to defend the lie you believe. Your lengthy posts do nothing to prove there is a god. You are excessively defensive about protecting the lies you believe! Shakespeare would have said that you "doth protest too much!" Your posts reek of defensiveness, but I really shouldn't comment on this, because the truth of the matter is, I don't waste my time reading your inane posts. However, I read this one, since it was directed to me, and now I find that there is no logical reason for me to have any further contact with you on this subject.

M*W: Why is it that you people (theists) think that the only way someone could possibly be an atheist is that they must be bitter? You've just made a positive claim that I am bitter! You don't know me, and you surely don't know my feelings about anything. Your false assumption proves your ignorance.

I know that no deity exists just like you know that it does. That's why you are totally wrong about my being bitter. Why would anyone be bitter because there is no god? That doesn't make sense. You, OTOH, believe there is a god, and it is obvious that you are the bitter one in your exhaustive quest to defend the lie you believe. Your lengthy posts do nothing to prove there is a god. You are excessively defensive about protecting the lies you believe! Shakespeare would have said that you "doth protest too much!" Your posts reek of defensiveness, but I really shouldn't comment on this, because the truth of the matter is, I don't waste my time reading your inane posts. However, I read this one, since it was directed to me, and now I find that there is no logical reason for me to have any further contact with you on this subject.


A good place to start with is "the cause of all causes" - from there you can start separating the meatballs from the real thing
That would appear to create an impossible mess. The cause of all causes would itself be a cause which would imply it would cause itself. This is an impossible circular condition.

That would appear to create an impossible mess. The cause of all causes would itself be a cause which would imply it would cause itself. This is an impossible circular condition.

Yes, I agree with you that it would appear (to people with out faith) to create an impossible mess, but were I disagree with you is when you imply that it is impossible. After all, it would appear that nothing is keeping us on this Earth; nothing that we can see with our eyes or consciously feel with our senses is keeping us from floating away. But never the less, there is something keeping us from floating away or we would be in deed floating away. Things are not always what they seem. The answer to you question is simple: Look for God and you will find God.

God is one but God is more than one. The Trinity is God (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) which are separate but still are one; just as a husband and wife are not literally one but when they are married there joined as one.

God is not Human so there fore can not be described like as a Human can. The gods of every other religion can be described in “normal” terms since they were invented in the minds of men.* Even some “Christians” (actually Christian cults) invent their own description of God and make Him seem like these other gods (by denying the aspect of the Trinity).

Let those who will, understand.
Yes, I agree with you that it would appear (to people with out faith).
Ya see? Right there's your problem. You think faith is a good thing. Religious faith is a fully conscious adoption of blind stupidity and an admission of mental incapacity.

Please explain, if you would, how in matters of objective reality (does god really exist? Etc...) a policy of unquestioning submission to anything is smart? Or wise? Or rational?

Do you accept on faith the word of your accountant that all is well and you don't have any need to see your quarterly statements?

Of course not. You only "believe" because you were born into a culture so dumbed down and dependent on peer acceptance that you had almost no choice.

You're an adult now (I assume). You have a choice to give up the easter bunny.