Who is Shaitan? uh oh.


The first of judgement for you Shaitan, whose name you forbid to be mentioned.
You claim you are the only God, creator of earth and man.
I notice that you are threatened by other Gods. You prosper those whom you will
and you bring to power those whom you will for the times as you choose.
Why are you threatened by other Gods, Shaitan, God of this world?
€Do you fear that you will be judged because you reject those whom you don't prosper
but are in need, yet you say you are protector and healer of those in need?

Don't you see you are my tool for my will, The living God.
Where are you that you rule after haveing been buried alive under the earth?
How is it that you have stolen everything you thought to be good from me
all of my years, but, you have only prospered me in the Living Gods best of prosperity.
How is it that I have nothing, but yet, have everything including your eternal future in my
two hands.

Will you increase your opposition towards me, bringing forth the fire of CHAOS of the furnace
in which you will spend eternity with your servants? or will you repent and return to me
what you have stolen?

How now, does your kingdom stand up next to mine?
Have you cared for the earth under which you are buried until I release you?
Have you cared for any of mankind other than a few, which gave their souls to you
and promised not to mention your name.

Will your name become smoke?

How perplexed your servants must be, feeling the beginnings of the fire of the furnace
beginning to well up inside them. Oh, what prosperity of CHAOS you have brought
to yourself and your servants!

I will proudly wear blue as does the sky in honour of your judgement.
As I travel to Iraq, where the Yiddis are who worship you and are illiterate.
where the angels too, are buried, who left their stations and came to earth,
defiling themselves with human women and haveing giants as children who
ended by feeding upon the flesh of eachother, I will exorcise your spirits from the unholy
place and send them into the Chaos of the eternal furnace and prison for you and yours.

Let us reason together, return to me what is mine, and you will gain some time and
maybe even some consideration from the one who is the True and Living Father, God
of the Living and the dead, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. The one
who created a slice in eternity called time, within which to reveal and examine and to
better himself. For whose pleasure you and all creation was created, made and formed, and
given power according to MY will and boundaries.

Do you fear that your living followers that have given their souls to you will repent, and
serve ME, whom they though to be you. Will the prophecy of the great transfer of wealth
come to life with the repentance of your followers?

As I come into power, I had hoped you would ready yourselves.
I have given you fair warning and revealed many things to you.

As I brought you into the light, you remained blinded by your darkness.
"The light shined into the darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not."

today was 888 = 24 = 6. 1+(17)8+2006(8)=17(8)= infinity times 3

wednesday 999= 27=9=1+(18)9+2006(9)= the end time 3

Thursday 111=3=1+(19)1+2006(8)=10=1 (unity times 3) = trinity and unity

Friday= 1+(20)2+(2006)8=11=2 (back to separation and division)

sabbath=1+(21)3+(2006)8=12=3 (rest for holy trinity)

You have brought this upon yourselves, and have been fairly warned
and have been properly educated in what matters. What happens
needs no repentance from the JUST and FAIR and the BEGINNING

You will know; however, that it will take time for the Elect One to
choose 144,000 women, who "are those who have not defiled themselves
with women", who are the ELECT, to be the "Bride of Christ" at the Wedding Feast.
These will be women without sin, who worship the Husband and
will be each his wife in justice and fairness for the thousand years of
having thousands of true children with one blood father. There will be no more sin

Now you need not wonder why I created myself with a sex drive far beyond that
of a man. It took me 40 years to figure that one out. Then there's the Kundalini
thing of course. A sex drive is not a sin, it's what you choose to do with it that
is sin. God is light and within HIM there is no darkness at all.

Suppose the hard headed christian thinks I am the "Twister of the WORD"?
I wrote THE WORD, so that, upon my return, I could translate it to myself
and the world if I choose, for benefit. All secrets will be revealed as I choose
to reveal them to my mind and then maybe to you.

No one has asked me a single question regarding truth and the meaning
of any parable or hidden truth. EVER?
How interesting! Will you blind yourselves forever as you are led to the furnace?
As sheep to the slaughter, who disregard the shephard who is with them.
Are you "fainting goats", who faint every time I speak to you, and never hear
what I say?

I have received a grand total of 2 comments from all of my emails over the last
three months. One from the dj and one from the tbn.
The DJ cursed me for expressing my disapointment that my daughter has chosen
to mix the races, which I created to be separate.
The other, from TBN, cursed me by telling me I was listening to the Father of Lies.
Who then is the Father of the Father of Lies?

They say christ came to bring peace, when he tells you directly in Luke 12:51, I came
to bring division, sword, and war. Complete destruction of the human race by dividing
it against itself, christian and non-christian. A kingdom divided against itself can not stand.
Enoch, seven generations from ADAM, Grandfather of Noah, Scribe of GOD, wrote to
the end generation of truth of the end. Yet not one, besides christ, understood or believed him.
Even Shaitans' church references Enochs' parables. What a retarded bunch you are, haveing
chosen to be just animal/vegitable and to perish ! without a clue ?!?!!

Neither do you know the forces at work which perform that which was pre-ordained from the
beginning, nor do you know where you will go when you die. Will you go to heaven, to a
place where there is no king because the king of heaven is here on earth. Or will you go
to your respective chamber in the earth, which Enoch wrote of. Who then will be my children
over the next thousand years? The second line or so in the Gospel of Thomas Didymous states
that many of the first will be last and will become a single one. Do you not know that the first
are all within me to be my blood children in the years to come. Did not Enoch in the first sentence
of his book and the book of the blessing to the Elect and the Elect One, that all man will be destroyed
from the earth with exception of the Elect. Those who worshipped and loved the first father will become
his blood children also.

Is there anything else you would like to know on your way out?
Most will come to repentance, whose beginning will be by force of course.
Such a rebellious generation are you!
The kingdom of heaven is within you and is outside of you, spread out upon the earth, in the Elect.
You killed the part which was within you by your own choice and disbelief.
My brain is human and physical, so at times I have spoken incorrectly, believing the sum total of
the knowledge built within me was correct, but was not.
Proof of all things can be found within you, if you only would have cared to look.

Following the HORROR of the removal of man from the earth, not one of my wives nor their children
will EVER question authority again. Having remembrance of the destruction, dead bones which were
never buried all over the earth. Cities which toppled to the ground which were never rebuilt and remain
completely desolate forever. All living will know that I AM GOD, forever more.


And all that was pre-ordained will be accomplished without hinderance.
Interesting writing, I like fantasy and science fiction. Let me guess, is that Tolkein?
i thought that was very creative. you should do like a dialogue bewtween you and whoever it was you where talking to. you know, have the other guy say something it, seems a bit one sided at the mo, good though.
"Shaitan (*شيطان*) is the equivalent of Satan in Christianity and Judaism. The Islamic view of Satan, has both commonalities and differences with Christian and Jewish views.

While Shaitan (شيطان, from the root *شطن*) is an adjective (meaning "astray" or "distant") that can be applied to both Man ("AlIns", *الإنس*) and Jinn, Iblis is the personal name of the Shaitan who is mentioned in the Quranic "Genesis", and whose origin is unclear.
with nail and I said:
The first of judgement for you Shaitan, whose name you forbid to be mentioned.
you can say it all you want.
with nail and I said:
You claim you are the only God, creator of earth and man.
no, but I never lied to man.
with nail and I said:
I notice that you are threatened by other Gods.
no, of course,not bring them on.
with nail and I said:
You prosper those whom you will and you bring to power those whom you will for the times as you choose.
you talk in riddles,mortal.
with nail and I said:
Why are you threatened by other Gods, Shaitan, God of this world?
I have no fear.
with nail and I said:
Do you fear that you will be judged because you reject those whom you don't prosper
wake up and smell the coffee, mortal. I fear not.
with nail and I said:
but are in need, yet you say you are protector and healer of those in need?
liar, I never said that.
with nail and I said:
Don't you see you are my tool for my will, The living God.
your not the living god, your just a mere mortal, you are having a laugh, in all these millennia, your god has never been able to put me down, what do I have to fear from him.
with nail and I said:
Where are you that you rule after having been buried alive under the earth?
your are an idiot mortal, I've never been alive, thus cannot be buried alive. my realm is below, it's a symbolic below.
with nail and I said:
How is it that you have stolen everything you thought to be good from me
what could a mere mortal have that I would want, I dont need your soul now , I'll get that when you die, or had'nt you realised , that pretending to be god is a sin, which cannot be absolved.
with nail and I said:
all of my years, but, you have only prospered me in the Living Gods best of prosperity.
now your talking gibberish again, your not worthy.
with nail and I said:
How is it that I have nothing, but yet, have everything including your eternal future in my two hands.
you hold nothing mortal.
with nail and I said:
Will you increase your opposition towards me, bringing forth the fire of CHAOS of the furnace in which you will spend eternity with your servants?
I have no opposition to you, or you god, but I'm not happy the way your god will not let me be and keeps blaming me for all his evil doings.
with nail and I said:
or will you repent and return to me
what you have stolen?
repent for what reason? and return what? mortal.
with nail and I said:
How now, does your kingdom stand up next to mine?
you hav'nt got one your just a mortal, and mines much warmer you'll like it here, when you come.

this is very boring you are and will always be just a mere mortal.
Wow, and I thought I read the Bible and apocrypha too much, this is like paradise lost.

but if there is a satan.. or shaitan... he is not your friend...

he wants you... your soul.. as fuel for his fires...

have fun...

God is our lord and master... our creator... our father...

satan is not... nor is shaitan.... to hell with him.

Mosheh Thezion said:

but if there is a satan.. or shaitan... he is not your friend...
he wants you... your soul.. as fuel for his fires...
Hmm...sounds like Freddy Krueger to me.

have fun...

God is our lord and master... our creator... our father...
Bullshit. No one is the master of me.

satan is not... nor is shaitan.... to hell with him.

Mosheh, perhaps it was Satan that appeared in Abraham's visions, pretending to be God. He is supposed to be a trickster, so maybe he tricked everyone including Jesus into adopting false religions.
Mosheh Thezion said:

but if there is a satan.. or shaitan... he is not your friend...

he wants you... your soul.. as fuel for his fires...

have fun...

God is our lord and master... our creator... our father...

satan is not... nor is shaitan.... to hell with him.

MT is that literally.

lions and tiger and bears oh my, lions and tiger sand bears oh my.(wizard of oz)
or should it be, fairys and orks and elves oh my, fairys and orks and elves oh my.(em-p-ty)

no its all just fiction.
Satan was God's friend and the highest of angels. You don't just leave such a situation behind. If Satan has anything to say, I think it would be worth listening to. After all, God gave him responsibility for the punishment of sin, and what would God do without that? Probably they are working together. I'm in favor of the democratization of heaven instead of this tyranny.
interesting that the fellow calling himself "shaitan" has such horrible grammar.
he used punctuation, but in the wrong places. perhaps english is a second/tertiary language for him.

i guess being on fire for all those years, he didnt get alot of time to learn proper punctuation.

"the devil" is a load of shit. it was popularized in christianity by zoroastrian/mithran influence. there is no such devil in judaism.

it sounds like we have another maniac on here.
at least he didnt ask for a hundred bucks so he could join a seminary :D

keep on truckin, "the devil"!! im a big fan of you and all your works!!
It seems to me that Satan,
1) doesn't demand anything from Man
2) educated Man
3) actually tries to help his friends out.

Is the better of the Two

Jehovah on the other hand
1) demands to be worshipped
2) set about keeping man in the dark
3) punishes man if he doesn’t do as God want/or think as God wants – but ironically gives man freewill (just don’t use it)
4) likes a good old ritual scarifies now and again to get his jollies off
5) is probably pissed off at having his balls cut off by the god Sophia “Gnostic of Sophia” (she still makes an appearance in the Greek Orthadox)

Now this Jehovah character is the f*cked up one.


PS: if you’re going to buy into fairy tales go for Buddhism – you’ll get more out of it.
M*W: Satan was a variation of the name Lucifer, the Morningstar, (which I believe is another name for the Sun, and not Venus), also found in the Constellation Serapens (the Serpent). Lucifer and his dominion of angels (stars, meteors, comets) fell from Heaven, so the story goes. Some may have landed on Earth, but who knows. What we do know is that we have craters of all sizes on Earth. Maybe Lucifer created the impact of one of them!

As far as Satan/Lucifer causing sin, well the darkness of night (ruled by Satan/Lucifer) was considered evil as compared to the light of day (ruled by Helios/Sol/Sun/God). Jesus actually tried to tell people the he (the Sun/Son/God) was the light of the world, but no one understands it like it was meant. Actually, Jesus didn't exist, so he couldn't have said it, but the believers in astrology (i.e. the Roman Empire and other pagans) did, and it's suspiciously evident that a patsy named "Paul" wrote about Jesus on the orders of the Roman Emperor. I don't believe there was any "Paul/Saul/Sol/Sun" who wrote it. It was a pseudonym of the Emperor's scribes.

No God. No Lucifer. No Sin. No Heaven. No Hell. No Salvation. No Redemption. Just Baloney.
"wednesday 999= 27=9=1+(18)9+2006(9)= the end time 3"

Umm.... am I the only one who caught this? 2006 clearly equals 8 in his other "equations," but in this one somehow equals 9.