Who is God?

Hansda: . . . Yes . . . I saw your inference . . . I just see it a little different . . . .. . ."what a magnificent experiment!" . . . .i.e., the imiverse . . . that He is performing !

"Scientists" are human beings , still trying to know this science .
"Scientists" are human beings , still trying to know this science .

so . . . I guess we don't really disagree that much . . I mean Scientist (big "S" - God) . . . you mean science (God) and scientist (little 's' - human) . . .
so . . . I guess we don't really disagree that much . . I mean Scientist (big "S" - God) . . . you mean science (God) and scientist (little 's' - human) . . .

I mean :

GOD is science .

Scientists are human beings .

I can not think of GOD as (S/s)cientist .
I mean :

GOD is science .

Scientists are human beings .

I can not think of GOD as (S/s)cientist .

. . . I CAN . . . at least it's a good metaphor . . . SOMETHING started all of this (universe) . . . regardless of whether it was a BB or other.
. . . I CAN . . . at least it's a good metaphor . . . SOMETHING started all of this (universe) . . . regardless of whether it was a BB or other.

Scientists are only thinking of others but they are not thinking about themselves .
People are very bad, and very narrow minded. A scientist is one who performs science. Science: a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general rules.

So scientifically, we know God might exist, we have absolutely no evidence to suggest in his existence except for human nature for over 5,000 years, plus elaborate religions that makes no sense. Thats dedication. Anyways, IF YHWH exist he is by nature a just and good male God. Theoretically emotion would have been picked from YHWHs mind in order of the emotions he discovered and created angles as pure bravery, or pure faith, for example. Then angels were incarnated as men and women and those thoughts and feeling spread like a wild fire hello free will.

We do not know if God does not exist. Some say that the lack of evidence is evidence in the lacking, but I counter with TWO key points. One, if God does exist he is by nature perfect and can do what he wants perfectly. He can make any mater not exist like a poof of smoke. He can manipulate atoms and neutrons in his the palm of his non existen fleshy hand. If God wants to be unknown he is going to make it so the evidence is lacking. Two, we may not be able to comprehend the evidence yet, possibly ever and it has always been right under our nose, or we did in ancient times and it has long been destroyed. Yes, evil, ancient evil in a world of faith, think about it.

Two-way mirror
We have no idea as a society who God is. What is your honest opinion on God? Atheist, answer like this: IF there is a God, then....

My answer is

Its better to live your life as if there was no God, and try to make the world a better place for you being in it. If there is no God
you have lost nothing and will be remembered fondly by those you left behind. If there is a benevolent God, he will judge you
on your merits and not just whether or not you beliveved in him.

Why would a God create people so imperfect then blame them for there own imperfections.
Then send his own son to be judged, tortured, and killed by the very same imperfect people.
In order to make up for how imperfect we are?
The Christian God can easily be pictured as virtually the same God as the many ancient Gods of
past civilizations. The Christian God is a three headed monster cruel, vengeful, and capricious
......If one wishes to know more of this raging three headed beast-like God. one only needs to
look at the caliber of the people who say they serve him they are always of two classes fools an hypocrite
My answer is

Its better to live your life as if there was no God, and try to make the world a better place for you being in it. If there is no God
you have lost nothing and will be remembered fondly by those you left behind. If there is a benevolent God, he will judge you
on your merits and not just whether or not you beliveved in him.

Or option C, do good and don't worry about God.

Why would a God create people so imperfect then blame them for there own imperfections.

I was created perfect :confused:
Then send his own son to be judged, tortured, and killed by the very same imperfect people.
In order to make up for how imperfect we are?

He sent him the prodigical son to be their Messiah. THEY judged him, and THEY killed him. Not us, I did not do that.

The Christian God can easily be pictured as virtually the same God as the many ancient Gods of
past civilizations. The Christian God is a three headed monster cruel, vengeful, and capricious
......If one wishes to know more of this raging three headed beast-like God. one only needs to
look at the caliber of the people who say they serve him they are always of two classes fools an hypocrite

I am no fool and no hypocrite. I am a man of God and im damn proud to say that. God by nature is good, because most people on earth are good. He created all from his own emotions and thoughts. There is no christian God, only YHWH.