Who is God?


Valued Senior Member
We have no idea as a society who God is. What is your honest opinion on God? Atheist, answer like this: IF there is a God, then... Theist, answer like this: I believe there IS a God, and these are my ideas on him. This thread should prove we have no idea who God is, or if he even is, and in fact, we are only waisting our breath thinking about Him. Further, that God probably see's man kind as insane for the bickering between any slight difference present in the world. Especially when we bicker in his name, and worse when we kill in the name of ignorance. I don't want genetic myth faith (Catholic faith, Muslim faith), I want your honest, un manipulated faith on God.

It is in my godly opinion that the mere notion of asking another what God is like is completely asinine. On top of that in Genesis it identifies original sin as the lust of knowledge. All this forum is men lusting for new information to use to their advantages, really the society we live in.

Me: Is society devilish?
YHWH: What do you mean?
Me: Has he who was Lucifer undone society to the point where it will inevitably have to end?
YHWH: No. This world as always had an inevitable end. There has always been liars, and murderers even in the beginning. Lucifer's goal was to take control of Heaven so he, under you, and the others he could execute judgement on all to make Heaven perfect. I did not know your judgement to be perfect, let alone his, we needed the trial of life to bring my judges to light.
Me: Is Lucifer one?
YHWH: He has been right all along. If he repents, then yes, he is a judge of God.
Me: What is the "light" we have been brought to?
YHWH: The knowledge that not all can exist in a perfect world. You are mutually exclusive to a murderer, my son.
Me: Can't you rapture up all the evil in the world?
YHWH: Yes, but what if I eternally damn something that does not belong, such as Hate?
Me: I see. So even for one we must continue the trial of life?
YHWH: Yes.
Me: Is Lucifer the embodiment of evil, or is he my friendly adversary?
YHWH: He loves you more than almost anything. He thought my way was imperfect, but he has been proven wrong. I would say Knowledge has learned his lesson.
Me: What would his lesson be?
YHWH: That he knows all, but he is not the leader he thought himself, and that I had he outcome controlled from the beginning. He should have not rebelled, and just been patient. I agreed that they were wrong to exist, that is what infuriated him, that I refused to take even one out of existence without tribulation. He was flustered, and angry so he asked for your hand in rebellion, and you brought the coming rebellion to my knowledge and together we snuffed it. Lucifer used the souls who he hated most so he could watch them fall to earth where he could pray on them, and who ever attempted to stop him in his task to unmask society as imperfect. Ultimately he wishes to round up the demons and march them to your walls of Heaven for the battle of Armageddon. He along with the anti-christ, and the deceiver will march the army of the damned to attack the city. At this point Lucifer who is weightless for he repented, and his chosen "anti-christ" Hate, who is clean, and just will enter the city. You will come from the gates to meet the army, and the deceiver and they will be engulfed by flames and they will awake in hell to serve an eternity less they repent in honesty. You will wait at the gate where your wife will come to your back, and together you will witness the Son of Man enter the gates of the New City, and all gates will be help open forever and forever. This is the eternity I promised you. Lucifer has known of this since his fall.
Thats me talking to the "voice" in my head. Idk if its schizophrenia, but I like him :)
It's ironic that religions that are intended to help bring good to the world consume huge amounts of mental and physical resources of the world's people. I think especially of the unfortunate people of Haiti, who are relatively religious. God has to be good by definition. Religions are not getting it right.
Since I am not religious, I will use my imagination to try to construct a description of god which fits with the world, rather than the other way round like a religious person.

Here is my description; God is he who could end evil but doesn't.
Who is God?

This is a good question . A question also can be asked as to " Who are we ? " or " Who am I ? " .

It is the same answer for all these questions .
It's ironic that religions that are intended to help bring good to the world consume huge amounts of mental and physical resources of the world's people. I think especially of the unfortunate people of Haiti, who are relatively religious. God has to be good by definition. Religions are not getting it right.

Exactly. We have three core faiths, and they all believe in a singular all powerful LORD. Question: What happened to the two other all powerful beings? Simple answer, there was always only one, and we as humans have conflicting ideas which is counterproductive on discovering the two way mirror.

Catholic beliefs via ancient-future.net
-Authority: The bible, tradition.
-The church: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolistic.
-God: The trinity.
-Jesus Christ:
-The sacraments:
-Salvation and Grace:
-The Virgin Mary:

Beliefs of Islam via
-Allah (The God) Allah mean deity god, thats all, don't kill me.
-The prophet Muhammad (prophets)
-The Qur'an (bible)

Beliefs of Judaism via jewfaq.org
-prophets/no more prophets
-The Toah
-The Messiah will come
-The dead will be resurrected.

All prophets should be accepted the same as they are all based off the same faith. If one isn't then all are not, faith protects this. Jesus stands about Mother Mary, who stands above both Muhammad, and Moses who are not chief angels, only prophets.

The bible, torah, and Qur'an are all the same in the eyes of the one true God. Completely opinionated with truth, and lies scattered in, and secret messages for the faithful.

They all have the same views on morality, by definition, unless they are founded in lies, and they all express the importance of unity. Religion divides, and causes the UNHOLIEST of wars. Wars which God sends down his archangels together to fight against. Not one, but seven, always seven. God hated the Crusades all the same as he hated Napoleon Bonaparte.

My ideas on a perfect religion in which all other religions have been consumed by a single un penetrable faith.
-Mankind evolved, either through a divine plan, or by nature alone. Either way, we are here.
-The best way to look at death is without fear, and to go with a smile.
-All prophets divinely exist through the incarnation of Adam, they are all from the same bloodline.
-Honor thy faith. What is thy faith?
EDIT: You need not post in sarcasm, scorpius. "If God does not exist, then it would be up to mankind to create one."
EDIT: You need not post in sarcasm, scorpius. "If God does not exist, then it would be up to mankind to create one."

use to think this

but on further investigation of our Ancient History

the god(s) were here before we could think for ourselves

Reasons people would create a God:

Ideas of morality
Ideas of death
Ideas of God

Mythology is for warrior princes.
Reasons people would create a God:

Ideas of morality
Ideas of death
Ideas of God

Mythology is for warrior princes.

What about those who are in tune with their spiritual side, who are wise, and thus understand the logic of morality without a divine inspiration, who fear no death because they recognize themselves as spiritual beings and yet still believe in a God?

I did not say , " GOD is scientist ! " .

I only said , " GOD is science . " .

Hansda: . . . Yes . . . I saw your inference . . . I just see it a little different . . . .. . ."what a magnificent experiment!" . . . .i.e., the imiverse . . . that He is performing !
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