WHO is GOD in terms of SCIENCE ?

Who/What is omnipotent ?
The EM field exerts its potential everywhere.
Who/What is omniscient ?
Science covers all science.
Who/What is omnipresent ?
Curiosity is omnipresent in science.

I went looking for the roots of this notion of God, thinking maybe it was Augustine or Aquinas who first started waxing categorically on what it might mean to be Supreme Commander of the Universe. I came across this list from St John of Damascus, which trumps yours to smithereens:

Now, we both know and confess that God is without
beginning and without end, everlasting and eternal, uncreated,
unchangeable, inalterable, simple, uncompounded, incorpo-
real, invisible, impalpable, uncircumscribed, unlimited, incom-
prehensible, uncontained, unfathomable, good, just, the maker
of all created things, all-powerful, all-ruling, all-seeing, the
provider, the sovereign, and the judge of all.

Betcha can't say that with your mouth full.
Picho, not one word of that follows from anything I said, nor does it appear to have anything to do with the OP's question.

I am asking respectfully. Please show some courtesy and either make your posts relevant to the topic or let others discuss it without derailing it. If you wish to discuss your own ideas, start your own thread.

Yes it does, I called Gravity God, and then explained how Gravity became God in science. Totally relevant, and on topic, and also covered your post.
Science, as we define it, is simply the study of the universe as WE perceive it in terms of physical, biological and chemical phenomena etc. Our perceptions, however, are limited to the four dimensional components that constitute space-time. This would decree a somewhat limited knowledge and perception of the ‘bigger picture.’ God is not subject to such restrictions and, consequently, examination by such methods would prove fruitless. An example of our restricted insight, for me, was demonstrated by Professor Stephen Hawking in his latest publication, one of the greatest thinkers of our time appears to be incapable of envisaging a dimension which exists ‘independently’ of space-time. You cannot use science to prove omnipotence, omniscience or omnipresence. However, science and faith in God are certainly NOT mutually exclusive.
Science, as we define it, is simply the study of the universe as WE perceive it in terms of physical, biological and chemical phenomena etc. Our perceptions, however, are limited to the four dimensional components that constitute space-time. This would decree a somewhat limited knowledge and perception of the ‘bigger picture.’ God is not subject to such restrictions and, consequently, examination by such methods would prove fruitless. An example of our restricted insight, for me, was demonstrated by Professor Stephen Hawking in his latest publication, one of the greatest thinkers of our time appears to be incapable of envisaging a dimension which exists ‘independently’ of space-time. You cannot use science to prove omnipotence, omniscience or omnipresence. However, science and faith in God are certainly NOT mutually exclusive.

I can.. very easily. I can see all particles from the first to the last, and time, and space, and the Universe, and the Muti-verse. I can even see nothing. I can see the electrons, the photons, the photon holes, colour, reflection, refraction, Gravity, Magnetism. The only things I cannot see are DNA reconstruction, and how the periodic table works. But I can write a computer program for the periodic table. And I have some idea how DNA uses pressure to create shapes. Oh yeah, and I can see Dark Matter as well. I can see quantum experiments as well, like the two slit experiment, and action at a distance.
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ughaibu said:
Who/What is omnipresent ?

Pincho Paxton said:
I called Gravity God


F = m[sub]1[/sub]m[sub]2[/sub] g† / 4πr² = ( m[sub]1[/sub]m[sub]2[/sub] / 4r² ) × ( g / π )


g ≡ God, per Pincho


π ≡ God, per ughaibu


F[sub]God[/sub] = ( m[sub]1[/sub]m[sub]2[/sub] / 4r² ) × ( God / God )

And they just SAY you can't write an equation for God.

† g is normalized here for omnipotence per post #23
‡ a curious sense of omnipotence may arise by placing God in subscript.
£ Qabalists, Deists, Unitarians, etc., may interpret God's relation to Unity.
‼ Atheists observe that God cancels.

F = m[sub]1[/sub]m[sub]2[/sub] g† / 4πr² = ( m[sub]1[/sub]m[sub]2[/sub] / 4r² ) × ( g / π )


g ≡ God, per Pincho


π ≡ God, per ughaibu


F[sub]God[/sub] = ( m[sub]1[/sub]m[sub]2[/sub] / 4r² ) × ( God / God )

And they just SAY you can't write an equation for God.

† g is normalized here for omnipotence per post #23
‡ a curious sense of omnipotence may arise by placing God in subscript.
£ Qabalists, Deists, Unitarians, etc., may interpret God's relation to Unity.
‼ Atheists observe that God cancels.

Aqueous, that is awesome. :D

F = m[sub]1[/sub]m[sub]2[/sub] g† / 4πr² = ( m[sub]1[/sub]m[sub]2[/sub] / 4r² ) × ( g / π )


g ≡ God, per Pincho


π ≡ God, per ughaibu


F[sub]God[/sub] = ( m[sub]1[/sub]m[sub]2[/sub] / 4r² ) × ( God / God )

And they just SAY you can't write an equation for God.

† g is normalized here for omnipotence per post #23
‡ a curious sense of omnipotence may arise by placing God in subscript.
£ Qabalists, Deists, Unitarians, etc., may interpret God's relation to Unity.
‼ Atheists observe that God cancels.

Well the point is that God is imaginary, and Gravity formula is imaginary. This is the real Gravity formula...

F=G -M1 -M2 /(r^2)

This is energy...

E = -mc2

And these are mistakes because Newton used the word Attraction which looks like this...

Attraction = -A

F=G -AM1 -AM2 /(r^2)

So whenever a scientist creates his formula, he is thinking attraction, but not putting it in the formula, which completely gets rid of the Big Bang, and replaces it with infinite space time.
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No. There is no omnipotent force. The Strong force is only strong with the nucleus.

Omnipotent means , which has maximum(unlimited or infinite) potent and which can not be changed by other forces or energies .

There is no perfect observer.

But there is observer in Physics/Science .

Throughout the universe, i.e. everywhere, there are approximately 400 million photons of the CMB per cubic meter. So the CMB is everywhere, i.e. omnipresent.

That means particle photon is everywhere .

So, should we consider that ; " particle photon is omnipresent "?
"Has science killed God or has it just revealed that He wasnt there to being with?"
- Contact [movie 1997]
If there can be some-potent , some-scient , some-presence ; then why there can not be omnipotent , omniscient and omnipresent .

There can, but no indications suggesting that this is the case have survived the rational scepticism of freethought - hence the ommision of such a thing from our ontologies.
According all the scientific findings and theories of which I am aware, the answer to all three questions are, no one/nothing.

This indicates that science's ability to explore the true is limited to the physical/material world.

Discoveries of Science are still happenning . There can not be put any limit to the Discovery of Science .
(Let's personify Science for a moment here.)

Do you mean to say , we should personify the Universe ?

If you were to try to pose a question to Science, its response would be "Certainly! Just provide me with evidence of these phenomena (omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence) of which you speak and I will get right on it."

If we consider only our Universe is existing , then :

omnipresence is that presence , which is existing throughout the universe .

omnipotence is that potent , which has maximum potential in the universe .

omniscient is that science , which has knowledge of everything in the universe .

Science remains silent on any subject until such time as it is presented with phenomena to examine or to test.

How long Science should remain silent to examine the omni aspect of existence ?
How do you know that's true?

No, really, how do you know? And if you're asking what the scientific explanation for that is, it's probably: "Well, people assume all kinds of things which aren't necessarily true". Are you asking why science can't explain why people assume things?

Maybe the answer is that God is not omnipotent, nor omnipresent, and not omniscient either. Maybe God is something we made up to explain stuff.

GOD is the name given to the reality of 'omnipotent , omniscient and omnipresent' . What is this reality ?
GOD is omnipotent , omniscient , omnipresent .

Are you just defining the word 'God' that way for the sake of discussion? Or are you claiming to actually know that God is those things? If the latter, how is it that you know it?

In terms of SCIENCE

How is science relevant to questions about God?

Who/What is omnipotent ?
Who/What is omniscient ?
Who/What is omnipresent ?

Whatever corresponds to our concept of God if we've defined the word 'God' to mean those things.

Probably nothing in actual reality.
According all the scientific findings and theories of which I am aware, the answer to all three questions are, no one/nothing.

This indicates that science's ability to explore the true is limited to the physical/material world.

Science seems to largely be a matter of observing things in detail, classifying them in various ways, reducing systems to component parts, and then elucidating causal interactions in terms of inductively derived causal regularities.

I'm not sure how science could apply to a hypothetical being that doesn't behave in accordance with causal regularities, that supposedly isn't present in our space-time universe at all, and hence isn't observable by any extensions of our human senses.