Who is BABELINA???


The imposter Babelina has been terminated. The account has been shut down and their posts removed.

Apologies to the real Bebelina for any trouble caused.

As for the identity of the imposter, I have suspicions but no firm evidence. The IP of the imposter did not match any other user, but then again the IP was from a large internet provider (AOL).

As for the more general concern of single persons masquerading under multiple accounts, here is the current situation. At the moment there is nothing preventing this. The board used to have an 'email verification' step wherein users would have to prove their email is valid (and, of course, only one account per email address would be accepted). Now, I disabled this a while back after realizing that a good percentage (~20%) of new registrants were never verifying their email (probably out of laziness). I determined it was healthier for the site to take the risk that people may forge their emails than it was to lose the 'lazy or confused internet surfer' demographic (a large one). I figured it was easier to pick out the bad seeds one by one when needed.

I don't think there's any need to modify this policy after today.

To those (few) who are using multiple accounts, realize that your internet address is logged with every post. Thus, I know who you are. You are not anonymous. While I have no particular problem with the use of multiple personalities (largely because it is not very common), impersonating another member is simply not allowed. And if I have sufficient evidence, I will terminate all your accounts.
You can delete the account Backslash776..... I did that.... hehehe... We think he is an alien so 776 would be technically higher in rank. So i just fooled around... funny =D

If she's got a beard, there's your proof.

:D :D :D


So, you're approaching ancient, too? Or just doppler-shifted in a slightly retarded, chronological sense? :p
Thanks Porfiry

I was begging to hesitate before I logged in because of childish mimicks. I'm glad you're keeping an eye on things. Bebelina is a good natured person who doesn't need personal attacks. Even if they don't offend her, I don't want to be associated with a forum that does such things.

Thanks again.
Originally posted by Mr. G
Perhaps finally this is the evidence of parallel universes and parallel existence some have been waitng to find?



If there was such a thing as a anti-bebelina, a bizarro version, she (or he as it´s the opposite) would be so evil, she/he would have killed us all already :D

The anti-female messiah...
be afraid, be very afraid...
Now that the imposter has been deleted it must look very funny with all those angry replies. New members must think that we are ALL...insane.


I pity these guys with multiple accounts. They must be real lonely people.

BTW, I remember when I first came to sciforums in August it was much busier. Scince then I have seen a steady decline. Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me?
BTW, I remember when I first came to sciforums in August it was much busier. Scince then I have seen a steady decline. Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me?

You've said this before, Elbaz, and you're totally off your rocker. The average post volume during August was ~100 posts per day. November was around ~150, and thus far in December the lowest was ~200 with the average being being around ~250.
There are always more posts to read the first time you come.
As you have not read any!

Perhaps I shouldn't butt in, but I have a hard time believing that the professor would be the culprit of such a juvenille act. Granted he has a snobbish and superior attitude which is difficult to overlook, but I have found most of his posts to be very intelligent and often quite thought provoking. I compare his posts to bebelina's posts, which honestly have been quite poor and rather shallow.

I don't know how you mean about Bebelina, without her posts that try to prove that no matter the topic she enters there is a fuzzy-side to it, everything would get drastically bent out of shape with seriousness.

Her humour in writing is of far better quality than that of some posters who tend to be highly Xenophobic of other posters that are cultured differently.

Admittedly Personal attacks aren't fair... (Sorry, TONY1... There I said it... *Scuffs foot across the floor in a spiralling manner*)
Admittedly alot of us do on occasion say something extremely critical about a persons post(s) or their general understanding of reality and in doing so it does seem to trigger hearty hate campaigns, forged by a viscious circle of repeating retaliation.

(In other words ask Tony1 about the "Turning a Cheek" quote!)
My apologies if I am out of line. I simply meant to say that as far as real science ideas go, comparing the Professor to Bebelina is like comparing a Mack Truck to a VW Beetle.

Didn't mean to step on any toes.
Post delete

Unless you have Administrator privilages, its not possible to delete any threads but the ones that you originally start is it? I have deleted my own threads by going to the first comment I made after starting the post. I just hit the delete button and poof the thread i started was gone.

As far as shallow goes......

didn't mean to make you feel that uneasy Riddler I was just pointing that out, because sometimes its very easy to miss words out, or read something with an incorrect understanding.