Who is BABELINA???


Valued Senior Member
Ok, someone is posting as Babelina.
Using my avatar, almost my name, and has my url:s at the bottom, and even the mooning smilie. This is not me.
This is obviously some sick person who have nothing better to do than make other peoples lives sour.
So look closely at the name.
Babelina is false.

BEBELINA is real.

Who are you? Are you insane?

I can no longer be here, if all these false persons, with fake identities are allowed to roam freely. :(
I would guess that Babelina is one of the Religious category enthusiasts that don't like your Female Messiah Titleing...

Personally, I think it suits you and they are just jelious that they couldn't think of something so apt.

If you find them causing people concern other than yourself, just get Porfiry to check their logged IP.
I have reported almost every post by this user.
Maybe the removal of this sick individual, probably former Howardstern, Pro. Arturo etc.., will go faster if you also reported them.

Anyway, thanks for your support Stryder. :)

Impersonation shouldn't be allowed nor tolerated.
Using another persons avatar should be grounds enough for ejecting from the forums, let alone someonelses name and url's.
What can we do to help?
let us start the witch hunt

I think tht you have reported this to admin allready.
He could give us BABELINAs password and we could delete any of her messages. and yes, admin should delete BABELINA from sciforums of course.
Full support from me.

if he/she is using dial-up the best we could do[legally :) ] is to get
her/his ISP. if permenant home connection , yes it would be good.
Lets wait for Porfiry to reply
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Thanks everybody.
All I can do is report the posts, and that I have done.
I just hope this person hasn´t also sent pm:s to anybody pretending to be me too.
Why does anybody waste energy on doing something stupid like this? What can I possibly have done to this person?
I have gotten some weird emails that I haven´t replied to, so maybe it´s one of those person, probably the same person all along.
Well, now you know anyway...so you don´t think that it´s me who have totally lost my mind.

Try not to let it get you down, Bebelina. We all know which one is really you. I'm just ignoring the other one because it's childish and immature. That's not what these forums are about and it's bringing down standards. I hope Porfiry can do something.

The imposter.

Ok, someone is posting as Babelina.

Bebelina, are you real or are you memerex...? How do we know that when some dramatic change in lighting occurs, that your alter ego is not summoned forth to drag its guilt and shame onto the flickering computer screen that begs for words to be hung on slippery thoughts<types faster and faster..>So many shades Bebelina<laughter echoes from the basement>..Ambient seperation...you watch as her hands type<faster and faster>..
Perhaps finally this is the evidence of parallel universes and parallel existence some have been waitng to find?
Originally posted by Mr. G
Perhaps finally this is the evidence of parallel universes and parallel existence some have been waitng to find?
Keep an eye out for this interloper. If she's got a beard, there's your proof.
This imposter most certainly has a beard.
And has several identities here.
Howardstern, Pro. Arturo...and who know who else? You?
A sad lonely person who feel rejected by women.
And sees this as revenge.
And I think it´s very low of you to throw my theories about parallell universes in my face, in a situation like this.


I know that you are obviously upset for some reason about Bebelina's presence on the boards but I think that is no way to go about it. Now I enjoy fun and games as well as the next person but I think this is takeing it a little to far. The attitude within the posts is basically a personal attack and smear.

I know this is trying but hang in there. I think that everyone is aware of what is happening and can you see from the responces that you are supported. No need to leave. This will be straighten out in due time. It now resides in Porfiry's hands.
Thanks again for the support everyone.
I will stay. Leaving would mean that "Babe"..wins, and that I will not have.

It´s sickening with all the ppl who use the anonymity of the web as a screen to hide their own loneliness. Seem to be totally unaware that they are dealing with real ppl.

Trolls, gremlins.. they don´t deserve such fantastical names, call them e-stalkers. Being anonymous gives freedom to act from the heart when one lacks the courage to do so in everyday life. Acting as a ass when hiding behind the keyboard just shows the magnitude of idiocy and lack of character behind the words.

Shape up. Be real, you fool! :(
Trolls & Gremlins

I completely agree with muliboy.
Something needs to be done.
Where's porfiry?