Who is a Jew?


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
This is an interesting story:

Yael converted to Judaism in 1992, and for the next 15 years she lived in Israel, celebrating the major holidays and teaching her children about the Jewish faith.

But when she and her husband sought a divorce last year, she said, the ultra-Orthodox rabbis in charge of the process had some questions. Among them: Did Yael observe the Sabbath? Did she obey the prohibition on sex during and after menstruation?

Dissatisfied with the answers, the rabbis nullified her conversion. Yael did not need a divorce, they ruled, because she had never been married. She had never been married because she had never been Jewish. And because she had never been Jewish, her children were not, either.

So, who is a Jew?

On one side are ultra-Orthodox leaders who are using their long-standing dominance of Israel's rabbinical court system -- which has authority over marriages, divorces and conversions -- to tighten restrictions governing who can become Jewish. They see themselves as defending the religious purity of a people who, according to their interpretation of Jewish law, need to live apart from other groups.

And why do they need to live apart from other groups?
id look at it as a club.

i have a friend that was excommunicated from the catholic church. she still attends catholic church and considers herself a catholic. is she catholic though?

i take a rather different approach to my religion.

i consider myself to be Jewish. a Jew that believes that Christ is the messiah. i do it for multiple reasons that i wont go into now. but, at some point there would have been all Jews. then at some point you had christian Jews and non christian Jews.

now Jews don't have to agree with me. some take a very conservative stance. some truly believe that they are better than everyone else. following the notion that it is not a religion but a race, a superior race. that you cannot become Jewish but are born Jewish. that they are the descendants of Abraham's son Isaac and that only descendants of Isaac can be Jewish. >>>side note... bring in the fact that Arabs are descendants of Ishmael, Abraham's other son, and you got the Hatfields and the McCoys.

i literally had a Jew say that Christians were impure because we were converted from being idolaters into believers.

now the living apart from.
being Jewish is also a lot about following rules. to follow the rules is to be pure or clean. so when living with others that are not of jewish faith could lead to impurity.

"When a woman has her regular flow of blood, the impurity of her monthly period will last seven days, and anyone who touches her will be unclean till evening. Anything she lies on during her period will be unclean, and anything she sits on will be unclean. Whoever touches her bed must wash his clothes and bathe with water, and he will be unclean till evening. Whoever touches anything she sits on must wash his clothes and bathe with water, and he will be unclean till evening. Whether it is the bed or anything she was sitting on, when anyone touches it, he will be unclean till evening" (Lev. 15:19-23)."

see how if you were not Jewish and did not follow the laws, you could cause a lot of impurity to others. they would not know it and would be unable to take action against it. say you were a priest and you came in contact with a menstruating women, then you are not allowed to read the blessings. if you came into contact and did not know it all mayhem and curses could befall upon you and others or so that is the thought.

this help?
i have a friend that was excommunicated from the catholic church. she still attends catholic church and considers herself a catholic. is she catholic though?

Good question, bucky. That might be a good thread starter.
This is an interesting story:

So, who is a Jew?

i am by way of mater
so are you
the nose is a dead giveaway


you must submit to dna testing, young lady
i feel a kinship
i know you are one of us

And why do they need to live apart from other groups?

natural selection, baby
as in....
i select, pardon, we select, those we consort with
i mean, the occasional transgression can be absorbed (you hear that, dad!!) without too much detriment to the gene pool but is the exception rather than the fucking (?) rule
And why do they need to live apart from other groups?

Because they think of themselves to be superior to all other groups. Why do you think it is that, when they're forced to live amongst different people, they never integrate? Why do you think they cause so much civil and internal unrest, to the point of widespread banishment? It's because they always put the interests of their own higher than the interests of the nation; they will cling to their way of life, and not accommodate for anybody else's - even if they are guests of another nation. They will always pledge secret allegiance to their own kind ... to their own country. The only solution is to have them live by themselves, apart from other groups. This location, however, cannot be Palestine.

Because they think of themselves to be superior to all other groups. Why do you think it is that, when they're forced to live amongst different people, they never integrate? Why do you think they cause so much civil and internal unrest, to the point of widespread banishment? It's because they always put the interests of their own higher than the interests of the nation; they will cling to their way of life, and not accommodate for anybody else's - even if they are guests of another nation. They will always pledge secret allegiance to their own kind ... to their own country. The only solution is to have them live by themselves, apart from other groups. This location, however, cannot be Palestine.

And, mankind will always remain divided in favor of medieval mindsets. Religion has a tendency to do that. Islam is more radical and militaristic than Judaism for keeping Muslims separate from mankind.
Because they think of themselves to be superior to all other groups. Why do you think it is that, when they're forced to live amongst different people, they never integrate? Why do you think they cause so much civil and internal unrest, to the point of widespread banishment? It's because they always put the interests of their own higher than the interests of the nation; they will cling to their way of life, and not accommodate for anybody else's - even if they are guests of another nation. They will always pledge secret allegiance to their own kind ... to their own country. The only solution is to have them live by themselves, apart from other groups. This location, however, cannot be Palestine.

Why not? The Holy Land is the land of Semites; it doesn't matter what their faith is.
Because they think of themselves to be superior to all other groups. Why do you think it is that, when they're forced to live amongst different people, they never integrate? Why do you think they cause so much civil and internal unrest, to the point of widespread banishment? It's because they always put the interests of their own higher than the interests of the nation; they will cling to their way of life, and not accommodate for anybody else's - even if they are guests of another nation. They will always pledge secret allegiance to their own kind ... to their own country. The only solution is to have them live by themselves, apart from other groups. This location, however, cannot be Palestine.


That explains why you think they need to live separately, what does Judaism say about it?
Why not? The Holy Land is the land of Semites; it doesn't matter what their faith is.

But they're not Semites. They're descendents of Turko-Mongol semi-nomadic pagans. They obtained Palestine through Zionism; if you support their settlement in Palestine, then you support Zionism. Please, you're a Syrian who comes from a family of Muslims: do not tell me you support Zionism. It would be shameful.

That explains why you think they need to live separately, what does Judaism say about it?

Have you ever read the Talmud? I suggest you read it. You'll find everything I say to be confirmed by Jewish sources.

That explains why you think they need to live separately, what does Judaism say about it?

i thought that i explained some of the reasons. its not so much that they "want" to live apart. its more that they "need" to in order for their religion to work properly.

also do not include all Jews. many more are not that way. many are very active in non secular society. still considering themselves of Jewish faith without following all the rules.
i thought that i explained some of the reasons. its not so much that they "want" to live apart. its more that they "need" to in order for their religion to work properly.

also do not include all Jews. many more are not that way. many are very active in non secular society. still considering themselves of Jewish faith without following all the rules.

So are they still considered Jewish by the same people who nullified the conversion in the OP?
i dont know the rules for being kicked out.

but as i suggested earlier. jewish to whom? themselves or the congregation?
Of course, would that woman be able to have her children bar mitzvah'd for instance?
So even though her conversion is nullified [and that of her kids] she can attend a synagogue and do whatever it is that Jewish people do together? Can she marry another Jew? Since she is considered divorced? What is the legal status of her marriage? Can she demand maintenance for her kids? Is the ex-husband legally still the father of her kids?