Who here has been abducted?

I experienced sleep paralysis once when i was younger.

Didn't see any aliens but do remember a flash of light or somthing like that.

I heard somewhere that high solar flare activity can cause sleep paralysis and other alien abduction like effects.

It has something to due with electromagnetic energy stimulating the brian, kind of like how the aurora borielias happens when a solar flare hits the earth.
dinokg said:
It has something to due with electromagnetic energy stimulating the brian.

It certainly does. Go google for 'temporal lobe epilepsy', which can be induced using electromagnetic coils. People who have had this happen to them, report the exact same experiences as 'abductees'.

Doesn't make people feel very special though, admitting they may be prone to night terrors.
I heard somewhere that high solar flare activity can cause sleep paralysis and other alien abduction like effects.

Rubbish,Gibberish,Jabber,prate,prattle,Nonsensical.(Dont mean to be rude).Solar Flare activity has nothing or as yet no solid proof has come of the relationship between our atmosphere and Solar Flares,Leave aside Bodies.

It certainly does. Go google for 'temporal lobe epilepsy', which can be induced using electromagnetic coils. People who have had this happen to them, report the exact same experiences as 'abductees'.
apparently,Phlog has never read Communion.Go read it.This will perhaps make it clear as to why i refute this statement of yours.

Zion, there is real medical research to back up the temporal lobe epilepsy explanation, whereas 'Communion' is just a work of fiction.

You should really think more critically, and learn to judge the credibiity of your sources better.

Would you like to rephrase this;

zion said:
Solar Flare activity has nothing or as yet no solid proof has come of the relationship between our atmosphere and Solar Flares,Leave aside Bodies.

Because I'm having trouble getting any definite meaning out of it. Are you saying there is no interaction between the charged particles ejected during solar flares and our atmosphere?
Did you read Communion or Not Phlog?

Apparently you havent.As in Communion,The checkup(thorough) was done for Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and NO,evidence whatsoever was found which could state that...

As far as Credibility of the Source is concerned,the actual Medical Report Copies were printed as part of the Book Initially.

I am still pretty sure,you havent read Communion as yet.
and btw,
I know what Temporal Lobe Epilepsy is.My uncle is a Neurosurgeon and we stay in same house...I am neither denying that Temporal Lobe Epilepsy might be an abduction experience explanation,But in case of Whitley Streiber,he wasnt diagnosed of this problem.
