Who here has been abducted?


Reality is in the Minds Eye
Registered Senior Member
If there are any people who claim to have been abducted, I would like to read your experiences, so go right ahead and write, right away :cool:

I would like to say you that although I had no experienced the Abduction Phenomenon,you may read about many such experiences in many books that have been written about it.BORDERS or a quick search in Amazon,in the Internet, shall give you with a good list of books which you
may buy at great prices.I did that for myself.As a Chemist,I do not believed
in Ufo's or all of their related themes.However,I read almost 100 books and the evidence is so overwhelming that now I am scientifically convinced about the existence of Ufo's and the shocking reality of the Abduction Phenomenon.

Keep going in your search of the Truth.

God bless You


The Thinker
As a Chemist,I do not believed
in Ufo's or all of their related themes.
1 - What does being a chemist have to do with it?
2 - How can you not believe in UFOs? UFO = Unidentified Flying Object. There's plenty of them. The question is not whether they exist, but what they are (the identification of that which is unidentified).
However,I read almost 100 books and the evidence is so overwhelming that now I am scientifically convinced about the existence of Ufo's and the shocking reality of the Abduction Phenomenon.
Uh, OK, you just contradicted yourself. Did you just read those hundred books between sentences?! :p


I have, see avatar, 'nuff said.
Rather loaded question there. A more appopriate one would be "Who thinks they have been abducted" or "Who has had an abduction experience". To ask the question you have implies that the existance of extra terrestrials, and their capability to travel to earth is certain, which just isn't the case.

I have had an 'alien abduction experience';


you can read about it on that thread. I know however, that I wasn't abducted. Many people aren't as rational, and assume they have been chosen by ETIs for some purpose.
To ask the question you have implies that the existance of extra terrestrials, and their capability to travel to earth is certain, which just isn't the case.
Oh really? Any evidence to support your claim?
My 'claim', what, the that the certainty of alien visitation hasn't been proven?

It isn't certain, is it? You have to admit that. We wouldn't be discussing it in 'PseudoScience' if it was certain, would be?
That wasn't what your claim seemed to imply, but if that's what you meant, then that's fine. I'd agree with that.
Hi Alpha:

What's up doc? I do really believe in Ufo's.I have really read almost 100 books.I am not joking.Are you? That's fine for a while.However,you are an intelligent person.What I intended was to make the guy who posted the thread to look for himself the answer that he is seeking about Ufo's.That's all.

God bless you too,

The Thinker :)
Well, I was standing out in a field, and I had this huge satellite dish sticking out of my butt. And then there were hundreds of cows and aliens, and then I went up on the ship and Scott Baio gave me pinkeye....
quimico2005 said:
However,I read almost 100 books and the evidence is so overwhelming that now I am scientifically convinced about the existence of Ufo's and the shocking reality of the Abduction Phenomenon.

Great to hear someone else is actually doing research before making up their minds. This is how it should work.

I have no problem with people who look at the evidence and reach a conclusion that there is nothing to it. However, 99% who feel that way simply refuse to look at the evidence before deciding.
Maybe I have been, you're not supposed to remeber... they do some memory alteration. Maybe every person here has been abducted and every human is eventually abducted and it is a very small % of people that actually recall the event. In conclusion, I don't know if I have been abducted or not.
I still point out, in the case of human abductions (rapist/Paedophiles etc) the likelihood of an abductee being returned is slim and greatly reduced the longer the time period of the abduction.

Why would any "abductees" be returned?

I know you could mention here 'Perhaps those responsible are doing experiments and don't need too keep the people and aren't "killers" or "Sex offenders'. However I would still suggest it to be an extremely criminal activity to take someone against their will, "alien or no alien".
I've been abducted by an alien in a dream. It was fake though, it was my imagination, just like most other abductions.
What's up doc? I do really believe in Ufo's.
good for you bugs. you really should believe in UFOs. because they really do exist. i see them on a regular basis. my eyesight, and consequent ability to identify things, is severely lacking. :cool: :rolleyes:
I planned to start this thread,but in a more systematic Manner.For example,i could give people PARAMETERS to make them narrate their experience Concisely and more accurately...But the somehow it has never Taken off...
Well if we ever get to the point of having actual people come forwards with real experiences I'll try to setup a thread that connects their individual experiences together (kind of an Index)

However they have to understand that most of the board dwellers can act like hardline skeptics and will attempt to make them crumble back into the abyss from whence they came.
Stryderunknown said:
Well if we ever get to the point of having actual people come forwards with real experiences I'll try to setup a thread that connects their individual experiences together

I seriously doubt you will see that on this forum.
Yes,I agree with you Strydie.I thought about that too.But the Validity of Reporting is also important.Like Photographic Sighting,Video Sighting etc.Hynek's Classified Report...
