Who has ACTUALLY seen a UFO?

in the year of 1974 while on checking guard posts at Ft.Hood Texas a warrant officer and myself spotted something, also checked with a radar unit nothing was found in the sky but you could still see it as well as the movements it ws making. This ws logged at the main post military police station.
In the late spring of this year I saw a UFO over Seattle, WA. It's a weird one, though. I didn't report it to NUFORC (you'll see why) and I don't know anyone else who saw it.

Essentially I saw a small silver object sparkling in the sky during the evening while looking WSW over Queen Anne Hill in Seattle. I grabbed a small spotting scope I got my brother for baseball games and checked out the object. Set against an advancing sunset, I figured first airplanes, which frequently turn west in that viewing area. Nope. Looked more like a weather balloon falling from its travels. Silver, two definitive sections, one round, one teardrop. The sections appeared to be connected by some kind of cable. There was no anchor visible from either section to the ground. Convinced it was a failing weather balloon, I left it alone and went back to watching the game on TV.

Next night I saw it again, same place in the sky. This time I had two people with me whom caught a good glimpse but couldn't find the thing through the spotting scope. My brother, also was home, and that's where it got entertaining. On both evenings, the object had a habit of disappearing, obscured by the smog or turned by the wind. But the second evening, my second witness utterly failed to see the object. It was mocking and comical; every time the object would appear, I would call out and he would rush twelve feet to the sliding door, and the object would disappear. This pattern repeated until it became futile when the sun dropped too low in the sky to foster the reflection we saw.

Seems I was the only one who saw it since there was no mention of it in any of Seattle's newspapers, and no reports to NUFORC. For the most part I call it a weather balloon, but it must, technically, remain a UFO.

I know it's kind of lame, but it's a Ufo story. Thanx,


"Let us not launch the boat until the ground is wet." (Khaavren of Castlerock)
the last time i saw a ufo was at my house 2 months ago, i was sky watching with my friend, and i spotted a satalite, so i pointed it out to him, but then it started to sway, i though i might be tired until it made a 90 degree turn twords north. then it went for 2 seconds at farly fast speeds, then it did a 180 and started heading south, and up. then i saw like a line of wite come out of it and it disapeared in a flash. that next day my friend corey asked why i was saying vega. (i found out also that vega is a star that soposovly is the system that houses the greys.)i said i diddnt. and i didnt but maby i did in my unconcious mind or something? who knows? but all i know is that i saw it and i have figured out a way of propulsion that the extraterestrials might have used. contact me if you want to know more


Eeerrr, I think your confusing yourself with the movie 'Contact' starring Jodie Foster. Perhaps just one too many Hollywood implants on school holidays??!!

The location rumour with the ET buffs is the greys are from the Reticulum Constellation ( roughly 38 light years away)

i saw that movie a long time ago
its really cool, but i heard that there from vega so i donno.


I recently moved from California back to Ohio. In California I experienced 4 UFO sightings: a long, black/grey cigar shaped vehicle, going incredibly fast and leaving no exhaust trails at all, 2 huge slow moving lights in the night sky which stood still and then disappeared right before our eyes, and a very, very large bright object hovering in the middle of a canyon where we could also see helicopters (military?) moving around the canyon and the vehicle. I am a true believer now. I feel the U.S. government knows exactly what is going on and it is a matter of time before they (are forced?) to admit all, before the visitors do. How fasinating, hope I am around to experience that one!
I have seen UFOs when I was in Jr. College back in Clinton, Iowa. The second semester we were studing the moon for Physical Science and I was out in the backyard of my parents house looking West at the moon. Out of the corner of my left eye I saw some lights and turned to look at them and they were oval and traveling from South to North. One of them was traveling a little faster and stopped overhead until the others caught up and then they, about ten of them, stopped for about a minute and then headed North and shot up into space. I had a Polaroid camera in my hand with 3000 speed film and was so amazed at seeing them I forgot to take a picture. I still kick my self for that goof. I had read books on them, but never expected to see them. This was in May during the Michigan flap.
I forgot my late wife saw a UFO here at our house near Cincinnati. She was on the couch and looked out the North facing window and saw a cigar shaped bright light go from North to the South. There was no noise and she said it was as big as a 18 oz. peanut butter jar at arms length. My UFOs were about a dime at arms length. She didn't tell me right away so the date and time is lost with her.
>I recently moved from California back to Ohio. In California I experienced 4 UFO sightings: a long, black/grey cigar shaped vehicle, going incredibly fast and leaving no exhaust trails at all, 2 huge slow moving lights in the night sky which stood still and then disappeared right before our eyes, and a very, very large bright object hovering in the middle of a canyon where we could also see helicopters (military?) moving around the canyon and the vehicle. I am a true believer now. I feel the U.S. government knows exactly what is going on and it is a matter of time before they (are forced?) to admit all, before the visitors do. How fasinating, hope I am around to experience that one!

Ok, I think you have made a bit of a logical leap here. You went from seeing objects in the sky, to a conviction that they are aliens which the government is trying to cover up for no reason in particular.



"Reality has a way of catching up with you, the way the ground catches up with an airplane that runs out of fuel."
In my time travels I have exensive experience in dealing with these often times little freaks. The Kulombuyz (rough translation) the typical green unisex with the big black eyes are the worst of the bunch. Gay probing is a sick infatuation for these idiots. The Gilzatekits are a much friendlers bunch, they have the ability to transform into any visual object. They were prevelant in the early 1800's. I think they were invaded by the Ziabeluts but I am not sure.
>In my time travels I have exensive experience in dealing with these often times little freaks. The Kulombuyz (rough translation) the typical green unisex with the big black eyes are the worst of the bunch. Gay probing is a sick infatuation for these idiots. The Gilzatekits are a much friendlers bunch, they have the ability to transform into any visual object. They were prevelant in the early 1800's. I think they were invaded by the Ziabeluts but I am not sure.

Here is a perverted sense of humor. *chuckle*


"Reality has a way of catching up with you, the way the ground catches up with an airplane that runs out of fuel."
I and a neighbor witnessed two red lights approximately 50 miles away on a clear night that moved to the right in unison, slowly at first, across the horizon and then zipped unbelievably fast before banking up at a 45 degree angle into the sky before disappearing. Then almost immediately after that we both saw a single red light to the left of us moving slowly across the horizon approximately 20 or 30 miles from us before we lost sight of it behind the forest.

The amazing thing is the rate of acceleration with these things. I mean, to keep the things inside from not being crushed by the incredible g-forces would be to have a gravity field around the ship that compensated for the law of acceleration.