Who created the internet?

You made an attempt to put a spiritual twist to this thread through the technological aspect of the internet.

You must define your words correctly enabling everyone to be on the same page.

The incorporation of the internet brought together many different technologies. Starting with the telegraph and telephone and manufacturing of wires and tubes, things evolved after that.
You made an attempt to put a spiritual twist to this thread through the technological aspect of the internet.

Spritualist, believers in deities, creationists do put twist in almost every area. I started this thread to see what they can produce on this specific issue.

You must define your words correctly enabling everyone to be on the same page.

Just give me any of my dubious statement, and I will try to clarify.

The incorporation of the internet brought together many different technologies. Starting with the telegraph and telephone and manufacturing of wires and tubes, things
That's what I know. But I didn't raise OP in order to see things that I already observe. I wanted to see what a creationist thinking about the creation of the internet, since they think that everything must have a creator.

If you do not believe in any creation, you can make your contribution to this thread via giving examples from the history, components, mechnanisms, functions and scope of internet as a complicated mechanism, as you just did above extract (telephone, wires, tubes, etc). Or any other method to entertain the topic. Just stop being a whinge, that's all I ask, please...
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it was the litle known Internet Faries that created the Internet. And they are the ones that carry each packet in a frilly satin bag.
If you answer the question, I might be. Yet you didn't tell me where do you put internet technology among others. How many sub-technology (computer hardware and software engineering, fiber optic cables, satellites -and necessarily rockets-, writing, etc.) do internet depend upon?
You can put inter-net technology wherever you wish, since classification systems are ultimately subjective and designed to fill a specific purpose. What purpose would you like to fulfill with your classification of the internet?
i think the technologyu can be viewed by some as supernatural. i still cant believe the micro chip was invented.
That's what I know. But I didn't raise OP in order to see things that I already observe. I wanted to see what a creationist think about the creation of the internet, since they think that everything must have a creator.

...entertain the topic. Just stop being a whinge, that's all I ask, please...

Okay, from a creationist point of view the internet is a miracle. It must have been in God's mind outside time.
You can put inter-net technology wherever you wish, since classification systems are ultimately subjective and designed to fill a specific purpose. What purpose would you like to fulfill with your classification of the internet?

Exactly, making a technological classification has nothing to do with OP, it didn't ask this. Yet if someone replies that "internet is just a technology", I must ask for elaboration in order to relate this "technology" to the OP which asks for "who created it"?

All in all, I might have a purpose of defining the internet with its entire spectrum of technologies. If classification would help to understand (just as classification of life as domains, kingdoms, species, etc...) the object phenomenon (internet), so let's use the classification, I have no objection. It might be helpful to clarify what "the creator actually did create".
“Everything must have a creator” is claimed by the creationist and God believers. If this is the case, so who created the internet? Of course, one will ask the question of “what is internet?”: It’s like life: A complex mechanism, a phenomenon. Just as life, it depends on various hardware and software.

Before you start to define internet, think about what it is; with its all satellite, microchip, code technologies, the chemistry and physics formulas behind its working requirements, the richness of its ingredients; music, graphic, video, writings, message, dictionaries, letters, jokes, raw data, news, and every other type of knowledge and symbols. Who is responsible from this phenomenon and/or when? Has this creation completed? Who is the creator?
M*W: Al Gore claims he invented the Internet.