Who created the internet?


Valued Senior Member
“Everything must have a creator” is claimed by the creationist and God believers. If this is the case, so who created the internet? Of course, one will ask the question of “what is internet?”: It’s like life: A complex mechanism, a phenomenon. Just as life, it depends on various hardware and software.

Before you start to define internet, think about what it is; with its all satellite, microchip, code technologies, the chemistry and physics formulas behind its working requirements, the richness of its ingredients; music, graphic, video, writings, message, dictionaries, letters, jokes, raw data, news, and every other type of knowledge and symbols. Who is responsible from this phenomenon and/or when? Has this creation completed? Who is the creator?
I prefer to think of the internet as technology.

When and where did the internet originate?

It was originated in the UK by Tim Berners Lee.He developed software for the World Wide Web and it became available from 1991

The World Wide Web is not the same thing as the Internet. The "Web" as it is called is simply a software application that uses the internet infrastructure to send data between devices running that particular application software. The Internet was created as a project in 1958 by the United States Government ARPA (The Advanced Research Projects Agency) to network computers in order to gain a technological, and potentially a military advantage over the Soviets in the middle of the cold war. It was then used to connect several universities together so that they could assist in military and or technological research. Later the "internet" was opened to the common user and became what it is today with the help of the graphical environment created using a programming language called HTML used to create the application called World Wide Web.
“Everything must have a creator” is claimed by the creationist and God believers. If this is the case, so who created the internet? Of course, one will ask the question of “what is internet?”: It’s like life: A complex mechanism, a phenomenon. Just as life, it depends on various hardware and software.

Before you start to define internet, think about what it is; with its all satellite, microchip, code technologies, the chemistry and physics formulas behind its working requirements, the richness of its ingredients; music, graphic, video, writings, message, dictionaries, letters, jokes, raw data, news, and every other type of knowledge and symbols. Who is responsible from this phenomenon and/or when? Has this creation completed? Who is the creator?

mankind created all words

so anything not naturally born, is man created

look around

Internet: the initial reasoning was for scientist to share information

i like to thank google for the cool spiders
O o oo OOoO

since we in a religious section; the hopi indians PREDICTED the global web, well before electricity

does that count?
O o oo OOoO

since we in a religious section; the hopi indians PREDICTED the global web, well before electricity

does that count?

Please link your comment. I was under the impression the internet wasn't on any spiritualist radar.
mankind created all words
First of all, question is not about words, it's about internet. Please contribute towards OP. But if you insist, you can think of words (which are also part of internet): Who created the words? Mankind is not an answer, since mankind is the close environment, system or universe of human words. I am looking for a single intelligence behind internet, or words if you like...

so anything not naturally born, is man created
"Man" is the conceptual totalising word for a populations and generations of individuals and their interactions throughout history. Moreover, humans are part of a wider nature themselves.

Internet: the initial reasoning was for scientist to share information

You are talking about the environment (scientific communication) of one part of internet phenomenon. Internet consist of many parts, it can not be restricted to only a bunch of software codes derived by scientists. And who is the specific scientist who is responsible from entire internet we use today?
Please link your comment. I was under the impression the internet wasn't on any spiritualist radar.



there are links

the internet is not 'under a radar' but them old guys knew of the linking of and used the term web in many many generations regarding people being linked and knowledge sharing

i made the comment because of retaining the comprehension this thread was in a religious section

but if you really want to get wild; the internet is how the knowledge of mankinds collective recording of material can be combined in one

ie.... an evolution can(did) occur
Since we're on the top who created the Goddess?


since we in a religious section; the hopi indians PREDICTED the global web, well before electricity

We are in the religious section for a good reason, because we are looking for a creator, this is not even a "free thought"... Plus, this is not a prediction of the internet; it's about the actual existing phenomenon.

does that count?

I think it doesn't...
I heard one of the people said to have created the internet on the radio and he said nobody created the internet. I think that was Douglas Engelbart. That guy was

Englebart and Leonard Kleinrock sent and recieved the first packet switched message. The guy I heard, presumably Englebart laughed at the claims that presumably Berners and another unrelated person with an unrelated claim make as to being the founders of the internet.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet credits Berners with creating the World Wide Web in 1989 but the Internet was already up and running and quite utilized before the World Wide Web was created which improved the usability of the internet.

The internet itself was started in the 1960s.
First of all, question is not about words, it's about internet. Please contribute towards OP. But if you insist, you can think of words (which are also part of internet): Who created the words? Mankind is not an answer, since mankind is the close environment, system or universe of human words. I am looking for a single intelligence behind internet, or words if you like...
you in the wrong section for that

or just google

"Man" is the conceptual totalising word for a populations and generations of individuals and their interactions throughout history. Moreover, humans are part of a wider nature themselves.
what's that got do with the thread

You are talking about the environment (scientific communication) of one part of internet phenomenon.
that was the initial cause (environment, that created the concept)

Internet consist of many parts, it can not be restricted to only a bunch of software codes derived by scientists. And who is the specific scientist who is responsible from entire internet we use today?

i guess no one shared to you what an internet is

if you looking for a beast; look in the mirror (we all equally capable)

or if you want a collective of many, look up the 'invisible hand'

if you tink some devol guy is running the show.... then you in the right section, but not quite up to speed on using the internet
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet credits Berners with creating the World Wide Web in 1989 but the Internet was already up and running and quite utilized before the World Wide Web was created which improved the usability of the internet.

The internet itself was started in the 1960s.

Yes the internet was already up an running through ARPA. Berners developed the software allowing the public access to the internet.

How did the Internet start?
It was 1957 when the then Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first man-made satellite. Americans were shocked by the news. The Cold War was at its peak, and the United States and the Soviet Union considered each other enemies. If the Soviet Union could launch a satellite into space, it was possible it could launch a missile at North America.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower created the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) in 1958 as a direct response to Sputnik's launch. ARPA's purpose was to give the United States a technological edge over other countries. One important part of ARPA's mission was computer science.
We are in the religious section for a good reason, because we are looking for a creator,

take two crayons and a piece of paper and create what ever you like

if you like giving life; then buy a tree, make sure you provide good soil and water and watch it grow

if you want to be a vendictive god, go cut the tree down

or read what the bible says

Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

this is not even a "free thought"... Plus, this is not a prediction of the internet; it's about the actual existing phenomenon.

it is like a web of wiring combining data bases all over the world, and from most any terminal, you can ask any question you like and see what pops up to learn.

not sure of a word, google it

not much you can ask, that the internet cannot provide

but you can't buy responsibility, honesty and self reflection......all that character stuff is on you.

ie... from getting a job to building a nuclear weapons; its all there
I prefer to think of the internet as technology.

Arguable. If you elaborate "what kind of technology" it would be more understandable. Printing and press, steam engine, jet engine are also defined as technology, would you classify internet under the same technological classes. Why don't you define internet as a combination of many technologies (computer, satellite, writing, projection, etc.)?
It was originated in the UK by Tim Berners Lee.
The World Wide Web is not the same thing as the Internet.

WWW is not our topic, our topic is internet. WWW is just one side of it.
The Internet was created as a project in 1958 by the United States Government ARPA (The Advanced Research Projects Agency) to network computers in order to gain a technological, and potentially a military advantage over the Soviets in the middle of the cold war.
This is only one usage of internet. It was nothing but a closed circuit communication device when you compare it with today’s phenomenon. Today’s internet was not possible by, and it doesn’t work similar to 1958s technology. It was a stage. You need some electronic devices for today’s Internet which were unimaginable in 1958s.( OK, maybe imaginable but they were not possible at that time.) And you can not also claimed that ARPA created the entire logic of coded information transfer through digital connection. They could definitely be considered as a part of historical step, but not creator, in the sense of making everything out of nothing.
Arguable. If you elaborate "what kind of technology" it would be more understandable. Printing and press, steam engine, jet engine are also defined as technology, would you classify internet under the same technological classes. Why don't you define internet as a combination of many technologies (computer, satellite, writing, projection, etc.)?

When you ask for an answer and receive an accurate one, be grateful.


1. the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.
2. the terminology of an art, science, etc.; technical nomenclature.
3. a technological process, invention, method, or the like.
4. the sum of the ways in which social groups provide themselves with the material objects of their civilization.

When you ask for an answer and receive an accurate one, be grateful.

If you answer the question, I might be. Yet you didn't tell me where do you put internet technology among others. How many sub-technology (computer hardware and software engineering, fiber optic cables, satellites -and necessarily rockets-, writing, etc.) do internet depend upon?


1. the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.
2. the terminology of an art, science, etc.; technical nomenclature.
3. a technological process, invention, method, or the like.
4. the sum of the ways in which social groups provide themselves with the material objects of their civilization.

I didn't ask for dictionary definition. As you realise it gives you a general concepts such as industrial arts, process, civilization and others. I ask how do you see internet technology (or phenomenon), and can you spot a specific creator for it. Simple.