no, its unethical for god to create a being that has, in its very nature - urges that run in opposition to that which god regards as good.
There is as CS Lewis said 'a deeper magic'. That is 'love'. If you accept a being 'God' who is Love then it is not surprising that He would want beings to love Him. You cannot force someone to love you. This is a contradiction. This means you have to give your created beings (people and angels) free will. Once you have done that, there is of course the risk that they will choose wrongly but the risk is still worth the reward (as all parents will know as they gradually allow children more and more freedom to make their own choices).
God is omniscient and outside of time so he knew what would happen which is why he made a plan for salvation of fallen mankind (the atoning death of Jesus).
Allowing people to choose good or not to choose good does not imply the creation of a separately existing evil or sin by the being doing the allowing. This is a logical non-sequitur.
The alternative version is a set of automatons who can never do anything of their own valition in case what they do is wrong. What sort of universe would that be? Would that be one that any of the contributors to this site would really want to live in?
To understand the nasty bits of this world, it has to be understood that this is the world that humanity (assisted by Satan) corrupted by making the wrong choice long ago. All actions have consequences, which can sometimes be very far reaching, particularly wrong ones, as any appreciation of history will indicate.
This is not the world of the original creation which was created by God 'very good', before people exercised their free will to corrupt it, as of course people are still doing today.
In regard to your Play Doh horse. Even that is not only the sum total of its molecules. No more than a painting is just the paint on the canvas. The horse had your idea and skill put into it to make it from the material. It became both a piece of play-doh (material) and a model of a horse (a conceptual thing). Whilst making it you were a 'creator'.
You are of course much more than that play doh horse. You have a creative mind that can produce abstract thought. You have sensibilities which can appreciate beauty, music etc. None of these things is material. They cannot be measured by the hardware of molecular matter although you need that (the brain cells) to make them work. This is like a computer which needs the hardware to run the software but the software is itself not material. It is a plan, a design a concept. It is not the media on which it is stored.
You are very much more than the computer hardware and software. You are 'most amazingly made' and for a specific reason to boot!
All the atheistic materialistic 'unimportant speck of dust' concepts are attempts to rob people of this heritage and instill into them a certain negativity, a hole that needs to be filled. It is therefore of course very useful for convincing people that they could be special, that they could 'become someone' if only they had more power, more money, bigger car, bigger house etc. etc. But any examination of the lives of people who have all these things will show that these do not satisfy. The concept is a fraud - a very great lie!
Life as a purposely designed being, working for ever better real things (such as actively loving other people by what you do) is great. I went to Mexico City last year and worked for three weeks with a Christian charity serving some of the poorest people there. It was one of the best times in my whole life! Working for people (and thus for God) is so much more satisfying than acquiring material wealth. Real Christianity (not just church going) is a real challenge. It's not for wimps but the rewards are well worth it. I can commend it to you and others!
kind regards,