Who Created Sin?


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Registered Senior Member
Assuming you believe in God, Who created Sin?

If you say, God created Sin, then Did he create the boundary of what is good and what is not or did he create sin in Lucifer that allowed for the dispersement of sin.
is is an absence so no one created it but if one were to pin point origins it would be the first one who basteridized freewill
Can an absence be left without it being created?

Even if you set the parameters of right and wrong, you are still creating or applying properties to a thing and another to another thing.

Some would argue the existence of free will.
He created everything, right? So he created Sin, and Lucifer, and the temptation to sin, so that He could punish some entities that He knew would sin, and reward others, who He also knew would be good. Basically, He's a sadist.
So you are saying it is unethical and immoral for a God to create something and give them a choice to choose him or not and based upon that choice either have reward or consequence?

Is it only unethical to do so because it chooses to benefit some while curse others?

Even if you say everything points to the non existance of a God, which it doesn't, but say it does, do we have a say in the rules of how it works? Assuming it works that way.
spidergoat said:
He created everything, right? So he created Sin, and Lucifer, and the temptation to sin, so that He could punish some entities that He knew would sin, and reward others, who He also knew would be good. Basically, He's a sadist.
he is goodness, everything he created is good, those who oppose him only create a adsence, for example lucifer or eve
So he didn't create intestinal parasites?

I think I'm saying that omniscience and free will seem to be contradictory. Did he create some people to fail? If so, is it really justice to punish them? If he didn't know some people would fail, what else doesn't He know? Maybe He doesn't know that humanity could grow to exceed His abilities, since we evolve and He is eternal.

There is also the possibility that there is a God, but that the Christians are no more correct in their assumptions about Him than anyone. He could be a space alien with advanced technology that started His own planet due to boredom, no heaven, no hell, no sin, ect...
spidergoat said:
So he didn't create intestinal parasites?
yes he did but acorrding to catholic doctrine (as it seems to be the context in which we are discussing) we would have the gifts of edan that make the effect of such things irrelevant
spidergoat said:
I think I'm saying that omniscience and free will seem to be contradictory. Did he create some people to fail? If so, is it really justice to punish them? If he didn't know some people would fail, what else doesn't He know? Maybe He doesn't know that humanity could grow to exceed His abilities, since we evolve and He is eternal.
he knew every possiblity there could have been and those that do not come to pass are theologicaly known as futurables
yes he did but acorrding to catholic doctrine (as it seems to be the context in which we are discussing) we would have the gifts of edan that make the effect of such things irrelevant
Such intellectual foresight! Witness the immune system of the Christian organism.

he knew every possiblity there could have been and those that do not come to pass are theologicaly known as futurables
If he knows everything, then He knows from the start which "future" path will actually happen, right?
In Romans (bible) it talks about how some people were created with the sole purpose of destruction. Romans 9.
The term "fold" implies a region that is hidden, but you also say that for God, nothing is unknown. Don't you see the contradiction?

I think we created this concept of God in our image, that is of a very powerful Kingly person that experiences reality like we do sequentially in time, but happens to be well informed.
Quigly said:
So you are saying it is unethical and immoral for a God to create something and give them a choice to choose him or not and based upon that choice either have reward or consequence?

no, its unethical for god to create a being that has, in its very nature - urges that run in opposition to that which god regards as good. it is even more unethical for god to then expect his creation to deny those urges and choose what god has defined as "good" without any prompting, proof, or reasoning. it is the most unethical however, to do all of these things and then brutally and cruelly punish your creation when it fails to do what you want it to because you designed it to want to do something else.

god would seem to me to be, if not a sadist, a totally inept creator.
spidergoat said:
The term "fold" implies a region that is hidden, but you also say that for God, nothing is unknown. Don't you see the contradiction?

I think we created this concept of God in our image, that is of a very powerful Kingly person that experiences reality like we do sequentially in time, but happens to be well informed.
i think that this is your opion of what people see god as out of there own personal experience, but god in a theological light is far beyond what we can know, as he is a supeme being. what you present is not what i am saying. are you describing a consept of god you onece held? because how you decribe god is not in my explainations