Good example how if one messes up at the point of theory there is no question of practical application (much less evidence)
ditto aboveAnd this by PZ Myers:
The nature of this god is always vague and undefined and most annoyingly, plastic — suggest a test and it is always redefined safely away from the risk. Furthermore, any evidence of a deity will be natural, repeatable, measurable, and even observable…properties which god is exempted from by the believers' own definitions, so there can be no evidence for it. And any being who did suddenly manifest in some way — a 900 foot tall Jesus, for instance — would not fit any existing theology, so such a creature would not fit the claims of any religion, but the existence of any phenomenon that science cannot explain would not discomfit science at all, since we know there is much we don't understand already, and adding one more mystery to the multitude will not faze us in the slightest.
So yes, I agree. There is no valid god hypothesis, so there can be no god evidence, so let's stop pretending the believers have a shot at persuading us.
He doesn't even stop to ask himself whether empiricism is the best tool for the job.
he might as well be talking about the impossibility of getting accurate temperature readings from a tape measure.
But anyways, I think you have just recanted on your position that atheism is not a faith because it is open to the possibility of evidence to the contrary.