Who built the Pyramids?

SkinWalker said:
Rabon, not only are your posts nonsensical and out of touch with reality, but the reveal your true ignorance on the subject. I find it amazing that people constantly toss out speculations about the things that they see as amazing and mysterious without bothering to actually educate themselves.

Not only have you failed to acknowledge that the purposes of the pyramids are actually recorded (though not inside them as Light suggested -no hieroglyphs there except graffiti), the evolution of the the elite tomb of neolithic Egypt to the mastaba to the earliest attempts at pyramids is very clear in the archaeological record. Many of the same features find themselves in each.

Instead of educating yourself on reality, you speculate on nonsense about "capturing energies" and other New Age poppycock.

Elites in ancient societies built monumental architecture because they were gods on earth and the people responded to them as such.

Thank you, SkinWalker, for the correction and information. Egyptology is FAR from my chosen fields of interest and I'll readily admit to having studied little in that area. However, I did know from general reading that records of some type have been found that explain a great deal.

I suppose we have to realize that there will always be silly people like Rabon around who chose to ignore real evidence so that they can make up nonsence to match their warped view of everything. (Aliens, magical magnetic fields, etc.)
"The stones were larger? How large were the largest stones of Khufu's pyramid and how large were the largest stones of the Sphinx? Please cite a reference as well as the dimensions in cm, inches, feet, whatever. In addition, your comment that "it seems too big of a projec[t] for one king to undertake" is meaningless. You need to clarify this as to why a king can motivate tens of thousands of subjects to move enough stone to build a pyramid that is, perhaps, comprised of about 6 million tons of stone but not a monument of only 66 feet high. One that was probably just a converted hill."

Firstly, the average size of a stone in the pyramid was 6 tons and in the Sphinx it is 8 tons, if you want proof, then look and you shall find. The second half is answered with one wrod. Purpose, as Rabon put it before he drifted off,

"There is no reason for humans to build out of stone, As well there is no reason to build a large structure out of stone, exspecially a large structure out of large stones, no reason what so ever, the only reason that such a structure would even be worth building to a society is if it served a purpose, one that is desigen to serve the life of the people in some way.
Humans even today find no reason to build such structures unless they have some usefull purpose. there is absolutly no billioniar or multimillioniar ect. that would even try to build such a structure, certainly the labor market is there, if china or inda wanted to they could build such a structure in no time flat given there labor pool, they certainly have the stones to do it with, but you will not find them creating such structures, nor any other group as it would suit no purpose that they could think of. even the largest dams in the world serve a purpose and are built by a goverment for a purpose."

And it is not that I believe this theory, I do think it is something to consider though.
DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
Well, look my resaoning is very simple, its not hard at all.
You can not do anything with a structure that large and under that design, whats worse is its built out of stone for no reason when there is plenlty of resources that satisfy the populations.

the reason i mentioned the magnetic feild is just as simple it requires a magnetic feild to grow, larger. with out one things dwarf and die.

Rabon, again you drift off into your own world of unreason.

Stone, being the most durable material available was the perfect choice to use for making enduring monuments. History is absolutely FULL of rulers who wanted monuments constructed for themselves. All of that is so simple that anyone can see it clearly, yet you cannot. Why is that?
DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
What i have learned of you light is that you are a sick mind, kind of like a animal, low grade ore, do you by chance associate with animals, because it shows.

Really? How does it show?

Is it because I deal in facts rather than the nonsense you are always presenting?
DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
Look let me put it on the table for you, not only am i genius, but my tutors are genius, And thats why I have colonels and general over my supervision since i was 15 years of age. there are about 600,000 of my type in the world.
i get nut cases like you on a regular basis people that profess intelectual grander such as your self, Plainy you do not deal in facts you deal in stupidlity.
Like i said compared to me i see you as a animal, you think just like one and respond just like one.

I am not going to say any more. figure it out smarty, i know your not going to be holding the world when it comes time.


Actually, I feel pity for you. You've shown moments of rationality but those are fleeting and are quickly overtaken by your irrational nature. You really ARE good at mathematics - but that's about it.

It's interesting that you claim to be a genius but in the same post you misspell simple everyday words as "intelectual grander", "plainy", " stupidlity", fail to capitalize words and other grammatical problems.

You are certainly no genius. Also, your attempts at slander have no effect on me because I recognize them for what they are - just the emotional whinings of a young adolescent mind.

Tell me honestly now, have you ever been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome? You've repeatedly exhibited many of the symptoms.
hey Dwayne...dont worry dude. that creep Light's been on my case too. he seems to just wanna try wond up people wit his snidey quips. has nothin of any import to say though of course........
one thing yu sad though i didn't like. comparing a 'sick' mind to an animal mind. didn't like that at all!
If you really are a genius (as apparently are a good number of this forum) then you'd explain so that those "less-gifted" could understand it, or does genius include the ability to ignore anyone you disagree with?
And it doesn't matter a flying f*ck how smart you are if you don't do anything with it - try educating the rest of us :D
A first step might be to educate himself.

And what exactly does it mean to 'have colonels and general over my supervision since i was 15 years of age'?
DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
Well ophiolite, what really does it mean,
Really i do not even know why a idiot like your self, takes the time to respond.
you as well have been following my post around makeing slanderous remarks like you had it all under your belt, like the time you were saying that chemisty was not a effect of or solar bodies, you see thats what genius means it means that i understand it and find the loops in it and a dummy like your self makes snide remarks to solict some knowledge.
your reference to intelligence was to rely on some internet listining and that was to define a fact, oddly i heard you say to some one to do the math, well look dummy i do the math and you still call it nonsense, which leads me to think that you are a day dreamer just like Light. Last time i gave you the key figures for mastering chemistry, and you said that it was garbage but yet it was priceless, plainly you could not even buy it at a college, even ivy league. that shows the difference between genius and dummy. thats when i realized your swine and communication with you would be useless.
Like wise with the issue of the magnetic poles, a exsteremly important issue, but see once again you did not have the inteligence to tell the difference between vauleable information and just random ranting. showing again that your swine.

What genius means is that i could put the use of gravity in your hand in about five minutes, what genius means is that i can step in to my flying sauce built by my own hands, while you look for it in the sky woundering what it is. what genius means is that i can give you a warning that might save your life,what genius means is that i give you a little key to make things a little easier.

What genius means is that they defied all odds, rose up from the ground under self and delivered.

What it seems to me ophilite is that you don't need a genius you need your self. the things you have read from me paralyze you with fear, and make you numb with disbelife as you have never felt to know such. iit is for those reason that you chose to attack me in the forum with your odd comments and slanders, the ground you walk on must have trembled and you fell on your bottom end.

Just like light, i know that you neither will be holding the world when it comes time.



What a ranting, raving, blathering idiot!!! I almost choked myself from laughing so hard!! :D This little brat is absolutely priceless!

And here's one of my favorite quotes from the pugnacious little snot: "What genius means is that i could put the use of gravity in your hand in about five minutes, what genius means is that i can step in to my flying sauce built by my own hands."

Well, Rabon, why don't you do yourself (and us) a big favor? Jump into your "flying sauce" (Bwaaahhhh! Choke!) :D and go visit a distant star. Perhaps you'll find other mindless beings like yourself there. Ha-ha-ha!!! A real, actual "flying sauce", no less. How long do you let it simmer on the stove, eh? ( I just can't take it - I woke my family up laughing at this one!)
DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
So then secretly this is your desire is to obtain which you can not even think of, it shows that you are ignorant once again. appearntly your version of a flaying saucer has to do with space and traveling space.

certainly it is was priceless as certainly you have no understnding other than that which is on your kicthen table.

As you preported that you where a marine biologist, i have to say that you must be one that is still fumbling around with life and chemistry.

Did i hear you say something about a family, what ever will you for your family when the magnetic pole reverse, will your family be able to depend on you then.

go ahead and laugh, one day you will learn some things are not funny.


I have no secret desires of any type. And yes, I have a family. Yes again, I'm a retired marine biologist and I do enjoy a few interesting experiments at times.

My family will do just fine for generations despite your silly predictions.

And by the way, have you noticed that you are the ONLY one in the whole world that believes your fantasy about the magentic poles? A few other crackpots, perhaps, but absolutely no one with any real credentials. That doesn't strike you as odd?
DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
Did i hear you say something about a family, what ever will you for your family when the magnetic pole reverse, will your family be able to depend on you then.


Magnetic pole reversals take thousands of years, and they won't cause catastrophic conditions to occur.

Oh, and I already have gravity in my hand, I feel it pulling itself to the ground right now.
Squeak22 said:

Magnetic pole reversals take thousands of years, and they won't cause catastrophic conditions to occur.

Oh, and I already have gravity in my hand, I feel it pulling itself to the ground right now.

Nice link, good information. :)

I wonder what our self-proclaimed boy genius will have to say (if anything) after he sees it! :D Perhaps he'll just jump into his "flying sauce" and simmer away. (Hopefully!)
Ophiolite said:
And what exactly does it mean to 'have colonels and general over my supervision since i was 15 years of age'?
You never did answer this one in your delightful rant Dwayne. How can you have someone 'over your supervision'? For a genius you certainly write very poor English. Your grammar is most kindly described as whimsical, your spelling erratic.
I am intrigued by you. Clearly you have done some reading of scientific matters: enough to acquire some basic vocabulary.
I cannot decide whether you are actually insane or whether you are doing this deliberately as some form of experiment.
I've suspected this was true of several posters, here and on other forums, not out of some sense of paranoia, but because I find it difficult to grasp that someone could genuinely be as screwed up as you are.
I don't bear you any ill will for your insults. They were merely a reaction. Just as my insults to you were a reaction to the drivel you have been spouting. So, we are both reactionaries.
If you genuinely are a genius, do you not think it might make sense to communicate your knowledge in a coherent, comprehensive, cogent manner. Or do you just want people to know you have the answers, but not let them know them?