who belives in ghosts?

I've had an encounter with a ghost.
They don't exist.
The capacity of the human mind for self-delusion is amazing.
I've had an encounter with a ghost.
They don't exist.
The capacity of the human mind for self-delusion is amazing.

Consider the possiblity that what you experienced was not what some people who believe in ghosts experienced.
The capacity of the human mind to deny its own experience of certain phenomena is amazing.
Well im a nihilist (or at least i like to call myself one) so i dont really 'believe' in anything as such, although ghosts are something i come very close to believing in - mountains of evidence in their favour; photographic, video-tape, film, eye-witness accounts, group eye witness accounts.
The evidence is there really, the central problem is there's no theoretical scientifc model to support them. And people will always confuse a lack of a theoretical basis with a lack of evidence.
So it's not so much that we can't 'detect' ghosts, thats never been the problem, its that we cant account for them.
You can see the exact same 'data-blindness' if you look in scientific history at things like sprites or fireballs. These were all things that people had simply 'hallucinated' untill we had a proper framework with which to understand them.
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I've never seen a ghost. I know people who say they have seen ghosts. But, from personal experience, I also know people can be nuts. So, what's the truth? I don't know. I wish I saw a real ghost, though, as this would evidence the after life.
A non-physical being could not live in a physical environment. Nothing to hold onto. It wouldn't make a sound since it could not interfere with air atoms and presumably it would not be able to activate photons either so be invisible.

However on pitch black nights out here in the wilds I do believe in mad axe murderers and maybe even wild animals like wolves so like a torch and at times an iron bar to discourage any real dangers.
How could any atheist beleive in ghosts? Don't ghosts suggest an afterlife?

It could be a change in forms. It could be a phenomenon that is not easily testible given our current technology.

Right now athiests and scientists and rationalists explain it away as being something THAT CAN CURRENTLY be tested or has been shown to happen - delusions. Of course there are phenomena that people said they experienced which were poo pooed by scientists that later, with changes in technology in some cases, were found to be real.

One an athiest starts saying actually it is ________________, not a ghost, they are simply making stuff up. Unless they can prove that.

An athiest, rationalist, scientist can say 'I think it is likely it is really this or that external or internal phenomenon. In any case I am not convinced.' But to say what is really going on without actual scientific back up is not scientific.