Who Believes What?

Katazia said:

I believed in God when I was your age but now I am over 4 times your age and I know better.

Note that you cannot be open/broad-minded and believe in God at the same time. The fixed belief in God means your mind is closed to all other possibilities, as you clearly state "no one will make me not believe in him".
But I am sure that if you are bright and genuinely want to seek truth then you will eventually conclude that there is no God.


Do you call yourself open-minded???

Note that by concluding that there is not god means that you have a fixed belief that there is no god, your mind is closed to all other possibilities.
problem is religions have no answers,just fantasy dreams and wishful thinking.
and worst thing is the religions, especialy xianity/bible teaches
Perhaps you are asking the wrong questions? Science does not give us any means to know what knowledge is important or useful.

LIES.6 days creation,noahs ark etc,all lies and made up fairy tales.
No, lies are said only under deceit. For your claim to make any sense, you would have to interpret the passages as being literal.
exsto_human said:
Do you call yourself open-minded???

Note that by concluding that there is not god means that you have a fixed belief that there is no god, your mind is closed to all other possibilities.

Note that by concluding that there is a god means that you have a fixed belief that there is a god, your mind is closed to all other possibilities.
Katazia said:
Most atheists choose their position out of careful examination of religion and not through peer, family, or institutional pressures.

Note that you cannot be open/broad-minded and claim the impossibility of a god or supreme being at the same time. The fixed lack of belief in a god or supreme being means your mind is closed to all other possibilities.

Katazia said:
To deliberately choose to be an atheist when society is heavily biased against takes enormous courage, so please do not so lightly dismiss something that you do not yet understand.

There is nothing courageous about believing something in a nation that protects your right to do so.

Katazia said:
But I am sure that if you are bright and genuinely want to seek truth then you will eventually conclude that there is no God.

What arrogant, unsubstantiated crap.
Hi Yall !!!!

Sorry hate to burst u alls bubbles but i have been back. Just been enjoying yall fight amongst yourselves. I just like the opinions I here. I believe in God and Believe that there is a heaven and I will never change my mind. I have decided on my own that (not because of the guy either bells) I am going to become mormon with in time. Maybe not now because i am very young and i have a lot of time to think about it. Maybe with age and more maturity i will come to a decision that will affect me for the rest of my life. Not only myself but it will also affect my children and their children. I hate to tell yall but i'm still here unfortunatly for you guys and i'm not going anywhere for awhile. I am still having fun yet. Until yall find out where I live and then try to come and kill me i'm not scared and i'm not crying over anything that yall have said.
I respect everyone of yalls opinions and I will not drag them through the mud like yall do mine. I have more respect for people than that. :)
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Hey, Holier-than-thou-art. Shut the fuck up. Don't come in here after a discussion begun by you and start misspelling words and misuing grammar in a horribly offensive way. You want your family to continue to smother themselves in the religion you choose? Mormonism? That is cultural and heritage suicide.

"yall" Is not a word. Or a conjunction. It isn't anything. Stop using it. You sound dumber than we already know you are.

Maybe with age and more maturity you will understand that religion doesn't have to be a significant portion of your life. You could be out, enjoying your life instead of worrying about supernatural things that you have no idea about. Wasting your time on things you have no clue as to whether they are true or not. Maybe my humanitarian efforts don't work on the mindless or the easily led. By adhering to religion's tenets and going to church, you are one of the masses. You are being fed the opiates. You cannot deny this, because you know it is true. The only way one could NOT be that is if they don't go to a church and practice religion on their own. Otherwise, it is a cult. A tax-exempt cult.

I respect everyone of yalls opinions and I will not drag them through the mud like yall do mine.

Avoiding an argument about opinions, huh? I sense something fishy here. Why did you start the thread then? For your bitter amusement? Much like God, I suspect. Like Leader, like Follower. Or is it perhaps you are afraid that if you try to argue with us over your beliefs, you fear they may actually change... you may actually not be as steadfast as you think you are. And you are scared human being who doesn't know what to make of the world and reached out for the first thing presented for explanations and comfort - religion. Well done. I am done talking to you. You disgust me.
Jessica_lds said:
Sorry hate to burst u alls bubbles but i have been back. Just been enjoying yall fight amongst yourselves. I just like the opinions I here. I believe in God and Believe that there is a heaven and I will never change my mind. I have decided on my own that (not because of the guy either bells) I am going to become mormon with in time. Maybe not now because i am very young and i have a lot of time to think about it. Maybe with age and more maturity i will come to a decision that will affect me for the rest of my life. Not only myself but it will also affect my children and their children.
Best decision you could make is to wait until you're older and know a bit more about the world before you decide on joining any religious group. Learn to know yourself a bit better. Become an adult before you make such an adult decision. Get your own identity. But most importantly, get your own opinion about the world, God, religion and yourself, before you join any religion.

I hate to tell yall but i'm still here unfortunatly for you guys and i'm not going anywhere for awhile. I am still having fun yet. Until yall find out where I live and then try to come and kill me i'm not scared and i'm not crying over anything that yall have said.
Huh :confused:?!? You think we want to hunt you down and kill you? LMFAO!! Why in the hell do you think we want to come out and kill you? Jessica, we do have better things to do with our time and our lives you know. Trying to make yourself out to be Joan of Arc putting herself at the mercy of Sciforums won't really wash here. Just makes you appear to be sillier than you probably (hopefully) really are.

I respect everyone of yalls opinions and I will not drag them through the mud like yall do mine. I have more respect for people than that.
Mmmm hmmm course you do :rolleyes:. That's why in your first post you came out and said this:

But I think that all of you that don't believe in God are really just scared (or just plain high all the time)....Scared of what you are probably asking)but why would you not be scared for?..oh but then again why would you....
Yeah, real respect. That's not really showing respect for people who are atheists now is it? And of course there was this little gem:

(no one will make me not believe in him so dont even write or post anything remotley rude or i will get you kicked off)
Heh, you won't try and drag them through the mud, just try to get them kicked off.

Jessica, this is a forum. Not all will believe as you do (thank God) and not all will agree with you. Many will argue with you. That's what people in forums do. Learn to deal with it!
Jessica_lds said:
Sorry hate to burst u alls bubbles but i have been back. Just been enjoying yall fight amongst yourselves. I just like the opinions I here. I believe in God and Believe that there is a heaven and I will never change my mind.
hey whos fighting,?we are simply having a discusion here. :rolleyes:
btw which god do you believe in?
see the tread on how many gods people made up!

where is this heaven you talk about,cant be above in the sky,people are flying up there all the time and they never seen any heaven or a skydady siting on a cloud :p
Jessica_lds said:
.I really do think that you are scared to make the commitment to someone more powerful than you...
youre the one who is scared kiddo,scared of some invisible imaginary sky fairy..
religions are all the same threathening people with torture to get them to pay money to churches,
this is basicaly your and every believers story:
In Christ Always-
in Christ :rolleyes: no thnx,fornicating with dead corpse aint my cup of tea.:eek:

Are you feeling threatened by Jessica, because your post sure comes across that way. It is strange that a 14 year can get to you like that. Are your beliefs being shaken? Perhaps you should consider Mormonism too.

Hey, Holier-than-thou-art. Shut the fuck up. Don't come in here after a discussion begun by you and start misspelling words and misuing grammar in a horribly offensive way.

The first rule of pedantry is to get it right yourself. What's this "misuing" of grammar you mentioned?

"yall" Is not a word. Or a conjunction. It isn't anything. Stop using it. You sound dumber than we already know you are.

Well, if you put in an apostrophy, then technically it is a conjunction.

Maybe with age and more maturity you will understand that religion doesn't have to be a significant portion of your life.

Maybe with age and maturity religion will come to be a significant portion of your life, Ellimist. Who knows?

You could be out, enjoying your life instead of worrying about supernatural things that you have no idea about. Wasting your time on things you have no clue as to whether they are true or not.

...whereas Ellimist has all the answers.

Maybe my humanitarian efforts don't work on the mindless or the easily led.

Maybe they don't work at all.

Adhering to religion's tenets and going to church, you are one of the masses. You are being fed the opiates. You cannot deny this, because you know it is true. The only way one could NOT be that is if they don't go to a church and practice religion on their own. Otherwise, it is a cult. A tax-exempt cult.

I think you should try to find out the difference between a cult and a religion. And being one of the masses is not a bad thing, if the masses are right.

Avoiding an argument about opinions, huh? I sense something fishy here. Why did you start the thread then? For your bitter amusement? Much like God, I suspect. Like Leader, like Follower. Or is it perhaps you are afraid that if you try to argue with us over your beliefs, you fear they may actually change... you may actually not be as steadfast as you think you are.

Perhaps you fear the same thing.

And you are scared human being who doesn't know what to make of the world and reached out for the first thing presented for explanations and comfort - religion. Well done. I am done talking to you. You disgust me.

Others might well judge you the same way, Ellimist.

Get off your high horse and grow up a little.