Who Believes What?


Registered Member
I DO NOT CARE who respects me or what...I AM 14 and I will let it be known ....My beliefs are of my own....I am young to be considering another religion or to be worrying about which one I want to be in for that matter...But I think that all of you that don't believe in God are really just scared (or just plain high all the time)....Scared of what you are probably asking)but why would you not be scared for?..oh but then again why would you....I read in a book a few weeks ago that witnessing to a mormon is like trying to climb jello...it's possible but not likely so why try in the process of trying you would more or less fail than succeed because they would tell you all of the good in it and all ...and actual over half of the mormon religion don't even know that they're in a cult? The mormon religion fall under all 13 whatever you wanna call em's of being a cult (i guess that there are certain things or something that you are under) So many of the LDS churches are blinded by all the bad that they couldn't see bad even if it slapped em' in the face :eek: !!!I really do like this guy I dont care who knows it either i'm allowed i'm 14 when i'm 24 i'll think otherwise also i know that it's wrong to think that but i do have a lot on my mind and i am very broad-minded and i do think way to ahead of time more than neccessary....So ofcourse I meet some hot guy and it's gonna draw me into this religion..Now i do admit there are a few things that i dont agree with in the mormons beliefs but there are more that i believe than i dont believe!!!!! HELP!!!!
I was saved the year before, last September 11,2002. And I have stood very strongly in my walk with God (no one will make me not believe in him so dont even write or post anything remotley rude or i will get you kicked off) I dont know why you people dont believe in him..I really do think that you are scared to make the commitment to someone more powerful than you...(i'm wrong but i like to think i'm right :p )God does work in mysterious ways ,things do happen for a reason , he is real and the sky is blue because of him.....But why listen to a kid huh ..But you have to say i am pretty brave for coming on here and just telling my age....and telling how I feel and think and besides I do make pretty good points to be fourteen!!
In Christ Always- Jessica
Jessica_lds said:
i'm wrong but i like to think i'm right :p )
But you have to say i am pretty brave for coming on here and just telling my age....and telling how I feel and think and besides I do make pretty good points to be fourteen!!
In Christ Always- Jessica

1. At least you know you are wrong. That is all that matters.
2. Your age is irrelevant. Ignorance is not an excuse.
3. Yes. You are brave to post your opinion anonymously in a forum that is hosted on a server you have never seen or heard of, and based on your obsession with age, cannot even comprehend. You are not brave or a hero.
4. Your points are not so much points as they are general insults and complaints. You have convinced no one of anything, let alone express a coherent opinion that merits any more credulity of anyone in any supernatural idea.

By the way, Mormons are not the only religious people in a cult.
And by that, I am implying that religions are cults. Yes. Most religions are cults.

Cult -
1 : formal religious veneration : WORSHIP
2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents

Religion -
1 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
2 archaic : scrupulous conformity

Have fun. And remember, your being 14 is working againstmost of your "points".

Atheism - a = not theism = beliving in a god. So, not believing in a god. That is all. There doesn't have to be a reason for it. People made up god. It is something outside human nature. People choose whether or not to believe in a god. Atheists choose not to. Theists choose to. That is all.
Jessica_lds said:
I DO NOT CARE who respects me or what...I AM 14 and I will let it be known ....My beliefs are of my own....

Good attitude. It's good to stand up for what you believe. Just don't let it blind you to other possibilities. Keep an open mind. Weigh things in your mind and heart before jumping to any conclusions. If you believe you are walking the right path, that is all that isreally important.

[qutoe]I am young to be considering another religion or to be worrying about which one I want to be in for that matter...[/quote]

I wouldn't say that. By your age, I had already discarded a few and had looked into a few more.

But I think that all of you that don't believe in God are really just scared (or just plain high all the time)....Scared of what you are probably asking)but why would you not be scared for?..

What makes sense to you doesn't make sense to everyone. It doesn't necessarily make them scared of anything. Judge not..

oh but then again why would you....I read in a book a few weeks ago that witnessing to a mormon is like trying to climb jello...it's possible but not likely so why try in the process of trying you would more or less fail than succeed because they would tell you all of the good in it and all ...

Mormons? That is a big can of worms. They are pretty much a close second to the catholics as far as being laughed at is concerned. What you have to remember is that that is their faith. We may not get it, but it works for them.
If they are happy, let them be. If that voice inside tells them that something isn't true, they will look for other answers.

and actual over half of the mormon religion don't even know that they're in a cult? The mormon religion fall under all 13 whatever you wanna call em's of being a cult (i guess that there are certain things or something that you are under)

A cult? that depends on definition. Generally speaking, the main difference between a sect and a cult is whether or not they are accepted by the main stream of the religion. In that sense, they aren't really a cult. They have been around long enough that most will give them their place, even if they think they are a little funny in the head.

So many of the LDS churches are blinded by all the bad that they couldn't see bad even if it slapped em' in the face :eek: !!!

Ummm.. Ok.
I would generally agree that most churches are blind to their own evils.

I really do like this guy I dont care who knows it either i'm allowed i'm 14 when i'm 24 i'll think otherwise also i know that it's wrong to think that but i do have a lot on my mind and i am very broad-minded and i do think way to ahead of time more than neccessary....So ofcourse I meet some hot guy and it's gonna draw me into this religion..

You are rambling here. Calm downand try to stay coherent. Are you telling us that this little rant about mormons is because you met some 'hot guy' who is one? Don't be so impressionable. Make your belief choices based on the belief, not the members. One word for you: Polygamy.

Now i do admit there are a few things that i dont agree with in the mormons beliefs but there are more that i believe than i dont believe!!!!! HELP!!!!

That makes sense. Mormonism is just a different form of christianity. If you are christian, of course you are going to agree with parts of it. It's already what you believe. It is how it differs from what you've already leearned and accepted that will give you problems.

I was saved the year before, last September 11,2002. And I have stood very strongly in my walk with God (no one will make me not believe in him so dont even write or post anything remotley rude or i will get you kicked off)

First: Good for you.
Second: I doubt you will get anyone here kicked off simply because they try to show you a different way. You don't wnat to hear other's oppinions, don't stay here.
Third: Don't be so firm in your belief that you are unwilling to ask questions.

I dont know why you people dont believe in him..I really do think that you are scared to make the commitment to someone more powerful than you...(i'm wrong but i like to think i'm right :p )God does work in mysterious ways ,things do happen for a reason , he is real and the sky is blue because of him.....

That might well be so, but alot of people don't think so. They are entitled to their beliefs as much as you are yours.

But why listen to a kid huh ..But you have to say i am pretty brave for coming on here and just telling my age....and telling how I feel and think and besides I do make pretty good points to be fourteen!!
In Christ Always- Jessica

Brave? Perhaps.
Good points? If you want your points to be heard, slow down. Use some punctuation. Just pretend you are writing a paper for school and its getting graded. Even though this is the internet, most people here do not want to wade through what you wrote simply because you wrote it so poorly. If you don't have enough pride in your own words and messae to make it clear and readable, then why should you expect anyone to take it seriously?

Good luck.

Jessica_lds said:
God does work in mysterious ways ,things do happen for a reason ,
friend of mine had a couple months old baby die recently,
could you explain THE REASON why God did that??
God controls ALL does He not??
so He makes Earthquakes,floods,tornados,sickness and so on in which His children DIE all the time,could you tell us WHY?
he is real and the sky is blue because of him....
I think some of the science experts here can tell you the real reason why the sky is blue ;)

btw I was born atheist,
if God made me why did He create me atheist?
btw I was born atheist,
if God made me why did He create me atheist?

Romans 9:13-
"As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.
What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid."
Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth. Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will? Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?
What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,

Atheist have a purpose in God's great plan.
I wouldn't want to be one.

Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom...
Do you fear anything....?
I fear everyday, if I'm doing enough, saying the right thing.
But His perfect love casteth out all fear, then it's gone.
Can an atheist even imagine life without fear..?
If only you could know the peace that comes when His love
casts it completly out. You would believe in God.
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I believed in God when I was your age but now I am over 4 times your age and I know better.

Note that you cannot be open/broad-minded and believe in God at the same time. The fixed belief in God means your mind is closed to all other possibilities, as you clearly state "no one will make me not believe in him".

You are too young to choose a religion – you need to understand something about life first and yours has yet to begin. Closely examine several and look at what they offer and compare them: This will likely take more than your current lifetime to do it properly. When you begin to understand religions you might begin to understand why so many thinking people reject them. Most atheists choose their position out of careful examination of religion and not through peer, family, or institutional pressures. To deliberately choose to be an atheist when society is heavily biased against takes enormous courage, so please do not so lightly dismiss something that you do not yet understand.

Before you decide think whether the choice is really yours or whether your choice is because of what your family says, or what your friends say, or what your boyfriend says.

But I am sure that if you are bright and genuinely want to seek truth then you will eventually conclude that there is no God.

Katazia wrote Jessica,

I believed in God when I was your age but now I am over 4 times your age and I know better.

Wisdom comes with age, but fools just get older.

Note that you cannot be open/broad-minded and believe in God at the same time.
Oh, really......Is that your final opinion.
I always thought to have an open mind meant we keep on learning, and should never put a period behind what we believe.

The fixed belief in God means your mind is closed to all other possibilities, as you clearly state "no one will make me not believe in him".
That's an inborn instict every child of God is born with, we know there is an adversary. That's something you must be born again to understand.
Children of this world do not.

You are too young to choose a religion – you need to understand something about life first and yours has yet to begin.
Precious is the life that comes to God, with little of the worlds scars on their spirit.
I spent years in the world before I found God, looked everywhere at all ideas and religions....The scars it put on me from resisting the call so long....took years to heal.

Closely examine several and look at what they offer and compare them: This will likely take more than your current lifetime to do it properly.
Not so, God has way of calling His own.
My sheep hear my voice, another's they will not follow

When you begin to understand religions you might begin to understand why so many thinking people reject them. Most atheists choose their position out of careful examination of religion and not through peer, family, or institutional pressures.
Religions are man-made and not a true representation of the bible.
God is His Word...(He can not lie)..... but God said;
"Let every Man's word be a found a lie"
Religion is a covering, because they mix God's word with the truth.
That is wrong, in some cases evil......But thats not God.
That's only the devil's scarecrow...
A true child of God will find Him....Because God searches them out and calls them by name.

To deliberately choose to be an atheist when society is heavily biased against takes enormous courage, so please do not so lightly dismiss something that you do not yet understand.
As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the coming of the son of man.
This world is still under satanic rulers, spiritual wickedness in high place.
Athestis are the majority, in many places, and false religions get the rest.
Left and right horns on the same beast - civil and ecclesiastical powers.
Don't tell me how persecuted and how baised society is against you....
Everything in this world is against a real child of God.
But God uses this like a tool for thier child training.
Satan is a defeated being...just keep around as a tool in the hands of God.

I am sure that if you are bright and genuinely want to seek truth then you will eventually conclude that there is no God.
Misery loves company.....I feel sorry for you.
A person of your age, discouraging children away from a holy God......
Your faith ( or lack thereof ) is your own, and I respect that....
I could even see your motivations as sincere, it's what you believe after all.
But I could not let you words go unchalanged.
I hope you keep looking for truth...you may still find it's different than you had supposed.
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Hi Jessica,

It's good to see you decided to stick around for a while.

You're only 14, so don't think you need to make all your decisions about life right now. Take a little time to look around yourself. Listen to what people have to say. They won't all be right, but they can't force you to agree with them if they are wrong.

If you really feel that God exists, that doesn't mean you have to choose a religion to follow. You can believe in God without having to sign up to any particular religion.

Be careful in assuming that people who do not believe in God, or who believe in a religion different from yours, are stupid. You may disagree with them, but they might have good reasons for their beliefs. Who knows? Maybe they are right, and you are wrong. Listen to what they have to say, then make up your own mind. And remember, you can and you might change your mind later on. Decisions you make now needn't be forever. Keep an open mind.

Good luck!
Jessica, do you believe that you can become a god or believe in the existence of multiple gods? Since you say that you believe in God, state the nature of God that you believe in.

Wisdom comes with age, but fools just get older.
And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. Abraham Lincoln.

Get back to me when you know what you are talking about, propaganda isn’t good enough.

I always thought to have an open mind meant we keep on learning, and should never put a period behind what we believe.
To the theist God did it – there is no more to learn and theists do not try – that is very sad.

That's an inborn instict every child of God is born with, we know there is an adversary. That's something you must be born again to understand.
Children of this world do not.
Every oppressive institution in history uses the same technique, it is called propaganda. It is also condescending and arrogant.

I spent years in the world before I found God, looked everywhere at all ideas and religions....The scars it put on me from resisting the call so long....took years to heal.
And yet in the end you still made the wrong choice.

Not so, God has way of calling His own.
My sheep hear my voice, another's they will not follow
More propaganda to indoctrinate the gullible and the innocent.

God is His Word...(He can not lie)..... but God said;
"Let every Man's word be a found a lie"
Religion is a covering, because they mix God's word with the truth.
That is wrong, in some cases evil......But thats not God.
That's only the devil's scarecrow...
A true child of God will find Him....Because God searches them out and calls them by name.
There are approximately 4200 religions in the world, all of whom claim they have the one truth. Christianity alone has many thousands of different sects and cults all with different claimed variations of the “one truth”.

Your statements are just empty assertions. Mankind has been making claims for gods for countless thousands of years and yet there remains no single scrap of evidence to indicate that such a thing exists. How many more thousands of years will it take to convince deluded people like you that there is no such thing as God.

Religions are indeed man made but then so is the idea of God.

As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the coming of the son of man.
This world is still under satanic rulers, spiritual wickedness in high place.
Athestis are the majority, in many places, and false religions get the rest.
Left and right horns on the same beast - civil and ecclesiastical powers.
Don't tell me how persecuted and how baised society is against you....
Everything in this world is against a real child of God.
But God uses this like a tool for thier child training.
Satan is a defeated being...just keep around as a tool in the hands of God.
More propaganda bullshit and worthless and baseless assertions. Born of ignorance and fear – the basic tools of an oppressive institution created for political gain and refusing to die as it should.

I care not for what Jessica believes now. She will likely bounce around between extremes and might eventually find something that is real if she is bright and learns how to think – that is the learning process and it takes time. Unfortunately religions, love to get hold of the minds of the young when they are vulnerable – a great evil in itself.

Misery loves company.....I feel sorry for you.
Oh give me a break – such moronic platitudes.

A person of your age, discouraging children away from a holy God......
If I could mind-transfer what I know I could save them the misery that comes with the endless guilt, confusion and doubt that accompanies Christianity. I have never been happier since I discarded the ugly oppressive imprisonment of the religious yoke. And you cannot possibly understand that until you also break the suffocating ropes of Christianity that you have voluntary tied around your neck.

I hope you keep looking for truth...you may still find it's different than you had supposed.
I’ve been there. Mankind has a potentially bright future but there is no place for religion, at least not in any significant role. Religion is dying, as it should, as we gain real knowledge about ourselves and the universe. The trend away from religion is inexorable and inevitable, at least among those who do not live in oppressive religious regimes.

And yet in the end you still made the wrong choice.
Well, if Atheism was true, then his choice would be meaningless in the greater scheme of things. Because his choice brings some sort of positive benefit to him, choosing atheism that will deteriorate into meaningless void is not an option. In any case, it should not harm one the least to listen for God and avoid the vices that may obscure his voice.
This thread shows the same logical fallacy that every Christian occupied thread does. The assumption that Christianity is the correct religion and that God actually exists. You cannot offer "proofs" on what has not yet been proven. To do so makes each and every word you utter meaningless.
(no one will make me not believe in him so dont even write or post anything remotley rude or i will get you kicked off)

You're a babbling fool, benighted about what religion really is and loquaciously barren.

You offer nothing new and make your weakness your strength only to come off even weaker.

Get me kicked now.

, if Atheism was true,
Of course atheism is true, it is true by default. All you need do to prove it false is to show the existence of a god.

then his choice would be meaningless
It is meaningless.

in the greater scheme of things.
What does that mean?

Because his choice brings some sort of positive benefit to him,
Getting drunk makes people feel happy as well. In the long term living your life in a permanent state of delusion is hardly beneficial; at best it is just a waste.

choosing atheism that will deteriorate into meaningless void is not an option.
The difference is between choosing to be deluded by religion rather than have the courage to face the truth.

In any case, it should not harm one the least to listen for God and avoid the vices that may obscure his voice.
You are right, it is very much like hoping to win the Martian lottery. No harm but quite pointless. Hmm, I can sell you some tickets.

Of course atheism is true, it is true by default. All you need do to prove it false is to show the existence of a god.
Yes, but this is like looking at the world and only seeing the world. It's projection of reality is true to us insofar as we don't find meaning above the world itself. As soon as we want to find meaning outside of the world, such as how the world came to existence, we have stepped outside of science and into religion.

Getting drunk makes people feel happy as well. In the long term living your life in a permanent state of delusion is hardly beneficial; at best it is just a waste.
Difficult to say unless if you define what is waste. The values propagated by religion are beneficial, and if you disagree, there are many religions that have different morals.

What does that mean?
I mean after death or just daily living. It does not seem that assuming God exists harms someone, for it is only particular beliefs that come after belief in God that could conceivably harm someone. Hence, we could say that choice between atheism and theism is not much more than assuming that thrown object will come down. Any benefits to theism come after belief in the existence of God. For example, believing in a set of moral laws governing human behavior leads to further check against immorality, and believing in punishment after death would lead someone away from committing acts of revenge, since God will be able to punish crimes committed.
TheVisitor said:

Atheist have a purpose in God's great plan.

yeah to open your eyes to the fact that god's an imaginary fantasy!
I wouldn't want to be one.
but you are!
unless you worship all thousands of gods people invented in this world you are atheistic towards some of them;)
Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom...
illogical nonsense,how can you fear something that dont exists.
Do you fear anything....?
yes bungee jumping,mountain climbing,Aids,thats pretty much it.
I fear everyday, if I'm doing enough, saying the right thing.
But His perfect love casteth out all fear, then it's gone.
I guess you need fear of god to keep you in line,atheists dont we know the difference between right and wrong!
If only you could know the peace that comes when His love
casts it completly out. You would believe in God.
his love doesnt exist,its you imagining to have invisible friend who watches over you,when something bad happens you probably blame satan,right?
okinrus said:
As soon as we want to find meaning outside of the world, such as how the world came to existence, we have stepped outside of science and into religion.
problem is religions have no answers,just fantasy dreams and wishful thinking.
and worst thing is the religions, especialy xianity/bible teaches LIES.
6 days creation,noahs ark etc,all lies and made up fairy tales.
James R said:
You seem very sure of yourself, Q25.
most atheists do.
when you need a helping hand you'll find one at the end of your arm! ;)
Jessica_lds said:
I DO NOT CARE who respects me or what...I AM 14 and I will let it be known ....My beliefs are of my own....I am young to be considering another religion or to be worrying about which one I want to be in for that matter...
Jessica, how can you not care if people respect you or not? If someone doesn't respect you than they will not consider your opinion for anything. Do you possibly mean that you don't care if people like you? There's a big difference in respect and like Jessica, and I think you need to find the difference between the two. And yes your beliefs are your own.

But I think that all of you that don't believe in God are really just scared (or just plain high all the time)....Scared of what you are probably asking)but why would you not be scared for?..oh but then again why would you....
Can I ask, what God do you actually believe in? I'd like you to try and explain who God is, in your own words and not in the words taught to you in a religion.

I read in a book a few weeks ago that witnessing to a mormon is like trying to climb jello...it's possible but not likely so why try in the process of trying you would more or less fail than succeed because they would tell you all of the good in it and all ...and actual over half of the mormon religion don't even know that they're in a cult? The mormon religion fall under all 13 whatever you wanna call em's of being a cult (i guess that there are certain things or something that you are under) So many of the LDS churches are blinded by all the bad that they couldn't see bad even if it slapped em' in the face !!!
Why do you want to join the mormon faith then?

I really do like this guy I dont care who knows it either i'm allowed i'm 14 when i'm 24 i'll think otherwise also i know that it's wrong to think that but i do have a lot on my mind and i am very broad-minded and i do think way to ahead of time more than neccessary....So ofcourse I meet some hot guy and it's gonna draw me into this religion..Now i do admit there are a few things that i dont agree with in the mormons beliefs but there are more that i believe than i dont believe!!!!! HELP!!!!
Ahhh that's why. The hot guy :rolleyes:. How are you thinking ahead of time by joining this religious group? What do you believe in this religion? In all your childish posturing, you've never once said what it is you believe in this religion? Just above you accused them of being blind to all that is bad and I'm pretty sure that you think they're a cult.

was saved the year before, last September 11,2002. And I have stood very strongly in my walk with God (no one will make me not believe in him so dont even write or post anything remotley rude or i will get you kicked off)
And just how will you get us kicked off? Will you run to teacher and say "Sir they're being mean to me!!"? If you think we're being rude to you, there's a simple solution, don't read it or click on ignore.

I dont know why you people dont believe in him..I really do think that you are scared to make the commitment to someone more powerful than you...(i'm wrong but i like to think i'm right )God does work in mysterious ways ,things do happen for a reason , he is real and the sky is blue because of him.....But why listen to a kid huh ..But you have to say i am pretty brave for coming on here and just telling my age....and telling how I feel and think and besides I do make pretty good points to be fourteen!!
Jessica, there are people who believe and people who don't believe. Only those people know the real reasons for their beliefs. By joining a religion to determine your own identity, you don't claim your own identity but that of that particular church. I always listen to what kids have to say, most of them are so innocent of mind and so curious about life and all aspects of it. They always have something to say. You on the other hand have not really said anything. You've only spoken of girly reasons as to why you want to join a religion. You don't know who you really are, so to find some sense of belonging, you're joining a religion you don't know much about and what you do know about, you don't really agree or believe in. There's only one word I'd use to describe you Jessica, Gormless. Look it up. I hope that with age you'll change and learn your true identity. Don't look to a church to find your identity, it wont be your own.