Who are more moral? Men or women?

That is very untrue because competition can benefit humans in many ways IF it is done with good intentions.

There is only one reason to compete. To win.
Do you compete to lose?

The problem is when those intentions become bad ones and people are hurt in some way, then it is bad. So it is up to each of us to either want to compete for the benefits it will garner or for the problems it can cause. There is no "victim" in a running contest as just one example of what I am saying. If 50 people run they are competing against a clock to see how fast they can be, not to try to hurt anyone what so ever.

1 winner and 49 loosers and the 49 losers are happy they lost.


1 winner and 49 loosers and the 49 losers are happy they lost.

But they at least tried and did their best, perhaps even bettered their own times than in previous races too. By trying to win you know that you are at least "in the race" and excercising while many others just sit by and watch as the runners go by them. $9 didn't lose, they came in 2nd thru 49th but they all finished the race. Again I emphasize there was no "evil" intentions when running the race.
But they at least tried and did their best, perhaps even bettered their own times than in previous races too. By trying to win you know that you are at least "in the race" and excercising while many others just sit by and watch as the runners go by them. $9 didn't lose, they came in 2nd thru 49th but they all finished the race. Again I emphasize there was no "evil" intentions when running the race.

Repetition does not make it any more believable or true.

Next time you are competing at poker and lose an all in hand, remember how happy you feel that you got to pay.
Remember as well as you thank and smile at you opponent that he only had good intentions in handing you your ass.

Competition is neither good nor evil in my worldview, it just is(and always will be) and we'd best learn to deal with that. Competition results in both "good" and "bad" actions which will vary from circumstance to circumstance and person to person. In other words, since our evolution produced social animals which are driven by both cooperative and competitive instincts we must use our gift of increased intellect and being able to contemplate the future to temper the destructive results of both of said instincts.
Competition is neither good nor evil in my worldview, it just is(and always will be) and we'd best learn to deal with that. Competition results in both "good" and "bad" actions which will vary from circumstance to circumstance and person to person. In other words, since our evolution produced social animals which are driven by both cooperative and competitive instincts we must use our gift of increased intellect and being able to contemplate the future to temper the destructive results of both of said instincts.


We all know this.
We do not know how.

1 winner and 49 loosers and the 49 losers are happy they lost.

I've come in 3rd at national competitions and been very happy with my performance. Heck, my first 4-way team came in 10th in Advanced class and we were all pretty happy with our level of achievement.

Not everyone has only one goal.
@Greatest --

We all know this.
We do not know how.

Like hell we don't, we do it every day. The only thing we really have a problem with is knowing when to do it and having the will to follow through.
I've come in 3rd at national competitions and been very happy with my performance. Heck, my first 4-way team came in 10th in Advanced class and we were all pretty happy with our level of achievement.

Not everyone has only one goal.

That does not take away from the fact that the winner was happier than the losers.
