Whites: Dead Man Walking

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we all went to the same bottleneck 70,000 years ago leaving only 15,000 humans on this planet.

ONLY 70,000 years ago!

We ALL decend from the same small pool.

How do we know the 15,000 estimate?

And out of curiousity -

I was watching Battlestar Galactica the other day and wondered about this:

You know how there's a limit to the number of organisms you can have in a gene pool before interbreeding would basically destroy any hope of them continuing as a species? Is there any way we know what that limit is in humans?
biologists told us.

You want me to look up a reference you are never going to read?

I doubt it.

It's also in Ancestor's tale by Richard Dawkins. That should be enough for sciforums.
You want me to look up a reference you are never going to read?

I doubt it.

It's also in Ancestor's tale by Richard Dawkins. That should be enough for sciforums.

The magic 8-ball is good enough for sciforums.
I'm just curious as to how they know. And Richard Dawkins is a big fat meanie.
we all went to the same bottleneck 70,000 years ago leaving only 15,000 humans on this planet.

ONLY 70,000 years ago!

We ALL decend from the same small pool.
Well, yes. But humans in lands distant from Africa would have less diversity due to the founder effect. It's not like the entire human population migrated to Europe and beyond. Small groups migrated to new areas and created a whole new bottleneck.
Generally speaking, I would prefer to live in White majority neighborhood due to the high crime rates of certain other ethnicities. Of course, chances are low of there being an oriental majority area, which would be fine with me since their crime rate is even lower than Whites.
if african-americans were just like caucasians with no differences in genetics, their culture, mannerisms, habits, and any and all idiosyncrasies would match exactly...

This is completely wrong.

Culture, mannerisms, habits and idiosyncrasies all have only small genetic influences. Mostly, these things are nurture, not nature.
Race can be applied to a whole lot of things other than colour, most come under that catergory of culture. Culture is nurtured not biologically ingrained. So you could say that but for small genetic variations due to locale, we are all the same species but with different cultures.
I believe that Racism has to do with fear of the unknown. Racists are those that are insecure whether emotionally or phsyically/financially (although race tends to become a characteristic to place blame on) . If a Australian Xenophobe met another Australian Xenophobe but of a different colour, would they start killing each other ?
The magic 8-ball is good enough for sciforums.
I'm just curious as to how they know. And Richard Dawkins is a big fat meanie.

Well, yes. But humans in lands distant from Africa would have less diversity due to the founder effect. It's not like the entire human population migrated to Europe and beyond. Small groups migrated to new areas and created a whole new bottleneck.

not necessarily
High genetic diversity in modern Africans may thus reflect a less severe bottleneck rather than earlier population growth.
How do we know the 15,000 estimate?

And out of curiousity -

I was watching Battlestar Galactica the other day and wondered about this:

You know how there's a limit to the number of organisms you can have in a gene pool before interbreeding would basically destroy any hope of them continuing as a species? Is there any way we know what that limit is in humans?
If you're talking about a minimum limit, which I assume you are, 150-180 seems to be the best guess (by anthropologist John Moore, whose work in the field was published by NASA):


I think there was a thread on this here a few months back..
If you're talking about a minimum limit, which I assume you are, 150-180 seems to be the best guess (by anthropologist John Moore, whose work in the field was published by NASA):

Indeed, the number depends entirely on circumstances. If Coolskill was in charge then you would need at least 3 zillion.
So it's like this: race does not matter: it's only skin color.

Total nonsense.

[link to racial hate site removed]

It would thus make no difference if the United States was 100% Mexican with all Whites extinct,

The United States would quickly turn into a dump like Mexico if that was to happen.

which will happen by 2100.

Whites will not be extinct by 2100 unless there is a deliberate effort to genocide them.

Well, not all their genes erases, but rather, everyone will become brown due to mixing: all whites will be mixed into non-white genes. but so what?

I doubt every white person is going to decide to mix.

Race is only skin color, but culture is what is important.

And what determines culture? Race among other things.

personally, i'm secular, so as long as secular culture thrives, skin color makes no difference to be. I could care less if India was taken over by china, as long as everyone integrated.

I suspect the Chinese and Indians would care. How about it Sam?

One brown race, one planet-scale country called Earthistan.

Oh joy. So much for "diversity".

So, why are there still ethnocentric remnent movements like Minute Men?

Why are there ethnocentric movements like La Raza (The Race), various black organizations, Jewish organizations etc?
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The only difference between races is a few additive genes for skin color, and nothing more.

Even the people I continually argue with on this board wouldn't agree with this.

So, if every White person was replaced by an African person, it would make no difference.

Only if we were talking about Africa and even there things would go downhill since there is so much dependence on foreign aid.

So, a one world government called Earthistan would be a good idea.

How about this. All you non-whites stop breeding and us whites will inherit the Earth. Since race doesn't matter, why not?

All races would interbreed into one brown color. Since whites are too racist to directly breed with blacks,

Unfortunately whites are the least racist people on Earth. That is why they are going extinct.

[link to racial hate site deleted]

Finally, the most controversial trait that has had very little public exposure is ethnocentrism. It is true that we toss around the label of "racism," but this term only confuses the issue of ethnocentrism and its evolutionary basis. Ethnocentrism is what causes groups to form ingroup/outgroup alliances, attitudes, ethnic hatred, and makes us act like our chimpanzee ancestors. And when minorities accuse others of racism, this is just a tool used in the ethnic warfare itself, not an appeal to put ethnocentrism aside by all parties. Ethnocentrism is the basis for war, wrapped in patriotism. It is the glue that holds gangs together, or for people to move away from neighborhoods where blacks are moving in. It is innate, real, and a powerful evolutionary strategy that to a great degree, modern culture has been able to keep in check by expanding resources and using forms of government to keep the peace between ethnic groups. Some countries are lucky enough to be ethnically homogeneou s so that ethnic rivalries are kept to a minimum. But even in Japan, a very homogeneous country, the Eta are an ethnically different and hated minority, that has remained genetically separate from the Japanese for thousands of years, even though they pose no threat to the dominant culture.

[racist material deleted]

And if you think whites aren't willing to mix with blacks, try convincing the Chinese or Asians in general.
how can one be so stupid to think race is just skin color or a breed of dog is just thier coat etc.

Good question. However, given the propaganda put out by the media and education system anyone who didn't really look into it and never experienced the joy of diversity up close could be excused of such shocking ignorance.
Race can be applied to a whole lot of things other than colour, most come under that catergory of culture.

Let's not forget that little detail, huge differences in the brain including size.

Culture is nurtured not biologically ingrained. So you could say that but for small genetic variations due to locale, we are all the same species but with different cultures.

Where did blacks in America get black hip hop culture from? The white majority?

I believe that Racism has to do with fear of the unknown.

Racism is a Marxist term used to silence white people into accepting their own displacement and eventual genocide.

Racists are those that are insecure whether emotionally or phsyically/financially (although race tends to become a characteristic to place blame on).

When non-whites are "racist" it is called "ethnic pride".

If a Australian Xenophobe met another Australian Xenophobe but of a different colour, would they start killing each other ?

This always makes me laugh. As if the biggest problem white racists have with black people is their skin color and not their behavior.
we all went to the same bottleneck 70,000 years ago leaving only 15,000 humans on this planet.

ONLY 70,000 years ago!

We ALL decend from the same small pool.

Even when there were only 15,000 I bet they were still killing each other.
Some of them were probably even racists.
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