Whites: Dead Man Walking

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So it's like this: race does not matter: it's only skin color. It would thus make no difference if the United States was 100% Mexican with all Whites extinct, which will happen by 2100. Well, not all their genes erases, but rather, everyone will become brown due to mixing: all whites will be mixed into non-white genes. but so what? Race is only skin color, but culture is what is important. personally, i'm secular, so as long as secular culture thrives, skin color makes no difference to be. I could care less if India was taken over by china, as long as everyone integrated. One brown race, one planet-scale country called Earthistan.

So, why are there still ethnocentric remnent movements like Minute Men? A human is a human, race is only skin color.

you seem quite ignorant of biology. I'm used to it.

skin colour is just one small part of human genetic variety. The overall genetic variety is in no way homogenized by internationalization of the human population. It basically stays the same.

In fact, you could kill off the whole human population outside africa and nothing much would happen to the genetic variation within the human species.

If you would kill off a region in Africa you would destroy a large part of human genetic variation.

so chill. read a book. do not worry. there is no problem.
In fact, you could kill off the whole human population outside africa and nothing much would happen to the genetic variation within the human species.

If you would kill off a region in Africa you would destroy a large part of human genetic variation.
You're saying there's more genetic variaton in Africa than in the whole rest of the world combined? Please show some evidence of this.
You're saying there's more genetic variaton in Africa than in the whole rest of the world combined? Please show some evidence of this.


Am J Hum Genet. 2000 March; 66(3): 979–988. The Distribution of Human Genetic Diversity: A Comparison of Mitochondrial, Autosomal, and Y-Chromosome Data
Africans also have the largest total number of alleles, as well as the largest number of unique alleles
These systems portray similar accounts of the evolution of our species, and they support the general conclusions that humans show relatively little between-population diversity and that Africans have greater genetic diversity than do other populations.

were you surprised that reality didn't fit with your preconceptions?
Of course what most people do not realize is that all their genes come from different places.

If you look at the gene responsible for your bloodtype then you are genetically more similar to a chimp with the same bloodtype than another human with a different bloodtype.

This concept is valid for all your genes.

One gene might have come from an ancestor in Africa, while the one next to it came from a dude in Poland.

This concept makes race-based medication a farce, since the one gene that matters for the medication might come from somewhere you least expect it. Genes do not travel in tight packages. They move around mostly in isolation.

Thus, even for a rapid and rough evaluation of genetic risk factors, "racial" background is of limited use, and direct analysis of the relevant gene is the only reliable way to evaluate genetic risk in an individual (Cooper et al. 2003)
Genome Res. 14:1679-1685, 2004 Evidence for Gradients of Human Genetic Diversity Within and Among Continents
you seem quite ignorant of biology. I'm used to it.

The only difference between races is a few additive genes for skin color, and nothing more. So, if every White person was replaced by an African person, it would make no difference. So, a one world government called Earthistan would be a good idea. All races would interbreed into one brown color. Since whites are too racist to directly breed with blacks, they will first breed with hispanics, and then this mestizo mix will breed with blacks since mestizo women love black men.
The only difference between races is a few additive genes for skin color, and nothing more. So, if every White person was replaced by an African person, it would make no difference. So, a one world government called Earthistan would be a good idea. All races would interbreed into one brown color. Since whites are too racist to directly breed with blacks, they will first breed with hispanics, and then this mestizo mix will breed with blacks since mestizo women love black men.

you do not need to interbreed to mix. It's already done. In fact, it was never separated.
Being white is an interesting topic. Let's post lots of threads about it, and explore every minute angle there is! I'll join you - it will be our opus magnum of sciforum theme posting!
When I go in Sun, I Black, When I scared, I Black,
When I sick, I Black, and when I die, I still black...
And you White fellow, When you born, you pink,
When you grow up, you White, When you go in Sun, you Red,
When you cold, you blue, when you scared, you yellow,
When you sick, you Green, and when you die, you Gray...
And you call me colored???......... "

In fact, you could kill off the whole human population outside africa and nothing much would happen to the genetic variation within the human species.

If you would kill off a region in Africa you would destroy a large part of human genetic variation.

OMG you racist. I bet you support the genecide of BLACKS... right?!?!?1111111 one!!

You bigot racism scum..

ASHhhhhhhhhh :mad:

Ibet you want to kill of homosexuals, too?

`yea...just kidding.`
how can one be so stupid to think race is just skin color or a breed of dog is just thier coat etc.

if african-americans were just like caucasians with no differences in genetics, their culture, mannerisms, habits, and any and all idiosyncrasies would match exactly but it doesn't because there are differences genetically however vague, subtle, extreme and myriad. Even when culture is exchanged it's expressed a bit differently by whoever adopts it to fit their nature, propensity, etc.
were you surprised that reality didn't fit with your preconceptions?
I suppose it makes sence given that the human species arose in Africa. Other races would have decended from a much smaller pool and have not had time to generate the same diversity in their genome.
I suppose it makes sence given that the human species arose in Africa. Other races would have decended from a much smaller pool and have not had time to generate the same diversity in their genome.

we all went to the same bottleneck 70,000 years ago leaving only 15,000 humans on this planet.

ONLY 70,000 years ago!

We ALL decend from the same small pool.
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