White Male only scholarship

firstly on the amount, bursa scoloships in Australia are $500

Secondly on the critera on one hand yes it makes me uncomfertable but as bells said there are alot of scholoships which discriminate. In australia there are alot of scholoships which are only open to women, especially in the areas of science and engernering and there have been calls for male only scholoships in education and nursing to encorage men into those areas.
Being poor is being poor. But there is nothing in the United States of America that makes being white like being one's socioeconomic equivalent in the black community.


But, ultimately, a poor white kid shouldn't suffer for being a poor white kid while a poor black kid gets a bump because history has frowned upon his people.

I'm going to sound cliche, but really, scholarships might better be given out on a "as needed" basis. Under-privileged is under privileged. Whether you're a white kid growing up in a trailer in Appalachia or a black kid growing up in the hood, what difference does it make. All the history in the world doesn't amount to anything to that specific individual. All that matters to that kid is: life sucks. You've got nothing and every little bit helps.

Chasing after a statistic (i.e. a time when there is an economic parity between whites and blacks) looks good on paper, but it ignores the individual and that stark fact that if you're the poor white kid, you shouldn't get a slightly raw-er deal because you had the good fortune of being born white.

I think the confusion lies in thinking that "White" qualifies as an ethnicity.
Hyphenated Americans are not exclusively people of color and if one conducts a Google search for Polish-American, Italian-American and Irish-American scholarships, one would get quite a few hits.

American Council for Polish Culture (ACPC)
American Institute of Polish Culture Harriet Irsay Scholarship Grant
Blejwas: Stanislaus A. Blejwas Memorial Scholarship
Chopin Foundation of the United States Scholarship
Chylinski: Dr. Stanislas Chylinski Scholarship
Copiague: Polish Friends of Copiague, NY
Gorecki: Richard C. Gorecki Scholarship Program

I think the confusion lies in thinking that "White" qualifies as an ethnicity.
Hyphenated Americans are not exclusively people of color and if one conducts a Google search for Polish-American, Italian-American and Irish-American scholarships, one would get quite a few hits.

American Council for Polish Culture (ACPC)
American Institute of Polish Culture Harriet Irsay Scholarship Grant
Blejwas: Stanislaus A. Blejwas Memorial Scholarship
Chopin Foundation of the United States Scholarship
Chylinski: Dr. Stanislas Chylinski Scholarship
Copiague: Polish Friends of Copiague, NY
Gorecki: Richard C. Gorecki Scholarship Program


Yeah, there have long been plenty of scholarships for specific white ethnicities, often with rules lax enough (i.e., you must be 1/16 polish or whatever) that essentially every white person in the USA is eligible for at least one of them. Many of the minority-targetted ones are also technically open to people that are, for all intents and purposes, white - all it takes is one Mexican great-grandmother or whatever.

But I guess this new one is the first that is generically targetted at white people - does anyone know the actual criterion they use to determine this? I'm wondering if various, say, black people wouldn't technically be eligible on the basis of whatever white ancestry they could establish.
Then, Now, and Another Then

Superstring01 said:

Chasing after a statistic (i.e. a time when there is an economic parity between whites and blacks) looks good on paper, but it ignores the individual and that stark fact that if you're the poor white kid, you shouldn't get a slightly raw-er deal because you had the good fortune of being born white.

What is the detail of the trade-off, there?

I think part of it is the fact that this FMAFE is clearly a supremacist organization trying to make a point.

I'm of the opinion that we could, as a society, do away with all of this by simply taking the proposition of education seriously.

I remember in the '80s when the "$3,000 toilet seat" issue came up at the Pentagon ... well, that's sort of the point. It was at the Pentagon. Even without crippling our defense capability, just think of what we could have done spending that excess on education.

Education has always been among the lowest of the politicians' "top priorities". They talk big words about education, but it clearly isn't as important to Americans as blowing up dark-skinned people around the world.

We could afford an elective war. Over a trillion dollars spent for a bogus war in Iraq, and that speaks nothing of the lives.

But we can't afford to educate people, or help them stay healthy, to the benefit of our society specifically and the world in general. That's just too damned expensive.

Once we get over that absurdity, I think we will be much better postured to work in the realm you're considering.

Meanwhile, however, a truly universal solution for Americans just isn't something people want. They might complain about crime and such, but they don't want to actually do anything about it unless it involves abusing human beings. We can overcrowd prisons, then complain that they aren't effective, then hire private contractors who run overcrowded prisons that people complain aren't effective. We can invade other countries for the hell of it, because some moron got elected president and wanted to slaughter Iraqis. But, no. Educating our own citizens to be enlightened, productive contributers to a secure society is simply an absurd notion.

So in the meantime, with our resources devoted in other ways, what are we supposed to do with the meager educational pie?

In the end, when it comes to the proposition of "racism", as such, we can either spend to reduce racism, or spend to inflame it.

The problem with race issues in the United States is that they are not nearly so simple as some pretend.

I look at my daughter and think, "Okay, her generation is going to have to have this discussion, too." Unfortunate, but true. Indeed, they're making great progress compared to my school years, but it's a hundred fifty years after Sumter, and we're still paying, morally and psychologically, for that one. It's two hundred years after Manifest Destiny, and we're still paying, morally and psychologically, for that one.

Among the reasons we continue this slow strangling of white privilege in the United States is the fact that the empowerment majority refuses to do it any other way. I mean, think of a horse with a broken leg. They shoot the thing to put it out of its misery. They don't torture it to death, taking as long as they can possibly manage.

But we're trying to torture racism to death, to slowly strangle it, make it suffer as much and as long as possible. Or, at least, that's how it looks. In part because to take any dramatic steps to end white privilege and institute genuine equality are, well, unfair to white people.

Imagine that my daughter bears me a grandchild someday. And from that one comes a great-grandchild.

Now here's the deal: We can do away with heterosupremacy right now, or we can slowly give homosexual relationships little treats. A little bit now, a little bit then. And when my great-grandchild faces the question, what will the opposition say? Look at how the gays have had all this special privilege for a hundred years. Why do they have privilege? Well, what's the privilege? You mean all these scraps we've handed out, piece by grudging piece, because it wasn't fair to heterosupremacists that gay people might fall in love and marry one another?

We can do away with ethnosupremacy right now. Certainly, the supremacists will hang on, but listen to them complain these days about all the minority "privilege" that was installed as patchwork because it's just too damn expensive, or offensive to the genteel supremacists, to do the right thing and do it properly.
Sure, let's do away with evolution while we're at it - especially amongst hominids - or at least kid ourselves into thinking we are.

All I see here is American cultural prejudice, the quick fix because anything which gets in the way of that next cheeseburger or oversized car is a social evil that must be eradicated. Nothing must stand in the way of Americans becoming a uniform, mindless herd, where every appetite is catered for and delaying gratification is only the odd behavior of religious zealots.

On another level, though, these liberals are only the pathetic victims of evolution deepening its game. The much vaunted multi-racial future only an advertizing dream concocted by whites and sold to blacks. Slowly, inevitably, non whites are manipulated and eradicated, either destroying themselves in criminal wars or through programs of interbreeding.

Just look at the numbers if you don't believe me.
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Good use of humor to lighten the atmosphere.

Subjects like this tend to cause a lot of tension in the American mind.
I offer a $5000 basketball scholarship to any atheist creationist who is under 4ft 3ins

Hot diggity dog!

Hope you're prepared to make good on that offer, cuz I'm a comin' over there to collect me dues!

Just after the surgery. And the philosophical 180. And the polishing up of non-existent basketball skills.

It'll give you enough time to actually get that scholarship good and ready.

How bout 10 years? Is that workable?
Sorry, you sounded just the kind of scholarship student we were looking for.
Unfortunately you used the words "Hot diggity dog!"
That is one of the phrases which our scholars are explicitly forbidden to use.
You have been excluded from the scholarship program.
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tim wise throws out some numbers...
First, it is simply false that scholarships for people of color crowd out monies for white students. According to a national study by the General Accounting Office, less than four percent of scholarship money in the U.S. is represented by awards that consider race as a factor at all, while only 0.25 percent (one quarter of one percent) of all undergrad scholarship dollars come from awards that are restricted to persons of color alone (1). In other words, whites are fully capable of competing for and receiving any of the other monies — roughly 99.75 percent of all scholarship funds out there for college. Although this GAO study was conducted in the mid-’90s, there is little reason to expect that the numbers have changed since then. If anything, increasing backlash to affirmative action and fear of lawsuits brought by conservatives against such efforts would likely have further limited such awards as a percentage of national scholarships.​
I would require that anyone that wants a college education and can't afford it should join the military first, not as a combat soldier but in anything they want to be that the military offers. The military would at least train them in something and once they had served at least 4 years they could quit and then have their college paid for them by the government.
Assuming you major in something that actually pays, it's a much better deal to just take out loans. The four lost years of professional income will probably be waaaaaay more than the money you "save" from the free education after you leave the military.
Ummm, my brother got a masters degree in education that the military paid for. He retired from teh military after 25+ years. He now has free health care, a military pension, and a paycheck from his teaching job.
So your idea is that everyone should become a murder in order to get an education, GREAT:rolleyes: