Which type of alien do you think is the most common?

Which type of alien do you think is the most common?

  • More advanced, bent on destrpying the earth and its species

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • More advanced, interested in an equal contract of peace that states we are equal beings and willing

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • More advanced, wanting to take over the earth and enslave its species

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • More advanced, but not bothering to communicate in any way with humans-EVER

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • Less advanced, wanting to destroy us and our planet

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Less advanced, wanting only peace and co-operation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Less advanced, COMPLETELY uninterested in the human race

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Less advanced, wanting to take over the earth and make its species into slaves

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Less advanced, too below us to have enough intelligence to acknowledge our existance (i.e the earth'

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters
Oh look its been moved to the Pseudoscience sub-forum... oooooh ya I can tell this conversation is getting real scientific :p
Originally posted by RichardJA
Let me guess, you are American?
Tut tut. Do I detect racism there Richard? Is that really the best evidence you have for your fatuous claims, to point out someones race and then make allusions that their race is somehow incapable of critical evaluation?

Your argument just gets weaker and weaker.

kind regards
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
Oh look its been moved to the Pseudoscience sub-forum... oooooh ya I can tell this conversation is getting real scientific :p
LOL. It's the subject matter.

kind regards
Originally posted by RichardJA
Huh, what contradiction.

The one which Slinkey pointed out to you, wherein you claim not to know what UFOs are, and then again claim that you know they are alien space craft. Pick a story and stick with it, friend.

Originally posted by RichardJA Let me guess, you are American?

Yes, and proudly so. Don't worry, though, we have our fair share of biggots here in the United States, so your implication that somehow my opinion is less or invalid based upon an arbitrary factor comes as less of a shock to me, you foreign devil.

Originally posted by RichardJA
And I don't pound my chest, nor do I give a stuff about the people here so I am not trying to impress people. Instead, incise you haven't worked this out yet, this is a forum where people share things. Maybe you need to learn that huh.

Yes, and here I am sharing my own opinion, what a novelty. You yourself may have to learn that on a public forum there may be people with opposing points of view, and as such, no one can safely post a controversial topic just to have his ego stroked as everyone agrees with him. Believe it or not other people may not agree, and may actually decide to say so! I'm sorry if this upsets you.

Originally posted by RichardJA Hate to disappoint you with your insults which is what you only seem able to do, but unlike you I have never drunken alcohol or taken drugs in my life.

Well congratulations, that is indeed something to be proud of, I won’t deny it. However I’d like to point out that I never implied otherwise! I hope you are familiar with analogies, this really is an important device for written and verbal arguments. I stated that if you walked in the same manner that you thought, you would not be able to pass a sobriety test, implying that you don’t think in a straight line, and in fact think in a rather random and clumsy manner which, if translated into walking, would certainly make you seem rather drunk. I can’t believe I had to just write that out.

Originally posted by RichardJA And what makes me believe they are alien craft,

I don't believe that they are alien craft. What makes ME believe that YOU believe, this however, are your own statements in favor of this idea.

Originally posted by RichardJA unlike you I have seen things you can only ever have wet dreams about.

There's that chest pounding again. I told you, oh lord of forbidden knowledge, that these things don't impress me. By the way, what makes you think that I haven't seen things that I can only have wet dreams about? I mean where am I ever going to find a totally ripped guy with a 12 inch. . . well you know.

I find your wording in this sentence to be rather awkward, and a bit embarrassing, and am forced to ask if you fully understood the meaning of the phrase 'wet dream' when you used it.

Originally posted by RichardJA And unfortunately for you, if you want to remain an arrogant bastard and try to act superior than people with your lack of knowledge and insults to people then you will prolly find people would rather tell you to piss off than give you any answers.

I'm only a blatant egotist, when I know there is no one around who can stop me, and around here. . . well I guess I'm pretty safe.

Anyway, Slinkey, do tell me more, perhaps we should talk through private messages or e-mail, you intrigue me because you sound very much like myself. . . well when I'm not in quite such a venomous mood. I agree with what you have to say about the similarities of these people, and religious folk, always the same sort of nonsense from both. I hope to see more of you around here, it'll be fun to have someone to cross my arms with, so that we may roll our eyes in unison and sigh.
This kind of talk helps him calm down will he is pulling off his human skin and breathing dryer lint :D
Haha, pulling off his human skin and breathing dryer lint, now that brings back memories! Good ol' Ren & Stimpy *Sigh*
Originally posted by Mystech
Anyway, Slinkey, do tell me more, perhaps we should talk through private messages or e-mail, you intrigue me because you sound very much like myself. . . well when I'm not in quite such a venomous mood. I agree with what you have to say about the similarities of these people, and religious folk, always the same sort of nonsense from both. I hope to see more of you around here, it'll be fun to have someone to cross my arms with, so that we may roll our eyes in unison and sigh.
Hehe, mutual eye-rolling isn't something I go in for usually but I would be happy to form a synchronised eye-rolling team. Maybe, one day, we can make it an Olympic event to which our names will for ever be associated. ;)

BTW, thanks for joining my group. I can't guarantee much will happen there (it is usually pretty quite because I have already whipped most of the lame-brains :D), but I'm sure you will be a valuable associate in our general cause of fighting poor thought processes and illogic.

kind regards
Originally posted by §lîñk€¥™
Hehe, mutual eye-rolling isn't something I go in for usually but I would be happy to form a synchronised eye-rolling team. Maybe, one day, we can make it an Olympic event to which our names will for ever be associated. ;)

BTW, thanks for joining my group. I can't guarantee much will happen there (it is usually pretty quite because I have already whipped most of the lame-brains :D), but I'm sure you will be a valuable associate in our general cause of fighting poor thought processes and illogic.

kind regards

Heh, always glad to lend a hand on the front lines. The fact that it doesn't get much traffic may be good for me, though, heh, If I get more than 10 messages in a day I tend to just get fed up and delete them all, heh, it takes time away from gaming, gotta' do my part to stop virtual terrorism.
If an advanced alien species was here and intent on conquering us, I do not think we would be sitting here talking about what it was they wanted. I do believe we are being visited after everything I have seen. I didn't used to, for the record....

But anyhow, whatever it is they want, it involves us somehow. By the same token, the aliens clearly do not want to meddle in Earth's social structure. They probably know about those who do believe they exist, but human society as a whole is not impacted on a significant degree by their presence.

I have no clue what it is they want, but it apparent they do not want to interfear at this time with the natural development of human society.
Originally posted by Xevious
I have no clue what it is they want, but it apparent they do not want to interfear at this time with the natural development of human society.

Are you nuts?! They are clearly the masters of our destiny! The september 11th attacks, the destruction of the space shuttle columbia, the war on terror, It's all them! In fact every single sugnificant event in human history has been driven by them, how could such a pathetic race of beings as we ever accomplish anything note worthy? They are here, and they are our secret masters!
Originally posted by Mystech
Are you nuts?! They are clearly the masters of our destiny! The september 11th attacks, the destruction of the space shuttle columbia, the war on terror, It's all them!

Kids, this is called a crackpot :D
Which type of Aliens do you think is the most common?

** Spiritual beings in nature...more advanced.. definately.:cool: