Which type of alien do you think is the most common?

Which type of alien do you think is the most common?

  • More advanced, bent on destrpying the earth and its species

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • More advanced, interested in an equal contract of peace that states we are equal beings and willing

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • More advanced, wanting to take over the earth and enslave its species

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • More advanced, but not bothering to communicate in any way with humans-EVER

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • Less advanced, wanting to destroy us and our planet

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Less advanced, wanting only peace and co-operation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Less advanced, COMPLETELY uninterested in the human race

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Less advanced, wanting to take over the earth and make its species into slaves

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Less advanced, too below us to have enough intelligence to acknowledge our existance (i.e the earth'

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters


Registered Member
Which type of Aliens do you think is the most common?

This is to discuss everything about extraterrestrial beings who are more advanced then us in any way. Say whatever you want, we'll take any opinions at all!

I can put a good bet that a evolved race would be some form of robotics or higher dimensional lifeform: this means most likely they do not need air, water and food anymore… Taking over the earth is not needed then. In fact if races are out and know about us then they’re most likely waiting for us to evolve and then make contact. Who in their right mind would want to talk to a bunch of warring talking apes?
Evilalien, I changed the title of your poll. Two threads, with polls, which are both called: Aliens, is a little confusing.

Take care now. :)
much more intelegent, but ether shy... or feel we cannot handle us knowning about them.... or mabey have no intention of ever meeting us becuase they like stealing satalite signles and watching "Men In Black", or else they would have ta pay for it... LOl

or who knows, mabey they put us here as part of a great experiment and feel we dunt need to know about them, but we advanced faster than they thought before they could create a stealth UFO

possibltys are endless

Originally posted by A Canadian possibltys are endless!!!!:D
They are whilst we have so little (ie. nothing) to go on. I like the idea of the interstellar cable junkies seeking out freebie channels. They would be just like humans... oh... on second thoughts......

kind regards
Who knows, maybe they want us to know but not too much? Maybe they tap dance on George Bush's head invisibly, just for fun?:D i would love to see that!
Where's None of the above or others option?

Banshee knows what i mean...;)

See, I think that the aliens are very clever when it comes to hiding, none of the UFO researchers or mystic gurus have acctualy found any aliens, yet, and clearly what that means is that they are VERY good at hiding, and so we have to take more drastic measures. . . like blowing up planets to flush them out. You know it's sort of like Bush's stance on Iraq and weapons of mass destruction.
Are they Hiding or we dont have enough senses to see them,thats the question...We live in a 3D world...theirs could be higher...

na, they're not hiding. How much do people want, hundreds of credible ufo sightings a year and still people wonder where they are.
Originally posted by RichardJA
na, they're not hiding. How much do people want, hundreds of credible ufo sightings a year and still people wonder where they are.
It's this kind of illogic that makes me laugh. Not because it is humorous but because it displays a lack of critical thinking capability.

Hundreds of UNIDENTIFIED flying object pictures is not evidence of anything except that you have some pictures that you cannot explain.

Since when has "I don't know what it was" been a time to say "it is this"?

kind regards
"More advanced, wanting to take over the earth and enslave its species"

There are no good aliens...
makes you laugh. hmmmmm. I have complete open interaction with the different beings, alien and spiritual that I am involved with. What do you have, just a deep desire to find something that you most likely never will?

When thousands of people see the same ufo, when it is captured on video or camera to prove that it is not something man made, and that it can move in ways that our crafts can't, what is it to you.
Originally posted by RichardJA
makes you laugh. hmmmmm. I have complete open interaction with the different beings, alien and spiritual that I am involved with. What do you have, just a deep desire to find something that you most likely never will?

When thousands of people see the same ufo, when it is captured on video or camera to prove that it is not something man made, and that it can move in ways that our crafts can't, what is it to you.

What part of UNIDENTIFIED don't you understand?

It doesn't matter how many people see an UNIDENTIFIED object, it is still UNIDENTIFIED.

Since when has "I don't know what it was" been a time to say "I know it is this"?

Once again all you have shown is your complete inability to critically evaluate what you are being told.

kind regards
actually I examine every photoand video personally that I look at of UFO's, and where you have any lack of experience with ufo's, I can identify a number of craft. And that is something a number of experiencers can do, while you people sit back and wonder.
Originally posted by zion
Are they Hiding or we dont have enough senses to see them,thats the question...We live in a 3D world...theirs could be higher...


I'm not sure what you're trying to imply, even if there were some sort of mystic "4th dimention!" provided you aren't refering to time, of course, I don't see why we wouldn't be able to perceive it.

A being living on a 2 dimentional plane could still see a sphere passing through his world, first as a single point, then as a circle that grows until it's reached the sphere's full diamater, and then it would shrink away to a point again and be gone.

Also, if you yourself don't know of any BS 4th dimention, how can you try to use the existance of something to support a claim? Oh, that's right, you can't. Yet still you beleive in your own claims? So you'd redily admit to beleiving in completely unfounded claims? We have a word for this: "Maddness"

Oh, and by the way, slinky, welcome to my world, haha! You can shout at these people all you like, it doesn't matter, none of them have the slightest idea what critical thinking or logic even are, it's pretty interesting. I advise you spend no more than 15 minuets a day posting here, anything more and you'll probably just start to get depressed, I know I do.
Originally posted by RichardJA
actually I examine every photoand video personally that I look at of UFO's, and where you have any lack of experience with ufo's, I can identify a number of craft. And that is something a number of experiencers can do, while you people sit back and wonder.

Quit pounding your chest, no one is impressed. You still haven't addressed the issue of the contradiction in your posts.

If you claim to understand and know what UFOs are, then please share with us what information it is which has lead you to this knowledge. Mind you we don't give a rats ass about what made you BELEIVE or have FAITH that they are alien space craft, we want to know what would let you KNOW that they are alien space craft. And if you think that either of the former, are as valid or important as the latter, you need to go back to school. That’s not an insult, just my genuine opinion, the lack of people who can think in a straight line around here is appalling, if you walked the way you think, you’d never pass a sobriety test.
Huh, what contradiction. Let me guess, you are American? And I don't pound my chest, nor do I give a stuff about the people here so I am not trying to impress people. Instead, incise you haven't worked this out yet, this is a forum where people share things. Maybe you need to learn that huh.

Hate to disappoint you with your insults which is what you only seem able to do, but unlike you I have never drunken alcohol or taken drugs in my life.

And what makes me believe they are alien craft, unlike you I have seen things you can only ever have wet dreams about. And unfortunately for you, if you want to remain an arrogant bastard and try to act superior than people with your lack of knowledge and insults to people then you will prolly find people would rather tell you to piss off than give you any answers.
Originally posted by Mystech
Oh, and by the way, slinky, welcome to my world, haha! You can shout at these people all you like, it doesn't matter, none of them have the slightest idea what critical thinking or logic even are, it's pretty interesting. I advise you spend no more than 15 minuets a day posting here, anything more and you'll probably just start to get depressed, I know I do.
LOL, thank you Mystech. Don't worry. I've had years of dealing with religious folk who make the same outrageous claims as our "expert" (cough) Richard. The similarities between his posts and god believers is quite telling. They both claim to have special knowledge but are always, without fail, unable to support that claim at anytime with anything more than more claims and innuendo.

kind regards