Which theory could explain PSI?

origin i agree theres no repeatable scientific evidence that this psychical stuff exists, but maybe there doesnt have to be. Perhaps we are looking at something spontaneous.

charles fort for many years said that ball lightning was real... skeptics laughed at him, but now its been accepted by science... and no its not repeatable, it appears to be completey spontaneous and we do not know why it happens but it does exist.

Physicists generate ball-lightning in the lab

So it is repeatable. The fact that science did not accept something and now does is not justification for accepting something now without evidence.

fair play and nice find, but theres other things in nature that are total mysteries to us but we know they exist but can not be replicated in the lab under repeatable experiments. i hear all this talk about telepathy not being scientific but i have had some spontaneous examples of telepathy and many other people have. i am not saying telepathy can be done at will, it clearly cant be becuase all known experiments have poor results, i agree theres no scientific repeatable evidence for psi but perhaps some of this stuff is spontaneous.
Have you been drinking or something? The money invested in the LHC has absolutely nothing to do with:

1. Mind control
2. psychic 'powers'
3. Praying that results in war
4. Your other psyco-babble
but it does because it is the universal cosntant [ Higgs ] that is central to the solution to theads/topics threads OP question.
Zero point theory is primarilly about the universal constant of gravity but as a spin off provides the mechanism for psychic connectivity and a whole heap of other intractible issues.
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fair play and nice find, but theres other things in nature that are total mysteries to us but we know they exist but can not be replicated in the lab under repeatable experiments. i hear all this talk about telepathy not being scientific but i have had some spontaneous examples of telepathy and many other people have. i am not saying telepathy can be done at will, it clearly cant be becuase all known experiments have poor results, i agree theres no scientific repeatable evidence for psi but perhaps some of this stuff is spontaneous.
well said...
the main criteria for successful evidencing is that the operant can perform using deliberate intent. Of course as predicted by zeropoint theory this would fail to produce consistant, reliable results.
However if one drops the criteria for "deliberateness" and looks at intuitive, instinctively, passively generated evidences one can find heaps of possile candidates.

an example of insane science:

"I had a fly land on my shoulder yesterday" [event]
"can you prove it"
"is it repeatable?"
"then it didn't happen and you are hallucinating" [discreditation]

which means that according to the criteria required by science most if not all of human experience is a hallucination!!!
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Physicists generate ball-lightning in the lab

So it is repeatable. The fact that science did not accept something and now does is not justification for accepting something now without evidence.
this actually goes on to prove my point...

the article states:
"Scientists in the joint study group of Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik and Berlin’s Humboldt University have generated ball-lightning in the laboratory - or, to be more precise, ball-lightning-like plasma clouds. The physicists produce luminous plasma balls above a water surface which have lifetimes of almost half a second and diameters of 10 to 20 centimetres."
but did they manage to replicate the actual ball lightening naturally derived?
but now they believe in the stories of ball lightening..
crazy methodology... if it relies only on the scientists competancy to prove anything.
but it does because it is the universal cosntant [ Higgs ] that is central to the solution to theads/topics threads OP question.
Zero point theory is primarilly about the universal constant of gravity but as a spin off provides the mechanism for psychic connectivity and a whole heap of other intractible issues.

I assume this is a joke.
@ Quantum Quack,

This was well said,

an example of insane science:

"I had a fly land on my shoulder yesterday" [event]
"can you prove it"
"is it repeatable?"
"then it didn't happen and you are hallucinating" [discreditation]

which means that according to the criteria required by science most if not all of human experience is a hallucination!!!

I like the self aware universe description from the opening post.

Imagine that consciousness does not require a brain, but is just a natural state in the Universe. Imagine that a single entity divided itself and created reality so we could experience vast emotions and situations. Imagine we are all part of the same entity yet as unique as we choose.

Imagine we all perceive the present based on our beliefs and we all of the material things around us are just a part of our shared consciousness. Imagine that your television is a fleeting creation of collapsed waves that is conscious and framed with your expectation.

Imagine the past changes as much as the future depending on our expectations and belief. That would mean there is no past, or future, or time.
There is only the present.

I choose to believe the "self aware" universe model as it allows/conforms to some of the events I have seen in my life, and this makes the most sense.

I do not believe in coincidences (I call them syncs), as they can be very unusual in nature, and imo are brought upon us through expectations and belief.

I also believe in the "law of attraction" , and have seen weird manifestations come via positive thought and affirmations.

I may have the normal trolls here on ignore, so feel free to "police" with the traditional "psi is fake" mumbo. It does grow old.
Imagine that consciousness does not require a brain, but is just a natural state in the Universe. Imagine that a single entity divided itself and created reality so we could experience vast emotions and situations. Imagine we are all part of the same entity yet as unique as we choose.
...and yet it takes a brain to allow consciousness to be experienced

Imagine we all perceive the present based on our beliefs and we all of the material things around us are just a part of our shared consciousness. Imagine that your television is a fleeting creation of collapsed waves that is conscious and framed with your expectation.
...and the collective "expectation" of the universe generally..[conforming to the laws that govern that consciousness [ universal physics ]

Imagine the past changes as much as the future depending on our expectations and belief. That would mean there is no past, or future, or time.
There is only the present.
...and even the present moment non-existant the moment it happens...[ zero duration ]

I choose to believe the "self aware" universe model as it allows/conforms to some of the events I have seen in my life, and this makes the most sense.
...there is a possibility of mixing terms, consciouness and awareness, bringing confusion to the belief.

A bit like comparing "pure" information with knowledge and how for something to become knowledge some effect must take place, with out which the information remains as unknown information.
Even listening to interstella "noise" information has an effect which we then call "interstella noise" [ knowledge] but if you didn't hear or "know of it" it is still present as unknown infromation. *in the context of this discussion.
eg: If a tree falls ...etc

If the universe was effected by it's consciousness in some manner then that consciousness would lead to self awareness. IMO there is no evidence to state that the universe is self aware except through sentient, self aware life such as humanity. In other words there is no evidence that suggests that the universe "knows what it knows" but some evidence to suggest that it simply knows ....with out knowing that it knows. [ re: instinctive intelligence, goal focused evolution, evolution of sustainable success EOSS, intuitive design etc]
To me this suggest that the universe may very well be aware but not "self" aware. [Zero Point Theory provides an understanding of a mechanism that woudl allow not only universal consciousness, unconsciousness but also awareness, whilst simultaneously providing a premise for the source of gravty and it's universal constancy as they are all essentially sourced as the same no-thing, that being zero]

As most learned people would agree the main thing that separates humanity from it's more instinctive organic family is this one capacity or ability... to know what it knows.

I do not believe in coincidences (I call them syncs), as they can be very unusual in nature, and imo are brought upon us through expectations and belief.

As science has yet to provide evidence or even the logic of chance or randomness then of course your belief is well founded. It is only a matter of context and significance. Most events appear to be mundane and inconsequential. It is only when an event has some significance to the observer that there is a question mark about whether coincidence or determinism is involved and as Chance and Randomness are simply escape words/terms to hide our impotency in knowing the determining causality everythig must be in some way determined.

"Synching" as you say are events that you feel have special significance. I use the term to mean something a litte differently as I am familiar with the paradoxical nature of freewill, Psychic Synching is more about deliberately "falling in step with" or harmonising, or resonating to, rather than a specific passive predetermined events.
People "synch" all the time when they converse, meet, or avoid each other it si just we don't think much of it most of the time. Some people such as you self are able to be "more" deliberate and conscious in their synching thus the sigificance for you and others.

I also believe in the "law of attraction" , and have seen weird manifestations come via positive thought and affirmations.
and what governs the effective and deliberate utilisation of the law of atraction, I believe, is what I refer to as the attraction paradox, which is easilly evidenced and demonstrated by science, if and when they feel it is worthy of their consideration and provides logical proof the paradox of zero vs everything. [which is why empirical evidence of psychic phenonema of the kind that is requested by most skeptics is impossibe to acheive.]
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