Which Religions condone some types of Killings?

So, killing IS justified by the religion, the killing of alleged murderers?

Not alleged no, if there is no evidence they cannot be convicted. If there is evidence and they can be convicted but the family of the victim signs a document stating they are willing to forgive the murderer, they can be released. Or the victims family can choose monetary compensation in return for allowing the murderer to be acquitted. Most poor families choose the last option.
I have zero confidence in anyone who calls themselves "scholars" when it comes to religion. Unless, the term "scholar" means he who interprets scriptures to suit the agenda.

Then you won't be surprised to hear that most scholars of Islam do not venture into politics, government or jurisprudence.
Why aren't Christians allowed to kill for whatever reason?

Because Jesus said not to.

I thought some of the rules from the old testament still applied.

Yeah the rules are still valid but the process of the law has changed.

OT = transgression leads to punishment via the hands of men

NT = transgression leads to punishment via the hand of God

Would a Christian government truly be allowed then to implement the death penalty by the Bible's teachings? Just curious.

Question is mute because Christians do not seek to take control of government.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Micheal states

This is the thing.
People will kill one another. Everyone knows this. No religion is going to stop people from killing one another, never has never will.

So, with this in mind, it seems that the wisest person would make-up their religious bullshit to say something along the lines of Thow Shalt Not Kill. Knowing full well that people are going to anyway. But, also knowing that this should at least give those future generations of people, who are willing to stand up and say, hey this killing shit is wrong, the means to do so.

Thats what the Words of Jesus do. They are there and you have quoted them. And i have stood up for them here. :)

Yes people will kill. But the Word shows them that killing is wrong if they claim that Jesus is their Messiah.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
It seems like one can kill if God tells you to.

One must Kill if God orders one to Kill. And the Jews of the OT where ordered to Kill.

It was implicit that Abraham should have followed through if not for the last second reprieve.

Please expand on this comment. followed through on what? reprieve? where and for what? I do not know what you are talking about here.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
One must question any God that "orders one to kill" and who does not value human life.

Yes one should ask questions as to why God orders one to be killed. But one must ask God in the spirit of accepting His will and seeking to understand why. Rather than being in rebellion and demanding that God submit to an interrogation.

And truth and justice are eternal while physical life is short. The value of the second cannot compare to the first.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
One must question any God that "orders one to kill" and who does not value human life.

Yes, you are right.Especially since the NT stresses "thou shalt not kill"...this does not seem compatible with part 1 (OT) of the bible does it,although so many attempt to connect the different idealogies of pt1 and 2 together to make it appear compatible.
Unfortunately there are a great number of people who wish Gods' nature to be full of wrath and hatefull,violent. I consider it one of the greatest tragedies of the modern era that so many wish to hang on to these ancient archaic portrayals of God.
Not alleged no, if there is no evidence they cannot be convicted.

Prisons have prisoners who were convicted but are innocent.

If there is evidence and they can be convicted but the family of the victim signs a document stating they are willing to forgive the murderer, they can be released. Or the victims family can choose monetary compensation in return for allowing the murderer to be acquitted. Most poor families choose the last option.

Oh, and that's supposed to be justice served? Are you insane? This is supposed to be prescribed in your religion?

Firstly, the rich can kill and simply sign a check. Secondly, people can easily be contract killed.

Again, are you insane?

Then you won't be surprised to hear that most scholars of Islam do not venture into politics, government or jurisprudence.

How is that supposed to be comforting? Those so-called scholars are the ones interpreting Islam, hence creating the problems.
Prisons have prisoners who were convicted but are innocent.

Yes, which is why having an option for forgiveness is good, don't you think?

Oh, and that's supposed to be justice served? Are you insane? This is supposed to be prescribed in your religion?

Firstly, the rich can kill and simply sign a check. Secondly, people can easily be contract killed.

Again, are you insane?

Is compensation for victims a new perspective for you? I thought it was pretty common.

The option is upto the victims not the murderers.

So do you think all victims should ask for the murderers to be killed? Would that be better?

How is that supposed to be comforting? Those so-called scholars are the ones interpreting Islam, hence creating the problems.

No, they are just doing their work. How other people use their words is not their responsibility. Is it?
Yes, which is why having an option for forgiveness is good, don't you think?

But, far more importantly, not having it prescribed within a religion. Muslims don't seem to get this very crucial piece of the pie.

Is compensation for victims a new perspective for you? I thought it was pretty common.

I have yet to see a murder trial in which the convicted is asked whether or not he'd simply like to write a check or get a life sentence. Idoit.

The option is upto the victims not the murderers.

So, they contract kill a member of the victims family and then offer up the option. Nice and clean.

So do you think all victims should ask for the murderers to be killed? Would that be better?

I know you'll probably never get this as no Muslim has yet to get this. Islam should NOT have a say in this matter.

No, they are just doing their work. How other people use their words is not their responsibility. Is it?

Then, their work is clearly flawed if it is so easy to have their interpretations twisted such.
But, far more importantly, not having it prescribed within a religion. Muslims don't seem to get this very crucial piece of the pie.

I have yet to see a murder trial in which the convicted is asked whether or not he'd simply like to write a check or get a life sentence. Idoit.

So, they contract kill a member of the victims family and then offer up the option. Nice and clean.

I know you'll probably never get this as no Muslim has yet to get this. Islam should NOT have a say in this matter.

Then, their work is clearly flawed if it is so easy to have their interpretations twisted such.

Hmm so lets see you do better than the scholars.

You don't agree (or appear to agree) with capital punishment. You also don't agree with forgiveness.

So what is your opinion. What is the right attitude to punishment?
You don't agree (or appear to agree) with capital punishment. You also don't agree with forgiveness.

So what is your opinion. What is the right attitude to punishment?

As usual, Sam, you are missing the point entirely. The Quran should have absolutely nothing to say on this matter. You and I are free to discuss capital punishment and have laws legislated.

We do not, under any circumstances, turn to scriptures, ANY scriptures, for our guidance.
As usual, Sam, you are missing the point entirely. The Quran should have absolutely nothing to say on this matter. You and I are free to discuss capital punishment and have laws legislated.

We do not, under any circumstances, turn to scriptures, ANY scriptures, for our guidance.

So without any scriptures and guidance, what in your view, should be the rational attitude to punishment? I'm sure that as an atheist, you've given this some thought?
So without any scriptures and guidance, what in your view, should be the rational attitude to punishment? I'm sure that as an atheist, you've given this some thought?

That is off topic. Please start another thread to discuss punishment, if you wish.

This thread is about religions that condone some types of killings, Islam falls into that category.