Which Religions condone some types of Killings?


Valued Senior Member
I was wondering what each of the religions have to say on the subject of: When is it OK to murder/kill/purposely-cause-the-death-of another person?

I am pretty sure that the OT Bible will allow such an act. I'm not sure about the NT.

What about Buddhism? Is it sometimes OK?
How about Scientology? What did The Prophet Ron have to say on the subject?
It's also be interesting to know a little of the old Norse Religions! I'm sure they were OKee-DoKee with killing (maybe even had to?)

There seems to be a debate as to when and who can be killed under Islamic Law - but, (I think) it is allowed under some circumstances.
What kind of killings under Islamic law are you talking about exactly? The punishment of murderers?

If murderers can be punished by death then that would be one type of killing yes.

Also, you can comment on any religion you happen to know about.
Not just Islam.
I was wondering what each of the religions have to say on the subject of: When is it OK to murder/kill/purposely-cause-the-death-of another person?

I am pretty sure that the OT Bible will allow such an act. I'm not sure about the NT.

What about Buddhism? Is it sometimes OK?
How about Scientology? What did The Prophet Ron have to say on the subject?
It's also be interesting to know a little of the old Norse Religions! I'm sure they were OKee-DoKee with killing (maybe even had to?)

There seems to be a debate as to when and who can be killed under Islamic Law - but, (I think) it is allowed under some circumstances.

Never in Christianity. We are to leave such actions to the worldly authorities. But Christians should never be involved in the execution process.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Not Hinduism or Budhism, I think.

But wait, if it is your duty to do it, you are supposed to do it, however.
Why aren't Christians allowed to kill for whatever reason? I thought some of the rules from the old testament still applied. Would a Christian government truly be allowed then to implement the death penalty by the Bible's teachings? Just curious.
These are all common misconceptions.

There was NEVER a war based on religion. Never in the history of humanity has there ever been a war based solely on religion. We can look for reasons and make excuses but it is just not realistic. Take away the religion and what are you left with? Same war, same killing.

And i am not religious in any way shape or form just pointing out the obvious.
There seems to be a debate as to when and who can be killed under Islamic Law - but, (I think) it is allowed under some circumstances.

Killing should (almost) always be avoided. However, as peaceful as that proposition sounds, it is not always practical, considering certain people/forces will not accept that type of pacifistic outlook, and will merely attempt to seize advantage of it. In Islam, as in all other religions, killing is always discouraged (for Islam in particular, I refer you to Q 5:32 to put into perspective how harsh murder is to be dealt with in the hereafter).

As said before, there are certain exceptions which permit killing (of course, one must never transgress the boundaries of what a reasonable counteract is concerning those who cause mischief and harm to others). If you're acting purely in self-defense, or acting to protect an innocent person from (potentially) being killed/raped, then you are not prohibited in doing everything in your power to stop the crime from unfolding - even if, in the most extreme of cases, the counteract results in murder. If someone is causing mischief (killing, raping), then it is imperative for people to stop the wrongdoer, sometimes resulting in murder to do so. This is not advocating murder, but is merely a display of self-defense, and concern for innocent people around you.

Killing is also justified in righteous wars. If you're fighting a war that needs to be fought, then no sins are registered. However, there are strict rules and conventions that describe in great detail as to how prisoners of war are to be treated. Most importantly, you are never to transgress limits - if the opposition surrenders, then you lay down your arms as well.
Christianity is notorious for its previous brutality.
Islam only justifies

1) Defense
2) Jihad (Holy War)

Besides non-Abrahamic religions aren't actually real so it doesn't matter.
Why aren't Christians allowed to kill for whatever reason? I thought some of the rules from the old testament still applied. Would a Christian government truly be allowed then to implement the death penalty by the Bible's teachings? Just curious.
The only Xian government I know of is the Vatican. Do they execute people?

In terms of Xitianity they have the NT which is supposed to completely supersede the OT. So no more eye for an eye - now it's turn the other cheek.
These are all common misconceptions.

There was NEVER a war based on religion. Never in the history of humanity has there ever been a war based solely on religion. We can look for reasons and make excuses but it is just not realistic. Take away the religion and what are you left with? Same war, same killing.

And i am not religious in any way shape or form just pointing out the obvious.
This thread isn't about war. Just killing.

For example, some homosexuals were put to death in Iran not that long back - for the crime of being born homosexual. So, is this a Religious Law or a Secular Iranian Law?
As said before, there are certain exceptions which permit killing (of course, one must never transgress the boundaries of what a reasonable counteract is concerning those who cause mischief and harm to others). If you're acting purely in self-defense, or acting to protect an innocent person from (potentially) being killed/raped,

Killing is also justified in righteous wars. If you're fighting a war that needs to be fought, then no sins are registered. However, there are strict rules and conventions that describe in great detail as to how prisoners of war are to be treated.

Christianity is notorious for its previous brutality.
Islam only justifies

1) Defense
2) Jihad (Holy War)
So we are agreed that in Islam a Muslim is only allowed to kill in self defense or Holy War?

Besides non-Abrahamic religions aren't actually real so it doesn't matter.
That's a matter of opinion.

Anyway, reality isn't the point in this thread.

I think we've settled Islam.

I'm still curious about what the other religions have to say, if anything, about killing other humans?

It seems NY Xianity says you can NOT kill. Does everyone agree with this?

What about the Tohrah?

What about Hinduism - any sort of consensus on that group of group of Religions?

What about Buddhism? Any Ideas?
These are all common misconceptions.

There was NEVER a war based on religion. Never in the history of humanity has there ever been a war based solely on religion. We can look for reasons and make excuses but it is just not realistic. Take away the religion and what are you left with? Same war, same killing.

And i am not religious in any way shape or form just pointing out the obvious.

Really ?
What about the Crusades ?
What about the French Wars of Religion ?
What about the Thirty Years War ?
What about the Saxon War ?
I'm not interested in what countries practice but what the religion says on the subject.

Is India a Hindu country?

From what I could find all the "Buddhist" countries (no officially Buddhist country), North Korea, China, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Burma all have capital punishment. (Sri Lanka had banned it then reinstated it). So I'm wondering what difference it makes whether the religion does or does not condone it.

India inherited the British legal system.
Maybe I'm not making this clear. I'm not asking about "countries" legal systems. I'm only interested in the religious beleif - what the religion says.

KSA is a country - lots of people say it's a Muslim country and lots of people say it's not a Muslim country. One way or the other doens't really matter because I don't care about KSA.

Does the Shiia Muslims religion allow some form of killing?
Does the 99%ers Muslims allows for any kind of killing?
Does the Sunni Muslims allow for some kinds of killing?
Does the Sufi Muslims religion allow for some kinds of killings?
Does the Bahai' permit some kinds of killings?
Does the Qur'an allow for some kinds of killing?
Does the Buddhist texts allow for some kinds of killing? If so how so?
What about Hindu? How do they stand on Killing?

Scientologist - Do they allow for some kinds of killings? If so when, where, who, how?

One would think this would be rather clear cut - I mean we are talking about taking another humans life.

Adstar seems to be of the mind that Christianity as a Religion NEVER condones ANY kind of killing of another human. AKA in Christianity ALL killing is Sinful. ALL.
Does everyone agree that this is the case?

If there is more than one way of interpretation, there is no clear cut answer.

e.g. according to one website I read, the Buddha did not specifically say there should not be capital punishment.

This could be loosely interpreted to say he did not disagree with it.