Which mammal species are suitable to be kept as pet?

Agree. And this is all about understanding animal on its own level without having to Anthropomorphize it. It has its own cat-reasons for what it does, and they're not the same as human-reasons. But that doesn't mean that, with some careful observaton and research, we can't usually understand their behavior to a good extent.
It's not clear inasmuch generalized knowledge based on research of behavior is actually useful in specific situations.

And some of that "research" is idiotic beyond comparison. I once saw a test they did to find out whether cats prefer commercial cat food or mice. The setting of the test was a veterinarian's examination room, a cat was placed on the examination table, and the veterinarian placed before the cat a bowl of commercial cat food and a dead mouse, and then waited to see what the cat would choose. It chose neither and jumped off the table. Only someone with absolutely no regard for animals could "design" such an "experiment."
It's not clear inasmuch generalized knowledge based on research of behavior is actually useful in specific situations.

And some of that "research" is idiotic beyond comparison. I once saw a test they did to find out whether cats prefer commercial cat food or mice. The setting of the test was a veterinarian's examination room, a cat was placed on the examination table, and the veterinarian placed before the cat a bowl of commercial cat food and a dead mouse, and then waited to see what the cat would choose. It chose neither and jumped off the table. Only someone with absolutely no regard for animals could "design" such an "experiment."
Well they did learn something about cat behavior. Just not what they were expecting. :)
I'm not sure that veterinarian actually learned anything then.

And this isn't funny, because it can have serious consequences. Many people blindly follow what some supposed scientist tells them, which leads to suffering for animals.
I know full well that I am not suitable as a dog owner and I wouldn't have a dog. I just don't have it in me to regularly assert myself as the alpha.
I get along fine enough with other people's dogs in random encounters, but this is an entirely different situation than ownership.

It's strange that some people try to come up with a list of animals suitable as pets -- without considering the propensities of the prospective owner.

One can be a beneficial "Alpha" to a dog...beneficial to both sides. Both my Rotty's were my mates and our relationship, [as has been the relationship with all my dogs] was mutually rewarding I'm sure.
Some people most certainly for many reasons should be banned from owning dogs or any animal in fact, for many reasons, including cruelty masochism tendencies, and of course those without the will power to be the Alpha, applying a firm, fair hand which is 100% required with certain pets and breeds, particularly in the city.
Most mixed-breed dogs, and even many purebreds, have a very weak alpha instinct. If you give your dog an adequate amount of companionship (which varies from breed to breed--some enjoy solitude much more than others) and establish your role as the alpha of the pack when he's a juvenile, the odds are very high that he'll adapt to the relationship you've established.
I occasionally watch The Dog Whisperer, or whatever it's called, on TV.
It has convinced me that it is a very wise - and mutually beneficial - exercise to go through the process of training your dog to accept you as the alpha.