Which is more despicable?

Which is more despicable?

  • Hitting someone physically weaker than you

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Hitting someone who you know won't/can't hit back

    Votes: 14 87.5%

  • Total voters
actually i didnt read anything but the first post so you dont know what the fuck your talking about:)
actually im rather insulted by that. Almost ALL of your threads run along the same lines, its not that hard to work out. i would rather have my inteligence tested by something that is actually DIFICULT rather than this.

maybe like the answer to 1+1 for instance:p
Well, apparently of the few people have voted, hitting someone physically weaker than you is less despicable than hitting someone who you know won't/can't hit back.

So I wonder if they remain consistent, and think that it is more despicable for a woman to hit a man, than vice versa?
Well, yeah, I worked that much out sometime during the last full moon.

What I mean is: why are you asking?
Wake up, soldier. We men need to fight the good fight for what's right tonight. The world is at war and the bitches are winning.
well, lepuss, you're the first one, my husband is the second one. I think hitting him would be worse.
Nice to see that we both agree that it's worse for a woman to hit a man, than vice versa. I wonder why society doesn't see this glaring truth?
Obviously, it is meaningless to compare the two acts in the poll, which is loaded anyway.

What are you looking for, lepustimidus? Somebody to prop up a despicable act of yours by saying that it wasn't quite as bad as some other despicable act?

I don't hate women. Just bitches. There's a difference.

My impression is that you have some real issues with all women.

Well, at least one trait of a bitch is to resort to physical violence against men when she isn't getting her way.

It's easy to remove yourself from that situation.