Where's the reasoning behind anti-homosexuality?

mustafhakofi said:
just kidding mytech
just to see your reaction

My reaction to what, exactly? Your awful grammar or deplorable sentence structure? We don't troll here, mustafhakofi. Well, not not quite like that anyhow.
People who protest against gays and are visciously opposed to them piss me off. But MOST people in reality are passively 'gayist'. If I were to be so against gay-bashing as you guys I couldn't have a friend and would need to wander around angry at everyone I meet and basically be a bitter pain in the ass.
Like you guys.

Like I won't go off on a rant about gay people ruining the world or anything, but I will occassionally say 'look at that fuckin faggot', and I think most interesting people will. The people who piss me off are the liberals who will interupt a group of normal guys having a good old fashioned filthy derogatory offensive yarn and say 'excuse me but I couldn't help over hear your comments and I find them highly offensive'.
That kind of sticky nosed fascism should by all rights get you killed. I can't believe the audacity of soft cocks these days.
Even when normal people are trying their hardest to assimilate they'll be shot down by these clowns, like they might say 'I got no problem with gays, I would be friends with a gay' and the assholes will be offended by that. "oh how big of you :rolleyes: you fucking biggot :mad:" Back the fuck off, quit while you're ahead.
This isn't a problem with me, but like old fashioned people I know who aren't vindictive just set in their ways will have some little snotty college kid berating them like a nazi demanding they speak in a certain way with a certain tone.
So irritating.
Liberal political correctness pisses me off to no end. REAL racism and REAL biggotry pisses me off as well. I like the comfortable normal middle ground. Light hearted jabs at homo-sexuals and the different races and women etc etc. Thats just what we're like as a species and I think its wonderful.
Name one cool fictional character who acts like a liberal. You can't find one because the liberal is an inherently unlikable and objectionable organism that couldn't even muster the 'love to hate' feeling in a tv audience. Its just flat out hate, we don't want to see this kind of person on the screen. Look at meadow on the sopranos, horrible horrible character. Compare her to the lovable paulie, by liberal standards; racist, mysogynistic, anti-gay, ignorant etc etc. Yet he's utterly and undeniably awesome and a pleasure to see on the screen.
Maybe you guys can't see yourselves? Because its the same way in real life.
You are horrible horrible people, and it is not a pleasure to see you on my eye screen. I don't want you in my life and I want meadow to be wacked on the sopranos.
Personnally, I think the stereotypical football-watching hang-out-with-the-guys guy has more latent homosexuality in him than the effeminate "gay" stereotype.
Thing is the majority hang out for the football, not because the other guys are there, they'd be happier if they were women but they tend to hate football.
Dr Lou Natic said:
... MOST people in reality are passively 'gayist'. If I were to be so against gay-bashing as you guys I couldn't have a friend and would need to wander around angry at everyone I meet and basically be a bitter pain in the ass.
Like you guys.

This is stereotyping at it's worst.

In fact, I'm a redneck bolshevik aging-hippie/biker-lookalike artistic beer-swilling sports-hating bird-watching book-reading two-fisted troublemaker.
Some people think I'm downright interesting.
I make as many faggot jokes as the next guy and yes, I do think two men together is gross.
I also make straight jokes with my gay friends and they think hetero sex is gross.

Why are you so pissed off?
Live a little.
Lemming3k said:
Thing is the majority hang out for the football, not because the other guys are there, they'd be happier if they were women but they tend to hate football.

Football or women?
Easy choice.
Depends on the woman. Besides, they'll still be there in 2 hours when the footies finished;).
Dr Lou Natic said:
Name one cool fictional character who acts like a liberal.


No, seriously though, you seem to be all mixed up here, Dr. Lou you're attributing nosiness to a political view, simply isn't feasible. If I happen to start talking loudly amongst conservative Christians about being an atheist, I'm sure I'll get an earful myself. If you have genuinely experienced any of the situations which you are complaining about (and I seriously doubt that you have) then my advice to you would perhaps to be a little more discreet, or a least a bit less boisterous when shouting "faggot". Also, it makes you seem a bit silly when you start voicing a persecution complex when you're in the majority :p just get off it, it makes you sound like a whining fag :p
The problem is that heterosexuality is highly overrated. This conversation happens to be one of the kindest associations of women and football I've ever witnessed.
Mystech said:
My reaction to what, exactly? Your awful grammar or deplorable sentence structure? We don't troll here, mustafhakofi. Well, not not quite like that anyhow.
you have some cheek to call someone down for having a little fun
she certainly got a reaction from you

at least she is not a shirtlifting arse bandit
i hope this get's an equally good reaction
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