Where/what is religion?

Religion is a delusion.

How can "religion" be a delusion?

Religion is an object of control.

What isn't a form of control?

There is no god in the accepted sense

By "accepted" do you mean in the "controlled" environment of modern science? If so, what does modern science have to do with religion?

Religion is a state of mind and therefore completely personal and subjective; based more on cultural ethics than any fundamental truths, though fundamental truths certainly exist in all religions.

By trying to dig yourself out of that hole, you dug a bigger hole. :D

Religion works, simply because the subject is hypnotised by it;

Interesting stuff!
Care to elaborate?

The cocept of god is an enticing enigma that challenges the mind, that is either force-fed and believed in blindly,

An "enticing enigma" you say?
Challenges the mind?
Why be force-fed?
Why believe blindly, if it is indeed, these things?

or searched for and sometimes 'found' and sometimes searched for and found again, or searched for in vain, but ultimately, it is a futile exercise based on wishful thinking.

How is this and other aspects of your idea corroberated in the scriptures?

Religion is basically a waste of time and potentially dangerous;

Please be so kind as to explain why you believe this.

grow out of it and think for your self.

From reading your post, i think that statement could easily apply to you. No offense, but it has zero content as far as "religion" is concerned and yet you act as if you have some knowledge on the subject.

Now that can be "potentially" dangerous. :eek:

Jan Ardena.
In other words, you believe that truth is relative, and religions are valid or not relative to your position? While I can appreciate this, it doesn't have much practical value (which is what you're ultimately aiming for, isn't it?).
I was thinking about the word 'relative' today -- and I'm afraid it can be and is easily abused. I meant 'relative' in the sense of context-bound, relational to other phenomena -- whatever is termed in this sense, is thereby also given practical value!

'Relative' in the sense of 'indefinable and therefore useless' is kinda mean and weak. I'll have to come up with some new words.

But to argue from your POV, if your demands from life suddenly changed drastically - say, you found out you had two weeks left to live - then wouldn't certain things become more true? But if they are true then, weren't they also true before, and you just couldn't appreciate it?
I'll tell you something: In 2000, I was bitten by a tick, and then got some symptoms of meningytis. I went to the doctor, but since I didn't have enough symptoms, they said they would wait for the 3-4 week incubation period to be over. If I don't get sick by then, then I don't have meningytis, they said, since meningytis is one of the few virus diseases that don't become dormant. Tick-related meningytis in grown-ups can be debilitating, or, in most cases, deadly.

Those were the strangest days of my life so far. I don't know whether I was scared or whether I was thinking about God or the truth ... I felt sick all the time, had 24/7 headaches, was tired and exhausted by a mere few steps ...
The incubation period was over, meningytis didn't strike, but my symptoms were still there. Further tests. After two months and my arms looking like those of a junkie from taking blood samples, they figured out that my thyroid doesn't work right.
I got meds, but they made me worse. Anyhow, the thing settled after a while, and now I have to go for a check up every four months or so. I don't take meds now, I hate them, they make me sick. I'm living on the edge of still sufficient numbers.

This thyroid malfunction is for life, it won't go away. And by now, I have learned how it is affected by my thoughts and by my behaviour. My sick thyroid kinda plays god for me, no pun intended whatsoever. It is my second conscious. If I do or think something that I know is not good for me or others, I know this will result in a lower rate of my thyroid hormons, and eventually in the meningytis-like condition I already had.

It's weird, but it really pushes me to do and think things right. I mean right in the sense of practical and useful.

And to tell you the truth, I am scared to hell. Even though the doctors have a fancy chemical explanation of my condition and that condition is also genetcally predisposed, I know exactly why it appeared when it did. This was when my demons took over me. And my body gave me a serious warning that I can't play with myself anymore the way I used to.

It is not scary at all to find your demons. It is scary when you try to live without them.
I imagine myself as a house, and these demons are merely inhabitants in my house. They're just trying to survive, they don't really wish me any harm, it is just in their nature that they are harmful. And, like anybody else, they rebel against eviction.
Gosh, it's spooky.

I'm sorry if I came across too personal and too emotional. But religion is after all a personal thing. I hope that you can now understand my position a bit better.

In late 2002, I actually very seriously contemplated the Bible and Christian life, regularly read scriptures on a daily basis.
But what disrupted me was this: After a while, everything became so understandable, so graspable. Those symphonies were beautiful because God inspired them. I became unable to listen to music. I didn't hear it anymore. My cat was just a cat. Beauty became reasonable, fathomable.

I longed for the unfathomable, for the non-graspable, for the ununderstandable. I felt dead with all those things that were once so important and beautiful to me, now turned into mere understandable objects.

So I gave up the Bible, gave up wanting to name and understand *all* things, and after a long while, I became able to hear music again.

I know, I may come across as chasing illusions and worshiping things that "don't matter". But most of the times, I keep them to myself. I overcame the desire to share that beauty. If I see that people are interested, then yes, I share it. But I don't start talking about the beauty of it as I once used to.

And so I also have an "external" side, the "professional" approach. That's the one of logical reason. That one you've already met. :)

“Yes, but aren't you then also saying that peson A is worth more than person B? Aren't you saying "A's identity is worth more than B's identity"? ”

No, not at all! It has nothing to do with intrinsic worth, but with realized worth, as I explained above. If I say it's true that you were created in God's image and you have no idea what I mean, that truth will be diminished. It will be relative to you, even if it were absolutely true in reality.
But if I don't believe it to be true, then I would lie if I would act as if it were true! I think I am more truthful if I stick to what I believe now, rather then to just *say* that I believe your truth, and not really mean it. If I am true to myself, no truth gets diminished. Maybe the only thing that gets diminished is your desire to make everybody else think what you do.

I'll quote you F. Scott Fitzgerald, the opening from "The Great Gatsby":
"Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the same advantages that you've had."

I'm not saying that you are downright criticizing me. But do keep in mind: maybe you know a truth -- and this means that you have obviously had a advantages in your life that I and other people didn't have.
You have no right to blame us for the disadvantages we had, and you also have no right trying to push us in a certain direction.

No truth can get diminished. If it's there, it's there. Maybe it only got covered by a junk heap of external harmful influences, unfulfilled wishes, unattainable ideals ...

The best thing you can do, IMO, is to respond to people when they do come to you and ask you for your help. And then, if you really wish to help, you need to help them on their terms and in a way they can understand, not on yours.

You can talk to me about God and Jesus for days, and I won't believe it any more than I do now. You'll have to be more creative to get to me. Or give it up, and not blame anyone.

“My position is that we don't know or understand the world and ourselves in the strict sense of "to know" and "understand". We are only acquainted with them and are able to live with them. /.../
In this sense, I stand for theories that have to do with real world phenomena as in the Hawking paraphrase. ”
But you imply that there is nothing more to know than what we can predict, as Hawking describes.
No no no! Hawking does not imply that there is nothing more to know than we can predict -- although I can see that his quote may be construed that way. Hawking only said something about the worth of scientific models and theories.

Do you know something called "the new modesty of science"? There was a time when science indeed went around, bashing all old values and denying God and such. Those were the ravings of human intellect. Unfortunately, this negative attitude became the hallmark of science, and is still sticking to it.
(Look what happened to Darwin: his theories were widely accepted, but few bothered to read the preface of his book, where he expressed his firm faith in God and His creation!)

Today's *true* scientists are nothing like that (well, except for some). They stick to theories describing and, as far as possible, explaining certain mechanisms and phenomena, yet they do not make assertions about human value or about God.

I know, reading a study by a cognitive scientist may be frustrating and leading one to think that what is said there about the human mind is also all that there is to say about it.
But that is not true at all! What that scientist says about the human mind is only what science so far can say about the mind; he doesn't say that what science has to say about the human mind is also all there is to say.

Scientific studies are to be read as what they are: scientific studies. Any other way to read them is an abuse of them. Science goes (or at least tries to go) by the rules of logical reason and the established agreements about what a good theory is (consistent, systematic, ...). And as such they should be understood. This also means that one first has to learn something about science and logics and that -- or he is bound to misinterpret science.

And yes, science gets abused all the time. It is especially vulnerable, even more than religion, as science does not have any regulatory mechanisms within to define its value in regards to society. It just is there, a tool. Whether this tool will be used to do something good or for something bad -- this science cannot control.

That's just one half of the argument. What about how science is abused? Your view of science might leave you with the smallest chance of being "wrong", but what about being wrong? God says you are of eternal worth to Him, science says you're an cosmic accident destined to die. What's the truth?
Both are true: science from its scientifical POV, religion from its religious POV. Their truths are incomparable, as they make their claims from incomparable POV's.
Meaning: the existence of scientific truth *does not* exclude the existence of religious truth.
(Technically, vice versa should be possible, but religions usually don't think very highly of science.)
Yes, I know, this may sound strange, even paradoxical: but form the POV of strict science, it isn't.

But, life is about choices, and this is where the whole thing with science vs. religion gets complicated. It takes an extended understanding. For some reason, people don't like extended understanding, so they simply say "Science is against God", and that makes their lives much much easier.

I repeat what I said above: explanations aren't everything. They're not all that's truth.
They don't even try to be!! Explanations, more correctly: descriptions are there just as descriptions. They don't attempt to say something about the essence of a phenomenon. They only describe its characteristics and the relations to other phenomena, all as *we* see them.

If someone considers then such a description to be an attempt to make claims about the very essence of a phenomenon, then he is not making a scientific claim.

Do you shun every truth if it has been abused? Be honest. A lot of evolution is based on the concept of survival of the fittest; it can be considered a "truth". Then why was what Hitler did wrong? Wasn't he the "fittest", wasn't it because of their weaknesses and inability to adapt that he could conquer other countries? But does that mean "survival of the fittest" isn't ever true in nature?
"Survival of the fittest" is a scientific claim, calling what Hitler did "wrong" (in the sense of unethical) is an ethical claim. Ethics is not the same as science. Above, you mixed science with ethics, IMO, and this is not scientific.

Or to use your example. "God created man in his image". Can you tell a black person's blood from a white person? Who decided that "man" meant caucasians? The people who wrote that sentence were semitic - eastern. They weren't white either.
Well, those who use that line from the Bible as a proof that blacks weren't created in God's image are white ... and think themselves better than other.

And where does the Bible say anyone is better than another?
The Bible may not say so, but the believers very well.

People who stop thinking about what they're doing with their faith are just as dangerous as people who stop thinking what they're doing with their science. Selfishness and hatred is destructive in any context - and that is what God considers sin. Sin is sin no matter what you believe, and so is God.
Science doesn't know sins! Science per se is not a thing with ethics. That ethical part, for example about prohibiting human cloning, is a matter of *social regulation* of science.

You see, the thing with scientists is that they also need to keep in mind that they are just scientists, and to be able to distance themselves from their work. Some scientists forget about it, and also some religious people are forgetting it too.

Like I said, science is a tool -- how you will use it, depends on your ethics, not on the tool itself. The needle cannot prevent that you use it to poke someone in the eye. It is up to you, whether you will use the needle to sow a dress, or to hurt someone.

Bosnia, as in Bosnia-Herzegovina? At least I know where it is. Not many people have much knowledge about South Africa either, so I can sympathise
I'm from Slovenia, that's the northern republic of former Yugoslavia --- and yes, I do know something about South Africa!

Shoot that was one long post, I apologize, but the occasion called for it. :)
“ Religion is a delusion. ”
How can "religion" be a delusion?

Delusion, as defined in Collins Consice Thesaurus... deception, error, fallacy, false impression, mistake, SELF DECEPTION

“ Religion is an object of control. ”

The Christian Church still sways power over governments and over society, purpopedly as promoters of morality and keepers of God's word (sick joke). Further back in time, it enjoyed much greater power and was used by the imperialists as an excuse to annihilate or subdue other cultures and steal their wealth. That is, the people of the Christian aggressor countries accepted it, because their king, in collussion with the church, told them that it was God's will... a bit like Prezie Bush and his 'Crusade'.

Islam of course, is totally controlling, by its nature of promoting discipline and unbreakable rules.

What isn't a form of control?

Who cares? My view is aimed at religion.

“ There is no god in the accepted sense ”
By "accepted" do you mean in the "controlled" environment of modern science? If so, what does modern science have to do with religion?

I mean the biblical God, the Islamist God, the Wiccan gods and goddesses and any other established idea of god... where did you read science?

“ Religion is a state of mind and therefore completely personal and subjective; based more on cultural ethics than any fundamental truths, though fundamental truths certainly exist in all religions. ”
By trying to dig yourself out of that hole, you dug a bigger hole.

No my friend, religion is based on the ideology of an all creating, all controlling, all is all type of super spirit, as the first fundamental truth... Love thy God. This is NOT a fundamental truth, it is the fiction of ancient minds, handed down and evolving through the ages and cultures.

I'm in no hole mister. Fundamental truths are the ideas or observations on material realities that can cut through class and culture because everyone can relate to them and seem real and religions do contain these. The deception of religions is that they DO contain fundamental truths.

“ Religion works, simply because the subject is hypnotised by it; ”
Interesting stuff!
Care to elaborate?

Self deception is a form of hypnotisation. The sumptuous churches, the rituals, the incence, the mystique... the priest with the interpretive knowledge and access to God. The mystifying scriptures that need to be interpreted in the image of the particular religion. These things are designed to condition your beliefs, the way you think and the way you feel... it is subtle and powerful hypnosis.

“ The cocept of god is an enticing enigma that challenges the mind, that is either force-fed and believed in blindly, ”
An "enticing enigma" you say?

Everyone wants to believe in one.

Challenges the mind?

And they wrack their brains trying to get their head around the concept.

Why be force-fed?

Because in certain societies and families, you are FORCED and you've got no choice until you're mature enough to decide for yourself (I didn't imply that everyone is force fed)

Why believe blindly, if it is indeed, these things?

What things? You believe blindly because of ignorance and coditioning... it's a state of mind.

“ or searched for and sometimes 'found' and sometimes searched for and found again, or searched for in vain, but ultimately, it is a futile exercise based on wishful thinking. ”
How is this and other aspects of your idea corroberated in the scriptures?

What the F? I am denouncing religion and god, as BullShit and you expect it to be corroborated in the scriptures?

“ Religion is basically a waste of time and potentially dangerous; ”
Please be so kind as to explain why you believe this.

Control... power, we've been there before... A + B = C

“ grow out of it and think for your self. ”
From reading your post, i think that statement could easily apply to you. No offense, but it has zero content as far as "religion" is concerned and yet you act as if you have some knowledge on the subject.

Nah... never thought about it before :rolleyes:
tablariddim said:
“ Religion is a delusion. ”
How can "religion" be a delusion?

Delusion, as defined in Collins Consice Thesaurus... deception, error, fallacy, false impression, mistake, SELF DECEPTION

“ Religion is an object of control. ”

The Christian Church still sways power over governments and over society, purpopedly as promoters of morality and keepers of God's word (sick joke). Further back in time, it enjoyed much greater power and was used by the imperialists as an excuse to annihilate or subdue other cultures and steal their wealth. That is, the people of the Christian aggressor countries accepted it, because their king, in collussion with the church, told them that it was God's will... a bit like Prezie Bush and his 'Crusade'.

Islam of course, is totally controlling, by its nature of promoting discipline and unbreakable rules.

What isn't a form of control?

Who cares? My view is aimed at religion.

“ There is no god in the accepted sense ”
By "accepted" do you mean in the "controlled" environment of modern science? If so, what does modern science have to do with religion?

I mean the biblical God, the Islamist God, the Wiccan gods and goddesses and any other established idea of god... where did you read science?

“ Religion is a state of mind and therefore completely personal and subjective; based more on cultural ethics than any fundamental truths, though fundamental truths certainly exist in all religions. ”
By trying to dig yourself out of that hole, you dug a bigger hole.

No my friend, religion is based on the ideology of an all creating, all controlling, all is all type of super spirit, as the first fundamental truth... Love thy God. This is NOT a fundamental truth, it is the fiction of ancient minds, handed down and evolving through the ages and cultures.

I'm in no hole mister. Fundamental truths are the ideas or observations on material realities that can cut through class and culture because everyone can relate to them and seem real and religions do contain these. The deception of religions is that they DO contain fundamental truths.

“ Religion works, simply because the subject is hypnotised by it; ”
Interesting stuff!
Care to elaborate?

Self deception is a form of hypnotisation. The sumptuous churches, the rituals, the incence, the mystique... the priest with the interpretive knowledge and access to God. The mystifying scriptures that need to be interpreted in the image of the particular religion. These things are designed to condition your beliefs, the way you think and the way you feel... it is subtle and powerful hypnosis.

“ The cocept of god is an enticing enigma that challenges the mind, that is either force-fed and believed in blindly, ”
An "enticing enigma" you say?

Everyone wants to believe in one.

Challenges the mind?

And they wrack their brains trying to get their head around the concept.

Why be force-fed?

Because in certain societies and families, you are FORCED and you've got no choice until you're mature enough to decide for yourself (I didn't imply that everyone is force fed)

Why believe blindly, if it is indeed, these things?

What things? You believe blindly because of ignorance and coditioning... it's a state of mind.

“ or searched for and sometimes 'found' and sometimes searched for and found again, or searched for in vain, but ultimately, it is a futile exercise based on wishful thinking. ”
How is this and other aspects of your idea corroberated in the scriptures?

What the F? I am denouncing religion and god, as BullShit and you expect it to be corroborated in the scriptures?

“ Religion is basically a waste of time and potentially dangerous; ”
Please be so kind as to explain why you believe this.

Control... power, we've been there before... A + B = C

“ grow out of it and think for your self. ”
From reading your post, i think that statement could easily apply to you. No offense, but it has zero content as far as "religion" is concerned and yet you act as if you have some knowledge on the subject.

Nah... never thought about it before :rolleyes:
M*W: WTF? I just posted a reply that didn't show up.

I think we are back at the question: Who/what/where is religion?

Is religion what the scriptures say?
Is religion what the believers say?
Is religion what the believers do?

Until these questions are answered, we'll be running in circles, more or less.
RosaMagika said:
I imagine myself as a house, and these demons are merely inhabitants in my house. They're just trying to survive, they don't really wish me any harm, it is just in their nature that they are harmful. And, like anybody else, they rebel against eviction.
Gosh, it's spooky.
Are you familiar with this passage?
43"When an unclean [evil] spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. 44Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left.' When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. 45Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first.​
The moral is that Jesus has overcome those forces. They can hurt your body, but they shouldn't determine your spiritual life.

I'm sorry if I came across too personal and too emotional. But religion is after all a personal thing. I hope that you can now understand my position a bit better.
No need to apologize; I'm honoured. I understand where you're coming from. Religion is definitely personal, but it's a personal thing many people share and I welcome the opportunity to share it honestly.

In late 2002, I actually very seriously contemplated the Bible and Christian life, regularly read scriptures on a daily basis.
But what disrupted me was this: After a while, everything became so understandable, so graspable. Those symphonies were beautiful because God inspired them. I became unable to listen to music. I didn't hear it anymore. My cat was just a cat. Beauty became reasonable, fathomable.

I longed for the unfathomable, for the non-graspable, for the ununderstandable. I felt dead with all those things that were once so important and beautiful to me, now turned into mere understandable objects.

So I gave up the Bible, gave up wanting to name and understand *all* things, and after a long while, I became able to hear music again.
But weren't you expecting from the Bible what you said we shouldn't? You said,
"I know, reading a study by a cognitive scientist may be frustrating and leading one to think that what is said there about the human mind is also all that there is to say about it.
But that is not true at all! What that scientist says about the human mind is only what science so far can say about the mind; he doesn't say that what science has to say about the human mind is also all there is to say."​
But neither does the Bible. It doesn't say all their is to say, or try to explain everything away! Remember, for a long time science and religion were the practically the same field, as people interpreted the world according to their faith. Today, we know faith doesn't explain as much as it gives meaning.

Personally, the biggest strength of my faith is that I have realized that people who reject the Bible also have reject a lot of life's mystery. They like to use scientific arguments to support their views, but that only shows how little they are prepared to accept. Science doesn't explain away music, or beauty or love, then why should it explain away God? Belief in God or knowledge of his love doesn't take away the beauty or mystery of life any more than knowing your parents diminishes who you are.

Your say that music became mundane for you because you think God inspired them. Why would you think that? Isn't the wonderful thing about music that people can create something so beautiful and so "unreal" at the same time? We are just exhibiting the creative power God gave us! Faith adds to what it means being human, it doesn't subtract from it!

I know, I may come across as chasing illusions and worshiping things that "don't matter". But most of the times, I keep them to myself. I overcame the desire to share that beauty. If I see that people are interested, then yes, I share it. But I don't start talking about the beauty of it as I once used to.

And so I also have an "external" side, the "professional" approach. That's the one of logical reason. That one you've already met. :)
And I'm very pleased to have met both sides ;) There are few people who would dare to admit they admire beauty without trying to provide some logical or scientific reason for it. You shouldn't keep it to yourself. It's for that reason that I'm not ashamed to proclaim my faith - it's something beautiful and I wish to share it. Others might not experience it the same, but not everyone thinks Beethoven's 2nd is beautiful either. And when I find a beautiful spot in the mountains, of course I'll want everybody to see it.

But if I don't believe it to be true, then I would lie if I would act as if it were true! I think I am more truthful if I stick to what I believe now, rather then to just *say* that I believe your truth, and not really mean it. If I am true to myself, no truth gets diminished. Maybe the only thing that gets diminished is your desire to make everybody else think what you do.
That's fine. But beauty isn't diminished when someone else doesn't find it beautiful. As you say, it's an external observation, and nothing external can diminish what is internal. Only when you recognize the beauty within yourself can you appreciate how it is mirrored in the world around you.

The question is, do you believe what I said is true - That all people have equal value, but that value is not determined by themselves or even by others, otherwise it would be relative?

I'll quote you F. Scott Fitzgerald, the opening from "The Great Gatsby":
"Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the same advantages that you've had."

I'm not saying that you are downright criticizing me. But do keep in mind: maybe you know a truth -- and this means that you have obviously had a advantages in your life that I and other people didn't have.
You have no right to blame us for the disadvantages we had, and you also have no right trying to push us in a certain direction.

No truth can get diminished. If it's there, it's there. Maybe it only got covered by a junk heap of external harmful influences, unfulfilled wishes, unattainable ideals ...
That's what I said above, but I see now that I didn't make it clear in my previous post. What I meant was that the truth as I see it can seem diminished from another perspective. Like your example: if the truth is that all people have equal worth, and some people think they are worth more than other, then for them, the truth will definitely be diminished - even if it's just an illusion. The best we can do is uncover all illusions and try to see the truth more clearly. We need both religion and science for that.

Today's *true* scientists are nothing like that (well, except for some). They stick to theories describing and, as far as possible, explaining certain mechanisms and phenomena, yet they do not make assertions about human value or about God.
It's interesting that you say that - not many people will. They think the only true scientist is one who cannot believe in God until he has been scientifically proven to exist. I just wonder whether we need "true scientists" more than we need true human beings.

We need mystery like we need beauty, we need the unknown like we need to know the truth, and we need God like we need love.

"Survival of the fittest" is a scientific claim, calling what Hitler did "wrong" (in the sense of unethical) is an ethical claim. Ethics is not the same as science. Above, you mixed science with ethics, IMO, and this is not scientific.
It's not that simple, and you'll see people mix them up everyday. People just can't do it any other way, because both end up being applied in the same reality. They're only separate on paper. A scientific claim implies some truth about nature, and if you don't believe we are also in God's image, people are nothing but "nature"! If Hitler is an evolved animal, and his nature prompted him to establish his "territory", then arguing against that is arguing against his nature! Was his nature bad, and if so, how can we say that if we are just as "natural" as he was and no more? There must be a greater truth - one which he didn't see but we do!

Well, those who use that line from the Bible as a proof that blacks weren't created in God's image are white ... and think themselves better than other.

The Bible may not say so, but the believers very well.
In other words, which shows the greater truth?

Science doesn't know sins! Science per se is not a thing with ethics. That ethical part, for example about prohibiting human cloning, is a matter of *social regulation* of science.
I agree with you, but realize what you are saying: science should be responsible. And below you deny this:

"You see, the thing with scientists is that they also need to keep in mind that they are just scientists, and to be able to distance themselves from their work. Some scientists forget about it, and also some religious people are forgetting it too."​
Can a scientist now say: I can make a human clone, or I can use this person for a scientific experiment, because "I'm just a scientist"? No, he is a human being as well, and ethics also applies to him as a scientist just like in any other profession! Again, on paper the two must be separate: a scientific observation must not make an ethical statement, because it's outside the scientist's field of expertise. But the scientist, the politician, the king and the carpenter, should keep in mind that they are human first, and their actions should reflect that.

That means our social responsibility has greater authority than our quest for knowledge, and that can only be true if there are some things we are not supposed to know - like evil. But once we know it, there's no going back. If science has no concept of sin, it will go there, and humanity will suffer or live in fear. This already happened once, with nuclear weapons.

Like I said, science is a tool -- how you will use it, depends on your ethics, not on the tool itself. The needle cannot prevent that you use it to poke someone in the eye. It is up to you, whether you will use the needle to sow a dress, or to hurt someone.
Yes. It is only a tool in the hands of people. You can't separate the tool from the user. It is up to you, not up to science, or up to religion. But how you use that tool will depend on who you think you are, and who you want to be, and that is determined by your will, guided by your beliefs.

I tried to make my post shorter, but I don't think I've succeeded!

Delusion, as defined in Collins Consice Thesaurus... deception, error, fallacy, false impression, mistake, SELF DECEPTION

Religion cannot be a delusion.

The Christian Church still sways power over governments and over society, purpopedly as promoters of morality and keepers of God's word (sick joke).

The Christian Church is not religion.
Islam of course, is totally controlling, by its nature of promoting discipline and unbreakable rules.

If it were totally controlling, there would be no need of unbreakable rules, whatever they are. :D

Who cares? My view is aimed at religion.

I do, that is why i asked the question.

I mean the biblical God, the Islamist God, the Wiccan gods and goddesses and any other established idea of god... where did you read science?

You said there is no god in the accepted sense, ruling out the atheists for obvious reasons, who is not accepting?

This is NOT a fundamental truth, it is the fiction of ancient minds, handed down and evolving through the ages and cultures.

You people keep saying this. Where is the evidence to support this simplistic notion?

The deception of religions is that they DO contain fundamental truths.

How can you be sure it isn't all truth, parts of which cannot be detected by mundane senses?

Self deception is a form of hypnotisation. The sumptuous churches, the rituals, the incence, the mystique... the priest with the interpretive knowledge and access to God.

Not everyone succombs to hypnosis, which i'm sure you are aware of.

The mystifying scriptures that need to be interpreted in the image of the particular religion. These things are designed to condition your beliefs, the way you think and the way you feel... it is subtle and powerful hypnosis.

This is your understanding.
How do i know you haven't been hypnotised, believing there is no God, no heavens or hells, being able to act without license, make up your own rules, etc....
Your imaginings work both ways, but ultimately they are dry and empty speculations based on negative emotions. Please show me where in the scriptures this hypnosis takes place.

Everyone wants to believe in one.

Do they?

And they wrack their brains trying to get their head around the concept.

There is no need, the instructions are already there, one only needs to apply oneself.

Because in certain societies and families, you are FORCED and you've got no choice until you're mature enough to decide for yourself (I didn't imply that everyone is force fed)

If when one reaches maturity, one is allowed to choose, then where is the question of force?

What things? You believe blindly because of ignorance and coditioning... it's a state of mind.

I believe but not blindly, i believe because it makes sense in every aspect of knowledge. You cannot say you are not conditioned and ignorance (especially after reading your posts), we are all conditioned and ignorant of things.

What the F? I am denouncing religion and god, as BullShit and you expect it to be corroborated in the scriptures?

So you don't know what/who God is, or what religion is, yet you denounce them?
This is the nonesense cult of atheism. You act like a spoilt brat by stamping your feet and crying because you want religion to go away, and you don't even know what it is.

Nah... never thought about it before


Jan Ardena.
Jan Ardena

I was born into an Orthodox Christian society and by observing the hypocrisies between what was preached and and what was practised, I questioned both the church and its followers and by the age of 12 I'd refused to go to church ever again. Then I began my own search for 'the truth', for God and for a reason for our existence.

By my early 20's, I hadn't been convinced by any religious concepts that I'd read and thought about and I considered myself agnostic, that is, I suspected there might have been something there, but I could never be sure.

In my early thirties, I wanted to help somebody with MS and was influenced by a new Christian friend to give Jesus a try, so I did, I took a leap of faith and gave myself fully to him... became 'born again', simply because I wanted to help the MS sufferer. I studied the bible, went to church, I prayed and I believed. This lasted for 3-4 years.

The end of my love affair with Jesus and the church was based on a number of factors, 1 was my growing dissatisfaction with the hypocrisies practised amongst all Christians 2 was my growing suspicions about the sincerity and genuineness of the church ministry 3 the constant and ever increasing demands to fill the church's charity coffers and 4 the feelings of guilt I'd developed because I couldn't live up to the intergrity I felt for my faith. I reached a point where I was almost ready to sell my business and property, give my money away, leave my wife and go to Africa to help the starving. I needed a role and to serve others in the name of Jesus.

One day, I took a decision that I could no longer follow this path that was surely leading me to destruction and I quit the faith... just like that. And I found peace. 16 years later I am still at peace with that decision and am happy with myself and my life.

I don't belong to any atheist cult, neither do I champion it and the last thing on my mind is to convince anyone of god's existence or otherwise. I simply gave my opinion, which is based on considerable study and experience. Your opinion of me means abolutely nothing because you are in a typical situation where faith overrides logic and alters every perception you make. You are excused.
Religions aren't the word of God, but they're God-inspired.

Basically what it all comes down to is various people of the past: Buddha, Confucious, Zoroaster, Abraham, Mohammed, Lao-tze, no idea on Hidusim as there's no one founder of that, and the like who were all philosophers. They looked at the laws and way of life of their time, questioned a few of the laws, and decided to fix and update the contradictions and also make way of life better.

Then they all decided to preach to others to share their newfound wisdom and that's how each of their followings came to be what they are now. Simple as that. Nothing was the word of God -- it was all written by those people and their follwers. God-inspired, NOT the Word of God. There is nothing wrong with that though because they're all good laws which basically boil down to the Golden Rule. That's the one common sense rule or law to live life.

While in this physical plane we're all living in, the almighty God, not those which we consider God-like (heh heh), will never show him/her/itself. Everything which points towards something being the word or work of God (other than existance itself which is his work) will be the work of man, nature, or some other life. Is that so really bad? Not really as the almighty is in our hearts and that's all that matters.

- N

44Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left.' When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. 45Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first.
Are you suggesting I should take new occupants, once the demons are evicted?

But weren't you expecting from the Bible what you said we shouldn't?
Yeah, I got easy talking *now*.

Today, we know faith doesn't explain as much as it gives meaning.
Yes, but I like to have some things without verbalizable meaning, I'm not a big fan of naming things.

Belief in God or knowledge of his love doesn't take away the beauty or mystery of life any more than knowing your parents diminishes who you are.
I just don't value words highly. If the ultimate mystery is supposed to be in any way whatsoever given with words, it ceases to be a mystery.

Your say that music became mundane for you because you think God inspired them. Why would you think that? Isn't the wonderful thing about music that people can create something so beautiful and so "unreal" at the same time?
I hate to have any words about the essence of music and such things. Any words. Not even that music is "beautiful" or "unreal" or whatever. It simply is. It needs no words. Okay, *I* need no words.

Others might not experience it the same, but not everyone thinks Beethoven's 2nd is beautiful either.
That's the thing: I may like the Sixth or the Eighth better than the Second -- but what is so amazing that they all *speak to me*, each one of them in her own way, *incomparable* to others (gosh, now I am using words for music, huh). When I hear it, my soul just goes with it. And I don't need any words for it, I don't need to call it "beautiful" or compare it or whatever. It just is.
And the main thing with a music piece is that my "soul goes with it" -- not how "beautiful", "complex" or whatever the piece is.

Only when you recognize the beauty within yourself can you appreciate how it is mirrored in the world around you.
I wouldn't put it that way. I'd be more poetic and say that the beauty of the world can sing together with your soul, and your soul can sing together with the beauty of the world.
I don't like you mirroring analogy. It is too ... static somehow.

The question is, do you believe what I said is true - That all people have equal value, but that value is not determined by themselves or even by others, otherwise it would be relative?
All people have equal value. But that value is undeterminable. It just is.

That's what I said above, but I see now that I didn't make it clear in my previous post. What I meant was that the truth as I see it can seem diminished from another perspective. Like your example: if the truth is that all people have equal worth, and some people think they are worth more than other, then for them, the truth will definitely be diminished - even if it's just an illusion. The best we can do is uncover all illusions and try to see the truth more clearly. We need both religion and science for that.
So you're suggesting people should strive to see how vain they are, and science and religion can help them do so, and thus work on their vanity to overcome it?
Ah, modesty is a virtue that is way out of date ... sadly.

It's interesting that you say that - not many people will. They think the only true scientist is one who cannot believe in God until he has been scientifically proven to exist. I just wonder whether we need "true scientists" more than we need true human beings.
Well, things breed out ...

“Well, those who use that line from the Bible as a proof that blacks weren't created in God's image are white ... and think themselves better than other.
The Bible may not say so, but the believers very well. ”
In other words, which shows the greater truth?
Books are numb and dead if nobody reads them. They cannot make any claims. Readers can make claims, and they make them the way they see fit, not the way the books or their writers meant.
It is impossible to claim that one truth is greater than the other. Things are either true or they aren't true. The same as you cannot be only partially or a little pregnant or completely pregnant. You either are or you aren't.

I agree with you, but realize what you are saying: science should be responsible.
No, I'm not saying *science* should be responsible. I'm saying *scientists* should be responsible.
Science and scientists are two very different things!

Like you said: "No, he is a human being as well, and ethics also applies to him as a scientist just like in any other profession! Again, on paper the two must be separate: a scientific observation must not make an ethical statement, because it's outside the scientist's field of expertise. But the scientist, the politician, the king and the carpenter, should keep in mind that they are human first, and their actions should reflect that."

That means our social responsibility has greater authority than our quest for knowledge, and that can only be true if there are some things we are not supposed to know - like evil. But once we know it, there's no going back. If science has no concept of sin, it will go there, and humanity will suffer or live in fear. This already happened once, with nuclear weapons.
Science should investigate both the good uses of science *and* the bad uses of science, as only so it can be later on chosen between good and bad. You cannot start a search for something and determine that on the way there you *should not* and *will not* find any evil. It doesn't work that way.

But scientists should determine what is to be promoted. Scientists are the ones who have to know the concept of sin.

Of course, they mixed it up, and at some point, scientists started to believe that they are the same as science. That's where things went wrong.

You can't separate the tool from the user.
More exact: You cannot separate the *use* of the tool from the user.
And that "will depend on who you think you are, and who you want to be, and that is determined by your will, guided by your beliefs."
Jan Ardena said:
“ Is religion what the scriptures say? ”
What else can it be?

Books are numb and dead if nobody reads them. Books may just as well not be there if there is nobody to read them. If nobody reads the books, then what the books say in practice does not exist.

As soon as someone does read the books, he reads them and understands them the way he sees fit -- and this may not be the same as what the author meant.

“ Is religion what the believers say?
Is religion what the believers do? ”
It can be, if the belief is current with the scriptures.

But who's to say if the belief is current with the scriptures? Who is the almighty entity that could tell humans that the way they think about something they've read in the book is exactly the way it is supposed to be?

You may answer God or an enlightened person.

But when I, the non-enlightened, talk to this enlightened person -- I understand this person from my non-enlightened POV, and therefore most likely wrongly.
To understand the scriptures correctly and to rightly judge whether someone's belief is current with them, I need to be enlightened then.

But as long as I am not enlightened, I cannot rightly say anything about whether a person's belief is current with the scriptures.

Meaning, if I am not enlightened, I must keep my mouth shut in matters of religion.

And yet we see religious people, who do not consider themselves enlightened, talk about religion all the time.

Is my reasoning here wrong in any way?

In my early thirties, I wanted to help somebody with MS and was influenced by a new Christian friend to give Jesus a try, so I did, I took a leap of faith and gave myself fully to him... became 'born again', simply because I wanted to help the MS sufferer. I studied the bible, went to church, I prayed and I believed. This lasted for 3-4 years.

What did you expect would happen because you thought you gave yourself to Jesus, fully. Can you explain what giving yourself, fully, to someone means? I would think that giving oneself fully, to someone else, means you do not expect anything in return. To get to that stage is a life changing experience on its own.
Did you study the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ?
Did you understand the point?

The end of my love affair with Jesus and the church was based on a number of factors, 1 was my growing dissatisfaction with the hypocrisies practised amongst all Christians 2 was my growing suspicions about the sincerity and genuineness of the church ministry 3 the constant and ever increasing demands to fill the church's charity coffers and 4 the feelings of guilt I'd developed because I couldn't live up to the intergrity I felt for my faith. I reached a point where I was almost ready to sell my business and property, give my money away, leave my wife and go to Africa to help the starving. I needed a role and to serve others in the name of Jesus.

I can understand your anxieties and dissillusionment, but i feel you are not entirely honest in your conclusion. If you had given yourself fully to Jesus Christ, you would know that what the church teaches and what Jesus taught, are two different teachings. Blame your own expectations, blame the institution, but i challenge you to show me any of these hypocrocies within the teachings and life of Jesus Christ.

One day, I took a decision that I could no longer follow this path that was surely leading me to destruction and I quit the faith... just like that. And I found peace. 16 years later I am still at peace with that decision and am happy with myself and my life.

What did you have faith in, Jesus' teachings, or the church doctrine? If you had faith in Jesus, what aspect of Jesus' teachings made you give yourself to him, and what about them made you recoil your faith??

Your opinion of me means abolutely nothing because you are in a typical situation where faith overrides logic and alters every perception you make. You are excused.

My opinion of you is being formed by your attitude towards religion. My position does not stem from the institutions of religion, but from the scriptures, the very source of religion, in this time and place. While i can understand you choose not to accept religion as a way of life, i am puzzled how/why you can have such a damning opinion of religion.

I apologise if i come across as negative, but it is not my intention.

Jan Ardena.

Books are numb and dead if nobody reads them. Books may just as well not be there if there is nobody to read them. If nobody reads the books, then what the books say in practice does not exist.

But there are people to read them, that is the point.

As soon as someone does read the books, he reads them and understands them the way he sees fit -- and this may not be the same as what the author meant.

Then that is no good, is it?
This is why we have a certain level of intelligence, one which can discriminate correctly, if developed. "Developed" meaning being able to see things as they actually are. This kind of intelligence is not dependent on outside influence, it is dependant on you. We all utalize this intelligence at some level, religion, if used accordingly can develop it to the point where you see clearly all the time.

But who's to say if the belief is current with the scriptures? Who is the almighty entity that could tell humans that the way they think about something they've read in the book is exactly the way it is supposed to be?

You will know, because it will be your experience, and you will identify it in others.
You already understand truth and love, you already know how it feels, and you don't need to be told or taught. It is natural.
Religion, or i prefer the term spirituality (as it is the point), brings the adherent, eventually, (or directly) to the ultimate perfection. There is no proof that one is at that stage, because there is nothing in this material world that can verify it.

To understand the scriptures correctly and to rightly judge whether someone's belief is current with them, I need to be enlightened then.

There has to be a reason why you want to understand them and the reason has to be real. If you try and understand them from an intellectual point of veiw, then you will miss it. The scriptures are for our benifit, not for the benifit of modern scientific experiment or examinations, they deal with the spiritual self and its upliftment and release, not to help you get a better job or house. There has to be humility, there must be faith. Nothing can be feigned, all your actions must be 100% genuine, anything less reflects in your understanding.

But as long as I am not enlightened, I cannot rightly say anything about whether a person's belief is current with the scriptures.

Enlightenment is a stage reached, i am talking about understanding what is what. If you love someone, you understand anothers love, without trying. But if you love, but not unconditionaly, it may be hard to understand anothers unconditional love, because it doesn't fall within your experience. However, you do possess the ability to understand what unconditional love means, and why it may be benificial.

Meaning, if I am not enlightened, I must keep my mouth shut in matters of religion.

I do not understand why you have developed such rigidness in the subject of religion.

Is my reasoning here wrong in any way?

Just needs some flexibility. :)

Jan Ardena.
Jan Ardena,

>>I do not understand why you have developed such rigidness in the subject of religion.

It is not rigidness: it is being consequent. I know some French and I can read it -- but never would I go and say that I can speak French. No matter how flexible I am: as long as I don't think that I can actually speak and understand French, I won't count French as another language of mine. It's that simple.
That which we cannot speak about, we must not speak about, said Wittgenstein.

What irks me is that I keep meeting people, who claim to be religious, and then I catch them on not knowing their own scriptures. And yet they have the nerve to call me bad, since I don't belong to their religion. Huh.

Look, you have this ultra positive outlook on religion, which is admirable. But try talking to a certain member of this forum [ ... ], for example, if you can. And he is not the only one like that. Or try a Mormon, they're plenty: How eager they are to reject the way you understand things.

But nevermind that. The point is, that religious people, esp. those loudest, often don't know what their religion actually is or where to place it. Some say it is in the scriptures -- but then they say that the scriptures may not be translated correctly. So, the scriptures are not what/where religion is. And if the believers go by the scriptures, then they make the same mistakes as they are in the scriptures.
So neither are a relevant source ... But they just refuse to believe that. Ah.
RosaMagika said:
What irks me is that I keep meeting people, who claim to be religious, and then I catch them on not knowing their own scriptures. And yet they have the nerve to call me bad, since I don't belong to their religion. Huh.
You said yourself that words cannot contain the truth sufficiently. But unfortunately some things are important enough that we need to share them, and then words are necessary. Then we try our best to make our thoughts visible - poetry, music, stories, anything; but the truth must out. God knew that we would have trouble carrying His message. That's why Jesus became God's word - a living word that couldn't be misunderstood, because He spoke with actions and authority. And the why He left us the Spirit of truth to aid us.
"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.

This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words."
(Rom. 8:26 & 1Cor. 2:13)​
But nevermind that. The point is, that religious people, esp. those loudest, often don't know what their religion actually is or where to place it. Some say it is in the scriptures -- but then they say that the scriptures may not be translated correctly. So, the scriptures are not what/where religion is. And if the believers go by the scriptures, then they make the same mistakes as they are in the scriptures.
So neither are a relevant source ... But they just refuse to believe that. Ah.
I challenge you to test me. You shouldn't measure the truth by the lowest denominator. It should speak for itself. That's what Jesus did. He didn't write any books, but let his words and actions speak for themselves. If you believe Christians, the church, even religion, for their lies and hypocrisies, you are not letting the truth shine through. As Jan said: "Blame your own expectations, blame the institution, but I challenge you to show me any of these hypocrisies within the teachings and life of Jesus Christ." The source of our knowledge is Jesus - don't let believers or anybody spoil it for you. Nothing stands between you and God anymore, not even death. All people die, and when they're dead, you won't be able to use them as an excuse anymore.

If you needed to distance yourself from religion to get away from these people who made it so hard to believe, then you've done the right thing. But you have shown great ability to understand spiritual things without having to put them into words. God's words aren't set in stone, they take on a life of their own. That life is just as mysterious as anything you'll come across, but no less real. It's music.
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But who's to say if the belief is current with the scriptures? Who is the almighty entity that could tell humans that the way they think about something they've read in the book is exactly the way it is supposed to be?

Our beliefs aren't current with the scriptures. Is that wrong that we're not following "the books" 100%? Nope. Why not? Because when THOSE various religious texts were made, all they were doing was reforming the current beliefs of what they followed in the past.

Christianity, Mohammedanism, Judaism, Confucionism, Buddhaism, even modern Hindusim are NO different than if someone created their own religion today. They took their past laws and beliefs, tried to fix the contradictions in their ways, and added new laws and beliefs to help take care of the wrong-doings of their days to be updated. Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, and everyone else weren't sons of Gods or anything like that. All they were were people who saw the problems and contradictions of their current beliefs, went out and thought long and hard about it to actually DO something about rather than continue to be sheep and follow other people's laws, even the silly and flat-out wrong ones.

They then became self-appointed prophets preaching their beliefs which they personally felt were the correct ones and then slowly gained followers no different than from cult-status to eventually warring with other countries that had differing beliefs until those wars helped spread their beliefs to become a major wide-spread religion.

So while people of today may look at Scientology or some other "current" religious or way-of-thought movement and may think it silly, it's no different than how the current major religions were in the past when they were first formed. And why is one mainstream religion any better than the other? They're ALL created by originally ONE person (not God) and later with help from their followers.

Why is Mohammedanism better than Scientology? Why is Christianity better than Mohammedanism? Why is Judaism better than Christianity? Why is Zoroastrianism better than Judaism? Why is Confucianism or Buddhaism better than Zoroastrianism? Why is Hinduism better than all? They're not. The only reason that would be is that one is older than the next. So if someone tries to create a new religion to take in current beliefs of today, there should be no reason to dislike them. Nobody should dictate or scorn another for their religious beliefs. Religion and spirituality are personal beliefs in everyone. For the Jews, Moslems, or Christians that may be calling new-age religious people whacky, what you're basically doing is calling Abraham, Jesus, Mohammed, etc crazy as well if you were living in their ages.

So yep, we're all today living very differently from how each of "the books" are. And if someone else tries to integrate them to current ways of life or how to improve life of today, be a bit more encouragable and HELP them rather than be a thorn in their ass otherwise you're acting no different than those that sent Jesus and others to be crucified. Think on that.

- N
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What irks me is that I keep meeting people, who claim to be religious, and then I catch them on not knowing their own scriptures. And yet they have the nerve to call me bad, since I don't belong to their religion. Huh.

Yeah, I hate those types of people too. Those are the types that do things "just because". "Just because" everyone else is doing it, their parents taught them to, or it may be tradition. They don't think about WHY they do the things they do, they just do it "just because". That's why those types of people you encounter aren't taking the religion they follow seriously because they didn't CHOOSE to follow that religion. It's more "just because" like peer pressure.

I don't like sheep that don't think for themselves and come to their own conclusions about things, whether it be life or just some common task. Our Creator gave us brains to use them, ya know! :)

- N
Neildo said:
Yeah, I hate those types of people too. Those are the types that do things "just because". "Just because" everyone else is doing it, their parents taught them to, or it may be tradition. They don't think about WHY they do the things they do, they just do it "just because". That's why those types of people you encounter aren't taking the religion they follow seriously because they didn't CHOOSE to follow that religion. It's more "just because" like peer pressure.

I don't like sheep that don't think for themselves and come to their own conclusions about things, whether it be life or just some common task. Our Creator gave us brains to use them, ya know! :)

- N
M*W: And most of these pseudochristians are here on sciforums, and they don't know jack shit.

>>But unfortunately some things are important enough that we need to share them, and then words are necessary. Then we try our best to make our thoughts visible - poetry, music, stories, anything; but the truth must out. God knew that we would have trouble carrying His message. That's why Jesus became God's word - a living word that couldn't be misunderstood, because He spoke with actions and authority. And the why He left us the Spirit of truth to aid us.

Oh, a *verbal word* can be misunderstood -- it is bound to be misunderstood. Actions are much harder to misunderstand -- yet so incredibly hard to do ...

>>I challenge you to test me.
Hehe, don't try my vanity!! Plus, we're on the net, and that ain't no real place to test someone.

>>You shouldn't measure the truth by the lowest denominator.
That's true.

>>It should speak for itself.
And those who have ears, will hear. And those who have eyes, will see. And those who have hearts will feel.

>>That's what Jesus did. He didn't write any books, but let his words and actions speak for themselves. If you believe Christians, the church, even religion, for their lies and hypocrisies, you are not letting the truth shine through.

Well, they spat on their own plate, the worse for them.

>>The source of our knowledge is Jesus - don't let believers or anybody spoil it for you.

But if I would ultimately accept Jesus, I would have to join the Church. I would have to become like all those, who look at the Crusades and Inquisition with a light eye, saying "It had to be done, and it was just."

My neighbours are devoted Catholics. They are well off, with two new cars, and a posh house. Yet their two cats are the two most miserable excuses for a cat I know. The neighbours only feed them; but the cats have messy hair, ticks, ... and the neighbours just watch it, bear it, as if it is ok.

Are you suggesting I should become like that?!

I could be jelaous of their wealth: but the poor state of their cats tells me where those people's hearts are. I don't want to sit next to them on Sunday at church. No.

FYI, we have a 20-year old cat, whose teeth are in better shape than the neighbour's cats. I know something about how to take care of a cat.

>>All people die, and when they're dead, you won't be able to use them as an excuse anymore.

I'm not sure I'll care about them when I'm dead.

>>If you needed to distance yourself from religion to get away from these people who made it so hard to believe, then you've done the right thing. But you have shown great ability to understand spiritual things without having to put them into words. God's words aren't set in stone, they take on a life of their own. That life is just as mysterious as anything you'll come across, but no less real. It's music

I'm glad you say that. So give me credit for following my heart. I won't go wrong if I follow it. :)


>>Our beliefs aren't current with the scriptures. Is that wrong that we're not following "the books" 100%? Nope. Why not? Because when THOSE various religious texts were made, all they were doing was reforming the current beliefs of what they followed in the past.

Yes!!! I sooo agree. And with the rest of your post too.