Where was Jesus Christ during his teens and twenties?

Originally posted by one_raven
Where does The New Testament say anything about it?

I've looked for it.

the answer is probably: it is written between the lines in invisible ink, only readable by the right people.
Keep looking, its in there. ;)

I know he was in Nazareth for most of his life, and I think he worked as a carpenter.
When Jesus turned 16 he worked at his local McDonald's until he was 23,
Book of Hamburglar 12:2
And when Jesus was promoted to cashier, in the kingdom of the Golden Arches, he asked of Mary Magdelan who stood in front of Him, "Do ye want fries with thy order?"

When Jesus turned 24 he sought employment at a hemp shop where he let his hair and beard grow and began to wear Birkenstocks. He would spend much of the work hours in the stock room smoking the supplies and he did this habitually until he was 30.
Book of Kannabis 14:23
And the shop owner says to his son about his employee in the back, "I saw him toking, smoking, laying around, thinking something so obvious profound."

At age 30, Jesus was delusional and suffered from hallucinations of a holy kind,
John 10:36
"do you say of Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, 'You are blaspheming,' because I said, 'I am the Son of God'."
Originally posted by Balder1
Keep looking, its in there. ;)

I know he was in Nazareth for most of his life, and I think he worked as a carpenter.

Cate to cite chapter and verse?
Luke 2:40 - 3:22
Covers pre-teen to age 30


For someone with the name "Darwin Disciple"
you seem to know scripture pretty well....

Of couse reading the letter of the word, and understanding what was meant by those words are two different things.
I have studied World and Western Religion and Christian Theology. I am a professor of psychology and philosophy so understanding theology is key in understanding the human mind of the western world.
Originally posted by Darwin Disciple
I have studied World and Western Religion and Christian Theology. I am a professor of psychology and philosophy so understanding theology is key in understanding the human mind of the western world.

how do you study the atheist mind if I may ask?????
Originally posted by Darwin Disciple
Luke 2:40 - 3:22
Covers pre-teen to age 30

I have read that before.

He is 12.
Then he is 30.

And when he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast.

And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli,

What is in those scriptures that would lead you to believe that Luke 2:40 - 3:22 covers any more than his 12th year?
Well, what did you do between the age of twelve and thirty? Why write scipture about the mundane?
That's what a good editors do..
Originally posted by Johnny Bravo
Well, what did you do between the age of twelve and thirty? Why write scipture about the mundane?
That's what a good editors do..

in physics they say that you do your best work before 30...

religion must be different then,.
Originally posted by Johnny Bravo
Well, what did you do between the age of twelve and thirty? Why write scipture about the mundane?
That's what a good editors do..

Those 18 years are the most eventful years in MOST people's lives.


He was a pretty typical Jewish kid at age 12 and deemed the savior of all mankind and the son of God when he was 30.

I would say that those 18 years weren't quite so mundane.
They were eventful enough to shape and form him into the teacher and messiah.

What editors?
I though the Bible was the absolute and infallible word of God himself spoken through the prophets.
They took it upon themselves to EDIT it?
"What esle did they edit?", I wonder.
Originally posted by Balder1
I know he was in Nazareth for most of his life, and I think he worked as a carpenter.
You know nothing of the kind. :D

Your "Narareth" is little more than another bungled effort at embellishment on the part of the author of Matthew. As one_raven suggested, either cite some substantiating reference or acknowledge that you're wedded to an unsubstantiated position.