Where lies the greatest claim?

*Stay by your computer. I am going to stretch out before I flex on you.


What would happen if God created a square-circle? It would not exist. He could create it but it could not exist. It is self-contradictory. By its own description it would not exist.
The elephant and the peanut are easy. Who says God could not change an elephant into a peanut? or a peanut into an elephant?
You don't understand the rules of time well enough to explain where you are wrong about His inability to both see and manipulate the future. I'll give you a clue and then you must do some reading on your own. Clue: Look for the fuzzy line between where and when. It's not a religious issue. Try doing some research into astro-physics. Especially, educate yourself about the effect space has on time around large stars and black holes.
(I have to much work to do right now. I'll finish taking your trash to the curb later. I'll just edit this so check back.)
(1) A good thing always eliminates evil as far as it can. (Premise)
(2) There is no limit to what an omnipotent thing can do. (Premise)
(3) If there is no limit to what an omnipotent thing can do, then it can eliminate evil completely. (Implicit Premise)
(4) A good omnipotent thing eliminates evil completely. (By 1 - 3)
(5) The existence of a good omnipotent thing is inconsistent with the existence of evil. (By 4)
(6) God is wholly good. (Premise)
(7) God is omnipotent. (Premise)
(8) Therefore, the existence of God is inconsistent with the existence of evil. (By 5 - 7).

As this argument demonstrates, it isn’t enough to simply say that omnipotence and the existence of evil are contradictions. We must add a number of things: that good and evil are opposed to each other, that good eliminates evil whenever possible, and that omnipotence doesn’t allow for any limits. A theist might try to challenge any or all of these premises, but they are completely consistent with the beliefs of traditional theists in the western religions. Thus, this is not only a logically valid argument but also an effective argument against typical forms of theism.http://atheism.about.com/gi/dynamic...artments/Philosophy/Blog/Archives/004558.html

Have fun throwing out the trash!

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*What would happen if God created a square-circle?

Assumption, your assuming a god exists, and that it's omnipotent.

*It is self-contradictory.

Yes, God's existence is self-contradictory.

*Who says God could not change an elephant into a peanut?

Don't be rediculous, an entity that exists, has to follow it's nature, it's a problem of metaphisics, if a person, entity or god, changes an elephant into a peanut it's only a magic trick, a gimmick. David Coperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear on national TV. no less.

*You don't understand the rules of time well enough to explain where you are wrong about His inability to both see and manipulate the future.

I have complete knowledge of time, (it moves forward.) the only rule of time is motion.

*Try doing some research into astro-physics. Especially, educate yourself about the effect space has on time around large stars and black holes.

Ok thanks, I'll do that, however it wont change the facts, and facts are no omnipotent beign exists.

It's a metaphysical imposibility.
