Where is Paradise?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: Where is Paradise? Is it:

Eden (now Iraq)
Mecca (Saudia Arabia)
Jerusalem (Israel)
Palestine (Israel)
Salt Lake City (Utah)
The Vatican (Italy)
Washington, DC (USA)
Pebble Beach (California)
Boca Raton (Florida)
Well Lets hear what Jesus says:

"And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you."(Luke 17:20-21)
proof!!! I think we have found it at last!! Now to just break through those gates... any ideas?
"Where is Paradise"

in the arms of the one you love, amongst your family.
MW provide proof that everthing you crusade about is correct, you are useing your own beleaf's, and the writeing of other people about things that they cannot provide absolute proof of, all they and you can provide is empirical eveidence, wich is based on observation's centuries after the fact wich can be even more unrealiable than oral tradition/ ancient writeings. Your crusade is based just as much in blind faith as any believer of religeon, this I find to be truely oxymoronic, your absoulte faith that Jesus didn't exist, vs. the believer's faith that he did.
Buffalo Roam said:
MW provide proof that everthing you crusade about is correct, you are useing your own beleaf's, and the writeing of other people about things that they cannot provide absolute proof of, all they and you can provide is empirical eveidence, wich is based on observation's centuries after the fact wich can be even more unrealiable than oral tradition/ ancient writeings. Your crusade is based just as much in blind faith as any believer of religeon, this I find to be truely oxymoronic, your absoulte faith that Jesus didn't exist, vs. the believer's faith that he did.
This is somewhat off the topic of the thread, isn't it?

I think if you have an issue with MW's "crusade" - her belief in the non-existence of God - then you should open up a new thread rather than bringing it into this one - which is a discussion about where people think Paradise is.

So please stick to the topic. :)

Thankee kindly.
Paradise comes from the Greek word for 'Garden'. It is therefore a reference back to the beginning - remember Eden was described as a 'garden'. It is not therefore necessarily a reference to a physical place as such, but a condition. A place where persons have a close relationship with God in the same way as before evil entered, as described in Genesis. Another expression (in the Hebrew this time) is 'In Abraham's Bosom'. This is not meant to be taken literally either - no more than the expression 'heaven'. This is all figurative language to describe what is clearly outside of earthly experience. If you were going out, what would be more important to you, to go somewhere interesting or to be with someone you really loved? I am presuming that you have been or are in love and so will be able to answer that question very easily. So what is important is not 'where' but with whom.

J.W.'s spend a large part of their time debating with people 'where is heaven and what is it like' in order to show that they have all the 'right' answers but one of their former elders who now attends our (Anglican) church gave testimony that he was finally converted away from the J.W.'s by the reply of an elderly christian woman who told him, 'I don't know much about the place - but I know who I'll be with!'

The main point of christianity is not precise details like this but about relationships - about loving God and other people.

If anyone considers this an evasive answer, so be it, but you cannot supply details of what is simply not there and whether such details are important is very much a matter of debate.

kind regards to all,

Sarkus, I think the post is very appropiate, as all of MW posts seem to be of some sort of anti- religeous propaganda, they all bleed into one meassage from her,her own religeous beleaf that there is no God or Savior, and I beleave it is appropiate to call her on her proof, wich is based on the works of people mostly from the 18th-19th-20th, centuries, wich makes it suposition, she show the need to believe in something as strongly as any believer in christanity, and prosletyzies just as vehemently as any ultra-conserative far right religeous zealot, and if my post is so inapproprate why have you not questioned the posts of hug-a-tree, Kenny JC, Provita, Finsunnffel, and even MW herself, the comments from all of these post seem to be very inane and seem to lead now were.
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Buffalo Roam said:
Sarkus, I think the post is very appropiate, as all of MW posts seam to be of some sort of anti- religeous propaganda, they all bleed into one meassage from her,her own religeous beleaf that there is no God or Savior, and I beleave it is appropiate to call her on her proof, wich is based on the works of people mostly from the 18th-19th-20th, centuries, wich makes it suposition, she show the need to beleave in something as strongly as any believer in christanity, and

M*W: Have you not read the other replies? Since when does paradise have to be a religious place?
Buffalo Roam said:
Sarkus, I think the post is very appropiate, as all of MW posts seem to be of some sort of anti- religeous propaganda, they all bleed into one meassage from her,her own religeous beleaf that there is no God or Savior, and I beleave it is appropiate to call her on her proof, wich is based on the works of people mostly from the 18th-19th-20th, centuries, wich makes it suposition, she show the need to believe in something as strongly as any believer in christanity, and prosletyzies just as vehemently as any ultra-conserative far right religeous zealot, and if my post is so inapproprate why have you not questioned the posts of hug-a-tree, Kenny JC, Provita, Finsunnffel, and even MW herself, the comments from all of these post seem to be very inane and seem to lead now were.
I am aware of MW's belief in the non-existence of God - and it is not a belief I hold to - but I respect it and try to understand it.

However, this thread is merely MW asking a question.

Judge each thread on its merit.

If MW, or if anyone else, then moves the thread into a "God doesn't exist" type of argument then proof will be asked for, as I have often asked her (or at least pointed out the lack of proof supplied by her).

But at the moment the thread topic is merely a question asking where, in people's opinion, is Paradise to be found.

Flippant answers, such as the majority have given, are tolerated and often quite humorous. Sometimes those answers themselves give an indication as to the nature of the thread - it's seriousness, it's absurdity.

But you should still try and stick to the thread topic.
As I said - if you have grievance with MW's views, call her out on it in another thread - or in specific threads where her views are given directly.
Yes mw posted a very flippent question, but the original question was not framed in a defineable attitude ether serious or jocular, and you choose your point of view, I'll choose mine, OK?
For all the christians out there, why don't you provide proof that what you believe is true? And don't bring the book of man, the Bible into it.

I love asking christians where Eden's at, or what the story of the Flood was all about, but I really love to stump them when I ask about the Ancient Religions, and how they all had a "God" that died and rose from the dead, be it the next day, 3 days, or a week later. Usually, they just come back with the "faith" card. Well, think about this, christians, maybe us who don't believe in the way you do have faith in what we believe.