Where is God?

God is beyond time, beyond space.

God is everywhere, and inside you.

The kingdom of God is not a place that can be called to be 'here' or 'there', no the kingdom of God is within you.

If someone say that Jesus is here or Jesus is there, don't believe him, when Jesus comes everybody will see Him, like the flash of lightning is seen from horizon to horizon.
God is beyond time, beyond space.

God is everywhere, and inside you.

The kingdom of God is not a place that can be called to be 'here' or 'there', no the kingdom of God is within you.

If someone say that Jesus is here or Jesus is there, don't believe him, when Jesus comes everybody will see Him, like the flash of lightning is seen from horizon to horizon.

M*W: Indeed, Jesus will rise and everybody will see the Sun of God come up over the horizon. God is the creator of time when he rises and sets and rises again over the clouds with the sounds of trumpets (bugles=reveille). Our creator god in heaven, what happens above in heaven will be mirror imaged on Earth -- "as above, so below." We will work for our bread by the light of the sun and sleep in our bed in the darkness of night. When the sun goes down, we are led into the temptation of darkness where there is no light. Darkness is sin and we must hid from it in our beds. The mythological god has always been a metaphor for the sun since ancient humans stared into the skies.
M*W: Indeed, Jesus will rise and everybody will see the Sun of God come up over the horizon. God is the creator of time when he rises and sets and rises again over the clouds with the sounds of trumpets (bugles=reveille). Our creator god in heaven, what happens above in heaven will be mirror imaged on Earth -- "as above, so below." We will work for our bread by the light of the sun and sleep in our bed in the darkness of night. When the sun goes down, we are led into the temptation of darkness where there is no light. Darkness is sin and we must hid from it in our beds. The mythological god has always been a metaphor for the sun since ancient humans stared into the skies.

In ancient egyptian mythology Ra was associated with the sundisk symbol (circle of Ra) and it usually related to meditative practices. The sundisk being a symbol of a dot in the middle surrounded by a bold circular line. The dot in the middle represented the great Neter or supreme being. The Goddess Net( the primordial form of the later Goddesses, Aset and Hetheru) actually represents the great Neter with female aspect, although Goddess Net was androgynous. She was also called the "divine cow who gave birth to Ra". The outer circle represented creation and all in it (Ra).
So yes, the sun was central in their spiritual system as Ra represented the sun and was the god of creation and all in it.
So much of the foundations of christianity are based upon this principle as MW put it: "metaphor for the sun" ,although many cannot see the correlation.
M*W: Indeed, Jesus will rise and everybody will see the Sun of God come up over the horizon. God is the creator of time when he rises and sets and rises again over the clouds with the sounds of trumpets (bugles=reveille). Our creator god in heaven, what happens above in heaven will be mirror imaged on Earth -- "as above, so below." We will work for our bread by the light of the sun and sleep in our bed in the darkness of night. When the sun goes down, we are led into the temptation of darkness where there is no light. Darkness is sin and we must hid from it in our beds. The mythological god has always been a metaphor for the sun since ancient humans stared into the skies.
Of course, the sun is a natural symbol of God. But the Bible say that Gods light shines many times brighter than the sun, also the Bible say that we shouldn't worship the sun (which means that your image isn't quite right, but it says rather that what is here on earth may be a symbol of what takes place in heaven, and that the rules that apply in heaven also shall apply on earth).

I see that you try to prove things with likening them with other things, that approach isn't working in this case, and isn't working in any of the new age cases I have seen yet, however, I guess that the method could be used to find something good, but however yet, I think that it's probably better at convincing than working out the truth.
I'm right here! I know , I know another carazy atheist who believes he's god right? Wrong. My girlfriend told me so.

Oh!OOOOOH!God! Yes! Yes! God! harder, Yes! yes! god, god yes, yes...

You get the point! LOL...