Where is God?


ascetic, sage, diogenes, bum?
Valued Senior Member
In any religion. I thought 'the heavens' or 'Heaven' means the sky? Or is it not the sky itself, but the stars and sun and such?
Yeah it used to be in the sky until science showed that it wasnt. Surprise, surprise the theists changed their mind on this one.:rolleyes:
Baron Max:
Is he afraid of me?
The Baron has many years of experience, and has earned the right to be the Spokesman of God.
In any religion. I thought 'the heavens' or 'Heaven' means the sky? Or is it not the sky itself, but the stars and sun and such?

The term heavens and Heaven mean different things in the Bible.

Heavens nearly always refers to the sky this includes the Moon sun and Stars.

Heaven on the other hand is nearly always in reference to the dwelling place of God and the heavenly Host.

So two different heavens but using the same word to describe both.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Actually, Adstar, it is pretty clear from Genesis that Heaven means "the sky".

God needs to get down to the Earth to spy on the Tower of Babel. And he sees the tower from the sky and is worried that it will reach him.
lol He was never worried that it could reach Him. The tower of babylon was a big waste of time and energy so God put an and to the folly and dispersed the peoples throughout the world.

By the way the tower of Babylon was not just a physical tower. It is also a spiritual tower of men trying to strive for God status. That spiritual tower will be finally destroyed by the return of the Messiah Jesus when the Babylonian religion will finally be destroyed.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
In any religion. I thought 'the heavens' or 'Heaven' means the sky? Or is it not the sky itself, but the stars and sun and such?

In the vedas there are distinctions between material heavens. svarga, and the absolute transcendental abode, vaikuntha.

on top of this the universe is segregated into an upper (heavenly), middle (earthly), and lower (hellish) planetary systems, and the visible sky is the scope for these three types of planetary systems.

vaikuntha, or the heaven commonly associated with the monotheistic god, is not visible since it lays behind many coverings (since it is transcendental, it can only be approached by transcendental means)
Crom lives on a mountain, from whence he sends his devils to torment the cowardly and test the strong.
:rolleyes: The only thing that exists is the concept of god and that has its place inside the human mind.

Actually god is right behind the thalamus, towards the right side. At least mine is because all my headaches start from there.
god lives above us...
he is above us because he is more intelligent...
he lives in that spiritual heaven... your mind.....
try to reach it...
Well lets see...

In Christianity, it is written that "no man has seen nor can see" (1 Tim. 6:15-16) and Jesus says "the kingdom of God comes not by observation, for behold the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke XVII.20-21), however there is a trinity, the Son and Father may be visible, but not the Holy Spirit

In Islam, "No vision can grasp Him, But His grasp is over all vision; He is above all comprehension, Yet is acquainted with all things" (Qur'an 6.103).

In Hinduism, the Upashinads, SB, and Bhagavad Gita state that God is the unchanging, eternal witness or observer existing before the material world, after, and in between just the same, beyond the senses, causeless, absolute bliss, reality itself, however God can show himself in physical form, although this physical form is not really God