Where do you think good/evil came from?

I think we can say that truth is good and concrete. What is "good" certainly is not abstract in that respect. Most christians believe that evil did not come from Satan but the freewill that God gave us. Of course Satan is lighting the match but only if we allow him.
Originally posted by okinrus
I think we can say that truth is good and concrete.
You can say that but do you think it makes it true? I think there are several types of truths. A "relative" truth would be an example which contradicts your claim.
Originally posted by okinrus What is "good" certainly is not abstract in that respect.
"good" is PURE ABSTRACT, so you're wrong. "good" is absolutely subjective.
Originally posted by okinrus Most christians believe that evil did not come from Satan but the freewill that God gave us.
Most christians have a lot of eronious beliefs. Cult members are that way by definition.
That glimmer of supposed light will probably be stomped out here. That last question about punishment was a sarcastic question. I think that's a very dangerous way to run a civilized society. And by that "logic", a guy like Hilter couldn't be brought to justice.
Nobody would need the Bible to tell them that genocide is wrong, but it does say that murder is wrong, just to reinforce it.
Wesmorris, Could you give me a specific example as to where a relative truth exists? When does 2+2 not equal 4? When does the sun not rise in the east and set in the west?
Originally posted by jcarl
Wesmorris, Could you give me a specific example as to where a relative truth exists? When does 2+2 not equal 4?
It's easiest just to use your example:
Originally posted by jcarl
In Hitler's mind, it was the right thing--even moreso, it was *Beneficial*--to mankind to exterminate the Jews. That was his version of right.
It doesn't matter how much we don't like it. To him it was true.

More people are nice than are mean.

Is that truth?

Life is great!

Is that truth?

Mean people suck.

Is that truth?
I think we can say that truth is good and concrete

'Truth' can neither be good nor evil, which are relative terms and have no grounding in reality. Sometimes the truth can destroy people's minds and that is certainly 'bad' to them. Imagine learning the world is round for the first time, certainly such a concept seems evil and may hurt others, but it's the truth nonetheless.

For me I think 'morality' should be removed from the equation of good and bad, because it attaches mystical notions to it. Things should instead be seen as:

good- what helps society.
bad- what hurts society.

This can almost be vague in itself. For example: taking away products with CFCs may be seen by some as hurting society because it destroys technological progress. However, getting rid of CFCs protects the environment and forces society to find safer alternatives.

I think this song sort of sums up the God concept from Dante's perspective: (it's not exactly grade A poetry)

Morbid Angel:

10. God Of Emptiness

Lies - And you fill their souls
With all oppressions of this world
And all the glory you receive?
So, What makes you supreme?
Lies - Your crown is falling
I offer fantasy
And you, you creator are
Blind with envy

Let the children come to me
Their mother loves me, so shall they
Woman, bleeding, ate my gifts
Man was close behind
Just like a snake I'm slithering
Through my world divine
And like the cat I'm stalking
I'll take your soul and You'll
Be like me
In emptiness, free

Just bow to me faithfully
Bow to me splendidly
Just bow to me faithfully
Bow to me splendidly
Just bow to me faithfully
Bow to me splendidly
My bad, I read your post and had the word truth in my head. This is what I meant to ask: Can you give me an example of relative *good*?

Ok so good equals benefitting society. Then why are so many people of the persuasion that capital punishment is wrong, as it does benefit society since they can no longer kill?
I'm a bit confused about what you are asking.

People are opposed to capital punishment because they are idiotic self-moralizing Judeo-Christians who deserve capital punishment themselves. People oppose all types of things for religious or dogmatic ethical reasons without any grounding in reality.
I don't know which "Judeo-Christians" you know, but the ones that I know are very much so in favor of capital punishment.
Jcarl how can the morals and ethics that were taken from thousands of years ago be in any way beneficial to the society that has moved forth from that time? In the bible it says that women should always serve men unconditionally...is that right in todays society, or is it right period? In the bible it says that it is wrong to be a homosexual. Is it still wrong to be a homosexual in today's society...a bishop that is a homosexual was just allowed to remain bishop. There are many things that the bible tries to plant into our heads that will hinder the human race from moving on, and it is necessary to move on as a species so that we can better ourselves as a whole.
While I agree with your points Altec, wouldn't you say that current positions on women or homosexuals are based on moral positions themselves? For thousands of years the woman's place was to raise the child and tend to the man. To do otherwise was seen as 'morally' wrong. However, in modern times, the idea of a woman being a housewife is said to be 'morally wrong'. Do you see how the standard reversed? The same goes with homosexuals. At one time it was thought that homosexuality was pure evil, now it seems that no one can question a homosexual, a minority or a cripple without being judged as 'evil' or 'unethical'.
Ever since the fall of pagan Europe, the moralists took over and that is unfortunate.

On Judeo-Christians:
I'm talking about the more liberal brands of Judeo-Christians, the ones who like to picket and spew humanist garbage. In fact, liberals not even be religious, they must simply adhere to some stupid concept of morality.
That is what I was trying to say, you just seem to be able to word things better than me. I believe that we need to stray more and more away from the morals and ethics of the bible and create these things for ourselves. The bible cannot tell me what is right for me, and I think that it in essence hinders me because it plants those seeds in my head that I believe to be both morally and ethically wrong.
Originally posted by altec
Jcarl how can the morals and ethics that were taken from thousands of years ago be in any way beneficial to the society that has moved forth from that time?[/Q]

How about the ten Commandments? Or the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus takes the "Thou shalt not commit adultery" one step further by saying in Matt. 5:28<"Whosoever looketh upon a woman and lust after her, has already commited adultery in their heart."
Whether you agree that the Bible is of divine inspiration or not, you must admit that if people followed the Bible's teachings--along with the writings of Confuscious, Buddha and others--that this would be a very well off society.

[Q]In the bible it says that women should always serve men unconditionally...is that right in todays society, or is it right period?[/Q]

It is right period. Men have spiritual authority over women as a result of the first sin(see Gen. 3:16). However, that doesn't give the man the right to abuse or take advantage of his wife. Paul, as a microphone for God, said,"Husbands love your wives, just as Christ loved the Church and gave himself for her."

[Q]In the bible it says that it is wrong to be a homosexual. Is it still wrong to be a homosexual in today's society...a bishop that is a homosexual was just allowed to remain bishop.[/Q]

That is so against Biblical teaching it's not even funny. In Romans 1:27,"Likewise men , leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in lust for one another, men doing with men that which is unseemly...." The Episcopal Church it can now be said is on the slippery slope away from God.
Exactly, if any progress is to be made the bible (and the communist manifesto) need to go onto the burning pile.

Things can be approached in a non-moral way, but still apply concepts of good/bad (as socially positive/negative):

The homosexual issue is being approached in an idiotic manner. If two gays want to get married I don't think it's an issue, but in the reproductive outlook any promotion of homosexuality is wholly unacceptable.

My standpoint on females is that they ARE the mothers of the children and therefore should concentrate on raising their children instead of getting jobs and joining feminist groups. Male and female each have something unique to offer their child and when roles are confused society becomes decadent.
Originally posted by altec
. The bible cannot tell me what is right for me, and I think that it in essence hinders me because it plants those seeds in my head that I believe to be both morally and ethically wrong.

You can believe that if you wish, I'm not going to try and stop you if you're cemented in that belief. Just hope for your own sake that you're right.
Originally posted by jcarl
My bad, I read your post and had the word truth in my head. This is what I meant to ask: Can you give me an example of relative *good*?

Did you think to try to answer your own question first or did you just ask without thinking eh?

Surely you can think of some examples for yourself.
I can't think of any because I don't think they exist. So enlighten me.
Originally posted by jcarl
I can't think of any because I don't think they exist. So enlighten me.

you lazy bastard. next time you'll have to try harder. i'll cave to demonstrate my point.

how about spanking. if I spank my kid is it good or bad? what if i spank them and they grow up to murder the person who would have destroyed the world? do you think there is any relative good in any of that?

what about brocolli? to me, it used to be bad but now it's good.

what about abortion clinics? are they good or bad? i'll bet you'll get some fanatically insistent answers on that one.

what about capitalism? is it good or bad? what about this conversation? what about my motivation to make you think for yourself? which is it? good? bad?

what is good for you isn't necessarily good for me (since our tastes (in all things, laws, women, food, ad infinitum) differ)... wouldn't you agree?

the direct implication is that good and bad are relative. it's pretty much that simple.
When we use relative good it usually implies lack of information. We do not know the complete consequences so we are unable to judge it is true or false. I don't think this means that good is actually relative. We are just unable to judge.
Originally posted by okinrus
When we use relative good it usually implies lack of information. We do not know the complete consequences so we are unable to judge it is true or false.
No, when Hitler believed killing jews was good, to him and others like him, it was good. Regardless of our objections, it was good to them. I don't lack the ability to judge, it's easy to see. Why don't you take the example I gave and break them down on a case per case basis rather than make some silly incorrect blanket statement with no real bearing on much besides "what you think" - which is generally unimpressive.
Originally posted by okinrus
I don't think this means that good is actually relative. We are just unable to judge.
Why don't you try for an actual argument rather than restating the same thing several times.

Let me ask you all:

If it I really think something is good, it IS good to me, right?

For instance, blowjobs. I have had a LOT of blowjobs performed on me and for chrissake man, they're good. I've cherished all but a few. Christian types are supposed to think blowjobs are bad. I'm sure many do. To me though, they have made my life better by relieving a lot of stress.

How can you deny the relative goodness?
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