Where are you in the whole Paranormal Debate?

How do you see yourself in reguards to the Paranormal?

  • I am a faithful believer of the Paranormal

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • I am a skeptical believer in the Paranormal

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • I am a neutral skeptic of the Paranormal

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • I am a skeptical nonbeliever in the Paranormal

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • I am a faithful nonbeliever in the Paranormal

    Votes: 3 12.5%

  • Total voters


Truth Beyond Logic
Registered Senior Member
So, how do you look at the whole idea of investigating the paranormal? NOTE: Paranormal phenomenon can include any fringe from UFO's to Cryptozoology, ancient civilizations, ect. REMEMBER: You must be totally honest with yourself. The question is not just one I ask, but you must ask yourself.

After answering, please try to sum up in a paragraph your views. Please avoid flame wars, hot debates, ect. This is meant as a poll of opinions, not discussion.
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Sorry, Xevious, I do not adhere to terms like "believer" and "non-
believer." They have an almost religious-like meaning, like faith or
a lack of faith in something. I base my opinions on available evidence
for something, and my personal opinions can vary between highly
likely and highly unlikely on a number of proposals. Unidentified
Aerial Phenomenon, abductions and paranormal subjects are all
completely different items and should not be grouped together in
my opinion.
Hmmm, word games again? The word "believe" means by definition to be convinced something exists. It doesn't matter if that is based on evidence OR faith, unless the context for that is provided in the sentence structure. I included options for both in the poll. I can't see then, how you are trying to dance around it, accept as you stated, perhaps an emotionally uncomfortable association of the word "believe" and religion.

Now, when you say that each phenomenon should be given a "yes" or "no" or varying degree of probability in between that is fine. However, the purpose of the poll is to ask youself honestly what kind of skeptic you feel you are with reguards to paranormal phenomenon as a whole. If you have no problem with all of the topics contained therein being lumped togeather in the first place and called "Pseudoscience" (the title of this very forum), then why do you have an issue adressing them as one for purposes of this poll?
In what sense do you consider yourself skeptical, Xevious? How does your skepticism manifest itself?
Originally posted by Xevious
Paranormal phenomenon can include any fringe from UFO's to Cryptozoology, ancient civilizations, ect.

Well I believe in ancient civilizations, for certain. Also I feel that it only makes sense to believe in things for which there exists a solid body of ethereal evidence which points toward one conclusion. In other words seeing a light in the sky and concluding that it MUST be an alien space craft is right out, as it’s quite a mental leap. Such a conclusion would be more fantasy than anything else, as there is nothing at all pointing toward it.
Holding for true, or the subjective validity of a judgement in relation to conviction (which is, at the same time, objectively valid), has the three following degrees: opinion, belief, and knowledge.

*Opinion is a consciously insufficient judgement, subjectively as well as objectively.
*Belief is subjectively sufficient, but is recognized as being objectively insufficient.
*Knowledge is both subjectively and objectively sufficient.

Subjective sufficiency is termed conviction (for myself); objective sufficiency is termed certainty (for all). I need not dwell longer on the explanation of such simple conceptions.

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An excellent post, spookz. That is exactly the way I see things,
but lacked the ability to state it in such clear terms.
original post edited by spookz to include this statement:
Subjective sufficiency is termed conviction (for myself);
I do not agree with this statement, personally.
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Spooks has worded very well what I would have said to James. I am a skeptic because I have reservations about paranormal phenomenon, just as any good scientist should be aware of the problems of ANY working idea. However, I currently percive the evidence supporting paranormal phenomenon to be not conclusive, but firm enough that further investigation is warranted. This means entertaining the possible explanations until they are either disproven, or verified.

This means that I find the investigation of the phenomenon compelling but accept that in the end, it could all be nothing but hogwash. Other skeptics like Hans and Skinwalker have seen me skeptically, but I will remind James that in ALL the times supposed UFO photos have been presented at sciforums, I have been amoung the skeptics and debunkers each and EVERY time. I've always rulled insufficient data, or hoax.
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I am a skeptical believer because I accept that there are things I can not explain logically.
Neutral skeptic.

I'm neutral because I don't find myself jumping to one side or the other. Our science is young. We in no way have all the answers concerning anything, be it UFOs or a possible afterlife. I don't automatically believe that anything we can't explain right off the bat is a hoax. At the same time I don't take it to be proof of anything other than a lack of knowledge on our part.
As for being skeptical:
Well, I'm skeptical about everything. ( I guess that should read paranoid.) We a raised being taught how things are, only to be confronted after a decade or so with mountains of 'facts' that claim just the opposite.

Who am I to decide anything, let alone what the truth is.
I do not think there is sufficient evidence to warrant further investigaytion of ET visitations, ESP, Bermuda Triangle, channeling, and most other prarnormal and/or occult phenomena.

If somebody comes up with evidence, I will be astonished and willing to revise my opinion.

Meanwhile I continue reading about nonsense when not in the mood for factual literature and no good fiction is available.

BTW: Anecdotes are not evidence.
I do not think there is sufficient evidence to warrant further investigaytion of ET visitations, ESP, Bermuda Triangle, channeling, and most other prarnormal and/or occult phenomena.

you appear to know stuff. elaborate please

If somebody comes up with evidence, I will be astonished and willing to revise my opinion.

how unique! a fair and openminded person. thanks for sharing

Meanwhile I continue reading about nonsense when not in the mood for factual literature and no good fiction is available.

when bored, i scratch my navel (and on occasion, my ass)

BTW: Anecdotes are not evidence.

why the need to state the obvious? lemme try one....

BTW: Anecdotes do not make a science

there! everybody feel wiser now?
Because anecdotal evidence is not derived from scientific method does not mean that it is untrue. It only means that science may be ignorant of how to define it.
Originally posted by candy
Because anecdotal evidence is not derived from scientific method does not mean that it is untrue. It only means that science may be ignorant of how to define it.

An excellent post, candy, with a message that seems to be continually
ignored by some.