Where are Heaven and Hell


Registered Member
If per say there is a what we call heaven and hell. How do we know where they are? Everyone thinks of heaven as a pieceful place in the cloud with golden gates but that is not stated any where. Heaven good be underground sourrounded by flames and hell could be up in the sky in a pieceful environment tortuting people. So where do we get the assumption of where heaven and hell are located?
from the bible NT...

[20] Once, having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God (heaven) would come, Jesus replied, "The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, [21] nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you.

The same is for hell. It's in people's minds. It isn't really "located" anywhere. Hell is here on earth... if you do bad things (if you do not follow "God") you'll have a bad life... that's natural... karma... your next life will be bad if you live this life bad... cause and effect, very simple.
intriguingmoose: If per say there is a what we call heaven and hell. How do we know where they are? Everyone thinks of heaven as a pieceful place in the cloud with golden gates but that is not stated any wher. Heaven good be underground sourrounded by flames and hell could be up in the sky in a pieceful environment tortuting people. So where do we get the assumption of where heaven and hell are located?
M*W: Dear intriguingmoose,

You must think logically where heaven and hell could be located. Everyone's conception of heaven and hell are different, depending on the way they were taught. Think for a moment... no one knows for sure where they're located as no one has come back and told us. That's suspicious if you asked me. So, all we have to go on are our senses to determine where heaven and hell are located. Therefore, I say that heaven and hell are within the boundaries of our consciousness. There is no way these "places" could exist at a different location. You will find a "peaceful environment" right in your own life right now. Heaven and hell are human concoctions. Therefore, they only exist in the human mind. I will tell you this: the whole idea of heaven and hell was created by ancient human thinking, so, therefore, these places really don't exist. It is your choice to choose to live within these constrictions as they would only exist in your mind.
That is a confused question to begin with.

Heaven and hell are not physical places. They don't even exist as physical things. I know (or think I know) that you don't believe them to actually exist as physical places, but still there is a deeper point. That being: you could never look for such things in this realm. You could never expect anything that remotely resembles physical things, for like minds, heaven and hell are non-material.
Looks up...Hello Heaven
Looks down...Hello Hell

How do you like the lack of daylight, get used to it because a 1000 years lockup would really put a damper on the tan.
Dreamwalker said:
I would say both are where you believe them to be...
If one believes in heaven and/or hell then they occupy a place in that persons' psyche.
DarkEyedBeauty said:
Heaven and hell are not physical places. They don't even exist as physical things. I know (or think I know) that you don't believe them to actually exist as physical places, but still there is a deeper point. That being: you could never look for such things in this realm.
what other realm is there?? :confused:
You could never expect anything that remotely resembles physical things, for like minds, heaven and hell are non-material.
so your mind (brain)is non-material? wtf?

heaven and hell are concepts invented by the humans,to scare control other humans,(they arent real)
scorpius said:
what other realm is there?? :confused:

so your mind (brain)is non-material? wtf?

heaven and hell are concepts invented by the humans,to scare control other humans,(they arent real)

Brain doesn't equal mind. If you look into/at someone's brain, where are the emotions, memories, fears, hopes?

The other realm is just the realm of the immaterial...thoughts and whatnot.
Just like the gods, the heavens and hells are whatever and wherever you want them.
intriguingmoose said:
If per say there is a what we call heaven and hell. How do we know where they are? Everyone thinks of heaven as a pieceful place in the cloud with golden gates but that is not stated any where. Heaven good be underground sourrounded by flames and hell could be up in the sky in a pieceful environment tortuting people. So where do we get the assumption of where heaven and hell are located?

Heaven and hell are inside us - they are simply different levels of conscienceness we can exist on.
Location of heaven

Psalms 103:11 For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.

Location of hell

Ezekiel 31:16 I made the nations to shake at the sound of his fall, when I cast him down to hell with them that descend into the pit: and all the trees of Eden, the choice and best of Lebanon, all that drink water, shall be comforted in the nether parts of the earth.
dalahar said:
Tell us more...what else did you find while you were up the pope's ass?

since no one has ever been to either heaven and hell, we can safely say that no one has been up the popes ass, that includes me, I just know its there, in the same way christains seem to "know" that god exists, you will have to prove me wrong if you dont like my theory.
Well, the thing to realize is:

At the end of the thirty days after Jesus' resurrection, He ASCENDED into the skies, just as Elijah was rushed up in a flaming chariot INTO the skies, just as Christ was predicted to come a second time WITH the clouds.

Therefore the Bible writers believed that heaven was beyond the clouds, high above.

Of course, this would only make sense if you believe the earth is flat...
Jesus ascended inwards through himself, but of course christians always read metaphor as fact.
Hmmmmmm, so if you should die in space under zero gravity, in which direction would you ascend?