Where are all the Christians?

*Originally posted by Adam
Well, as many people have explained in many threads, we have this thing some people call the scientific method. We research, investigate, learn, practice, and do many many experiments to find out what and why.

But you haven't established whether it is delusional to think like that or not.

*No, faith is belief without reason. *

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
(Hebrews 11:1, KJV).

Besides, there is plenty of reason to believe.
Prosperity, no sickness, everything going right and nothing going wrong.
I'd say that would be enough reason for a lot of people.

*That's friggin priceless. *

It is, especially when watching someone who is sick who stays that way because they don't want to believe in getting well.

*Originally posted by justagirl
Now we all know he didn't heal EVERY disease and sickness

I think what you mean is that he didn't heal every PERSON.

*I know you claim your faith is immune but *shrugs* perhaps you should see a shrink??*

No thanks, I'd rather be well.

*Originally posted by Xev
Theory is not pure speculation.

Yes, it is.

\The"o*ry\, n.; pl. Theories. [F. th['e]orie, L. theoria, Gr. ? a beholding, spectacle, contemplation, speculation, fr. ? a spectator, ? to see, view. See Theater.] 1. A doctrine, or scheme of things, which terminates in speculation or contemplation, without a view to practice; hypothesis; speculation. ---

*Nor is Christianity truth, and even if it was, this would not make science false. *

Christianity is truth, and you're right, that wouldn't make science false.
What makes science false is the ludicrous conclusions that some scientists jump to "based" on their observations, assuming that they aren't completely faked in the first place.

*False dilemna.*

It's that reading thing again.
Cris said that Christianity and science are opposites, not I.
My statement was based on his, so the false dilemma accusation applies to Cris, not me.

*Of what? Of mental illness? Perhaps.*

It would do wonders for your argument if that were true.
It isn't.
I believe I won't get sick, so I don't.
I believe I prosper so I do.

If being healthy and wealthy is your definition of mental illness, then best of luck to you.

*Tony, sleep off the remains of friday night before posting here. *

You don't so why should I?

*We know 'our' truth is true because, gee whillikers! It agrees with experiment. *

Well then, you don't know anything other than that your "truth" agrees with your experiment.
Since the scientific method is based on falsifiable experiments, how would you know that you are running a valid experiment or not?

The assumption you make is that the results should be falsifiable, but you have never questioned the validity of the experimental method.
In fact, that is the fatal weakness of the scientific method.
No one has ever independently verified that the scientific method is a valid method for collecting valid knowledge.

*Reason has validity independant of what fundie nutters claim.*

Of course, but the point is, can the scientific fundamentalists, you, actually demonstrate that what you claim is reason is actually reason?

*Good scientists get rid of said theories. That is how science works.

Don't they teach these things in high school?

No they don't.
What they teach in high school is evolution.
There isn't any evidence for it, yet no "scientist" is getting rid of that theory.

*No, but both sides in the Thirty Years War had them, the Inquisition used it, Kramer and Sprenger used it extensivly, as did all the witch hunters, the Boers used it to justify slavery, as did slavers in the American Soulth, the Catholic French used it to persecute the Hugenauts....shall I go on?*

Do, but all you will get is a few dozens of wars out of the tens of thousands that have been fought, which hardly qualifies as "most" wars.

*Originally posted by blonde_cupid
I believe in salvation through Jesus Christ.

Maybe Xev and Adam will realize that after arguing for science all they'll have is death waiting for them.
Maybe Xev and Adam will realize that after arguing for science all they'll have is death waiting for them.

I can't speak for Xev (coz she's a weirdo and a bully), but for me, well, death is death. I'll feed the worms. I'd much rather concentrate on doing life right than worry about what comes after.

***I'd much rather concentrate on doing life right than worry about what comes after.***

Some people can do them both without worry.:)

*Originally posted by justagirl
Now we all know he didn't heal EVERY disease and sickness*

I think what you mean is that he didn't heal every PERSON.

*I know you claim your faith is immune but *shrugs* perhaps you should see a shrink??*

No thanks, I'd rather be well.
You quoted me out of context on purpose to try and prove a point. Does your God say it's ok to lie"???here is what I said

Matthew 9 35
Jesus went through all of the towns and villages, teaching in their sinagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and "healing every disease and sickness.

WEll that verse disputes what you say and it is in the Bible. Now we all know he didn't heal EVERY disease and sickness as if he had of, there would be no more illness and I know you claim your faith is immune but *shrugs* perhaps you should see a shrink??

The verse clearly says all disease and sickness and did not say a damn thing about people
*Originally posted by justagirl
You quoted me out of context on purpose to try and prove a point.

What context?
You had a context?

*Does your God say it's ok to lie"???here is what I said

Matthew 9 35
Jesus went through all of the towns and villages, teaching in their sinagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and "healing every disease and sickness.

WEll that verse disputes what you say and it is in the Bible. Now we all know he didn't heal EVERY disease and sickness as if he had of, there would be no more illness and I know you claim your faith is immune but *shrugs* perhaps you should see a shrink??

The verse clearly says all disease and sickness and did not say a damn thing about people

I see that you're slightly dyslexic.
He healed every disease that people had.
After they're healed, some people get sick again, later.
Surely, you have noticed that some people can have a cold and get over it, and LATER, they have the flu?

But again, I'd rather have neither and skip the shrink, too.
I suggest you go read some medical books as the reason you catch something again is you caught a bug from someone else..Matthew claimed Jesus healed every disease and Illness which would stop the spread of Illness.

'I see that you're slightly dyslexic
not slighty but BIG time..do you have a problem with that?
Tony: We are using different definitions of 'theory'. Mine is 'a hypothesis to account for a set of data'.

What makes science false is the ludicrous conclusions that some scientists jump to "based" on their observations, assuming that they aren't completely faked in the first place.

You will have to be more specific. What ludicrous conclusions?

I believe I won't get sick, so I don't.
I believe I prosper so I do.

Unfortunatly, that is not the way things work. If (Cthulhu forbid!) you were to contract Ebola, you would get sick no matter what you believe.

If being healthy and wealthy is your definition of mental illness, then best of luck to you.

I may be an athiest and a materialist, but there are more important things in life than 'material' things.

That is, I would rather be sick and poor but moral than anything else. I'll take love over money any day of the week.

You don't so why should I?

I rarely get drunk.

In fact, that is the fatal weakness of the scientific method.
No one has ever independently verified that the scientific method is a valid method for collecting valid knowledge.

On the most fundamental level, all is axiomatic. If you wish to embrace nihlism, be my guest.

Of course, but the point is, can the scientific fundamentalists, you, actually demonstrate that what you claim is reason is actually reason?

Is blue blue? Is a dog a dog? Prove it.

What they teach in high school is evolution.
There isn't any evidence for it, yet no "scientist" is getting rid of that theory.

I was home-schooled (or rather, self taught until college) so I cannot speak for what is taught in American high schools, but there is plenty of evidence for evolution.

Do, but all you will get is a few dozens of wars out of the tens of thousands that have been fought, which hardly qualifies as "most" wars.

We would need a more discrete sample. Would you like to analyze European history?

Maybe Xev and Adam will realize that after arguing for science all they'll have is death waiting for them.

Possibly. I do not think there is much chance of any life beyond life, so, yes.

The same goes for all of us. Cherish life while you can.

Adam: I may be weird, but I am not a bully. You are a booger-brain though! :p

***We know 'our' truth is true because, gee whillikers! It agrees with experiment...

Good scientists get rid of said theories. That is how science works.***

If what you call "truth" is fleeting, with theories being discarded and/or replaced with other theories, then the truth that you speak of is synonymous with "verisimilitude" - which is not really the truth, but a quality. It is the quality of "appearing" to be true or real (a theory appears to be true and is accepted as true until the theory is proven to be false or a theory which appears more acceptable to mainstream science comes along).

So, in that sense, the "truth" of science is just an illusion.

"Truth" in the sense that I understand it is synonymous with "reality" - which is a state of being. Contrary to just "appearing" to be true, it is the state of "being" actual or true. Truth encompasses all things that possess actuality, existence or essence. Not just those things which have been subjected to the scientific method.
*Originally posted by justagirl
I suggest you go read some medical books as the reason you catch something again is you caught a bug from someone else..Matthew claimed Jesus healed every disease and Illness which would stop the spread of Illness.

You can only heal people, so that verse means that he healed every disease that he found IN PEOPLE.

*not slighty but BIG time..do you have a problem with that? *

I don't but it gets kind of weird responding to what you thought some poster wrote instead of what they actually wrote.

*Originally posted by Xev
Tony: We are using different definitions of 'theory'. Mine is 'a hypothesis to account for a set of data'.

Same as mine.

\The"o*ry\, n.; pl. Theories. [F. th['e]orie, L. theoria, Gr. ? a beholding, spectacle, contemplation, speculation, fr. ? a spectator, ? to see, view. See Theater.] 1. A doctrine, or scheme of things, which terminates in speculation or contemplation, without a view to practice; hypothesis; speculation.---

You've simply fallen for the "scientific" propaganda which tries to imply that Theory is somehow superior to mere speculation, when it is actually exactly the same.

Just because the people doing the speculating wear white coats doesn't make their speculation superior to the speculation of people wearing, say, denim.

*You will have to be more specific. What ludicrous conclusions?*

For example, that evolution is true.
Or, that modern man originated around the Olduvai Gorge area based on the discovery of a jaw and a knee joint found a few miles apart.
Or, that the speed of light is a constant based on the fact that it was measured yesterday or the day before.

*Unfortunatly, that is not the way things work.*

Granted, that's not the way things work for you.
That is how they work for me.

*If (Cthulhu forbid!) you were to contract Ebola, you would get sick no matter what you believe. *

I thought you said cthulhu was supposed to be dead.
I guess where the rubber meets the road is that I won't be contracting ebola.
It is very different being a believer in God's word than it is to be in your shoes.

That's why repentance is called repentance.
It means changing your mind.

*I may be an athiest and a materialist, but there are more important things in life than 'material' things.*

You're neither an atheist nor a materialist, since you believe in cthulhu.
In any case, there may be more important things than prosperity, but it takes prosperity to get to them and to enjoy them.
Besides, if you're sick and broke, that tends to take your mind off those more important things.

*That is, I would rather be sick and poor but moral than anything else. I'll take love over money any day of the week.*

Yup, guys are just lining up looking for sick, broke, but moral women.
There just a certain je-ne-sais-quoi about pus running down some girl's face from open sores.
And being broke is like icing on the cake, or should I say scab on the sore?

What planet did you say you were from?

*I rarely get drunk.*

That's a good thing.
Me, too.

*On the most fundamental level, all is axiomatic. If you wish to embrace nihlism, be my guest.*

Nihilism isn't my cuppa tea.
But it appears that your religion is all axiomatic.
IOW, you believe what you believe not because it is true, but because you axiomatically say you believe it.

What if you're wrong?

*Is blue blue? Is a dog a dog? Prove it. *

That's kind of missing the point.

Is the earth 5 billion years old?
Some guy down the street detected some radiation from a rock, and that proves it is.
How does that qualify as reason?

*I was home-schooled (or rather, self taught until college) so I cannot speak for what is taught in American high schools, but there is plenty of evidence for evolution.*

"There is plenty of evidence for evolution" is merely scientific propaganda.
If you don't believe me, look at what is being touted as evidence, and try to figure out how it is actually supposed to be evidence, of evolution, that is.

*Would you like to analyze European history?*

Not really.
I'd rather analyze Far Eastern history and write about the impact of the Bible on all those wars.
It'd be much easier and much less work.
Similarly, I'd rather tackle the effect of the Bible on all the Amerind wars in North and South America prior to 1492.

*Possibly. I do not think there is much chance of any life beyond life, so, yes.*

So what's the point in arguing for science then?
*As for people being healed, even when the Bible records Jesus healing all sorts of people who came to him, there were people he chose not to heal.*

Here's how he chooses...

... According to your faith be it unto you.

*Originally posted by justagirl
I suggest you go read some medical books as the reason you catch something again is you caught a bug from someone else..Matthew claimed Jesus healed every disease and Illness which would stop the spread of Illness.*

You can only heal people, so that verse means that he healed every disease that he found IN PEOPLE.

now you are disputing yourself trying to prove how right you are...*shrugs*
I see what you mean about being dyslexic BIG time.
It seems as though you're not just dyslexic about letters, but about meanings as well.
tony1, that's a nice christian attitude you've got there, making fun of peoples problems. What are you doing later today? Going out to laugh at paraplaegics?
Originally posted by mcflytrap
I'm just curious who's on my side! ;)
Are you not the poster who said - "I'm a christian, please flame me" ? To determine who's on your side, simply look for the most virulent flamers.

Of course, none of the flames would be directed towards you :), they are generally aimed at the 'atheists'.
Originally posted by Adam
tony1, that's a nice christian attitude you've got there, making fun of peoples problems. What are you doing later today? Going out to laugh at paraplaegics?
On re-reading justagirl's posts, I must say that she does not seem to show any more or any less spelling ability than 90% of the posters on the internet. Her comment -
Originally posted by justagirl
not slighty but BIG time..do you have a problem with that?
seems to be just a pissed off reaction.

But whatever justagirl's reasons may be, tony1's replies are absolutely disgusting - and fully in accord with what I've come to expect from him.

EDIT: mcflytrap, meet tony1. True christian extraordinaire and all around nice chap. Hang around and you'll soon meet the others on "your side".

I see you like to analyse and refute everyone's comments.

You seem to have a lot of pride, which is not a good thing for christians.

Why are you so arrogant?

Matthew 5:5
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

You certainly aren't meek....you are not blessed.

In my opinion, you are an obnoxious self centred ignoramus.

best regards,

"I am an athiest, spank me" would be a good title for a thread....


You've simply fallen for the "scientific" propaganda which tries to imply that Theory is somehow superior to mere speculation, when it is actually exactly the same.

Just because the people doing the speculating wear white coats doesn't make their speculation superior to the speculation of people wearing, say, denim.

No, theory is testable and tested speculation. Absolutly right on the second part though.

I guess where the rubber meets the road is that I won't be contracting ebola.
It is very different being a believer in God's word than it is to be in your shoes.

Are you saying that Christians don't get sick? I'm confused.

Yup, guys are just lining up looking for sick, broke, but moral women.
There just a certain je-ne-sais-quoi about pus running down some girl's face from open sores.
And being broke is like icing on the cake, or should I say scab on the sore?

I have not been to the sort of bordellos you seem to frequent.

What planet did you say you were from?


Is the earth 5 billion years old?
Some guy down the street detected some radiation from a rock, and that proves it is.
How does that qualify as reason?

You are referring to radiometric dating, which is not the only way we use to date rocks.

And, more like 4.5 billion years.

If you don't believe me, look at what is being touted as evidence, and try to figure out how it is actually supposed to be evidence, of evolution, that is.

I have. Fossilized cases of speciation, evidence of microevolution, genetic resemblence between all living things, all fits together.

Not really.
I'd rather analyze Far Eastern history and write about the impact of the Bible on all those wars.
It'd be much easier and much less work.
Similarly, I'd rather tackle the effect of the Bible on all the Amerind wars in North and South America prior to 1492.

Bit of a straw man there, but you are right. The Bible is not responsible for every war ever fought.

So what's the point in arguing for science then?

I enjoy using my mind. If I didn't, I would be out at another god-forsaken boring-ass frat party getting hammered rather than working tonight.

any more or any less spelling ability than 90% of the posters on the internet.

That's not saying much, as a typical internet 'conversation' tends to be along the lines of:

"Whacha doin"
"go 2 www.dancingcatfish.com an se"

Of course none of this constitutes dyslexia, but then, according to Tony, we are all strung out on hash while we post. :rolleyes:

But whatever justagirl's reasons may be, tony1's replies are absolutely disgusting - and fully in accord with what I've come to expect from him

If she can't take the heat....

Justagirl, Tony:

And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.

Better now? Looks like he healed every sickness and every disease that the people had.
just one point

One point here, what does "every" refer to in the passage? Does it mean that every person in the city was free of disease, or does it mean that every kind disease that people brought for Jesus to heal was healed?

so to look at another translation (the KJV can be a pain to try to muck through) The NASB's Matthew 9:35 reads:
Jesus was going through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness.

I don't have my greek text with me to check the original wording, but the majority use words like "every sort" and "all kinds" as seen here

Are you saying that Christians don't get sick? I'm confused.
Yes he is. He stated so elsewhere. Tony1 is a true Christian and can't get sick. Those who get sick have been possessed by evil spirits. And such people can't then be considered Christians.

Simple stuff huh? Takes humanity back, ooh I'd say 5000 years. But then tony1 does have a particularly unique view of Christianity that doesn’t seem to relate to much that other Christians or atheists see as Christianity.

So don’t assume that anything you think you know will match anything that tony1 thinks he knows, i.e. you are not likely to find much common ground. Also he has his own unique form of logic, which has rules that change dynamically depending on which perversion of theistic belief he wants to exploit. And he never starts topics and virtually his entire strategy and tactics are one of destructive criticism.

Have fun. Your creative sarcastic humor is absolutely the only worthwhile approach to take.

Originally posted by tony1
I see what you mean about being dyslexic BIG time.
It seems as though you're not just dyslexic about letters, but about meanings as well.
Originally posted by Adam
tony1, that's a nice christian attitude you've got there, making fun of peoples problems. What are you doing later today? Going out to laugh at paraplaegics?
"Tony1 is a true Christian and can't get sick. "

He can't get any sicker than he already is.